mlanggin88 Member


  • HAHA... I am right there with you on that..... I gained last week... but I am focusing on this week and whats to come.... One day at a time... I already am feeling much better this week and I know I can bust it out :) Have a great week #4
  • Don't feel bad... I gained this week too.... I am trying to not let this get me down... My goal is to just log my food this week and then get exercise in when I can... Hoping you have a great Week 4 :)
  • Thanks girl..... Starting to feel better.. Hoping to be able work out today too :) Nice job on your weight loss... Keep being strong girl....
  • Ok so I stepped on the scale this morning (for the first time this week) and was shockingly surpriesd I was still under 255. I did gain this week but I knew it was coming... Onwards and downwards... I created a new MFP account... I think this will help me get back at it. My goal is to log in each and everyday and log all…
  • Unfortunately... I have not been able to really incorporate alot of fruits and veggies in... but I do know if you you incorporate the fruits as most of your carbs and sugars your waist line will go down. For some people on low carb diets, fruits and veggies is the best way to go and will see great results...... I LOVE…
  • I hear ya girl, you can keep doing whatever works best for you... and just update us when you can ... I know life can be busy.. I used to be apart of a group that would weigh in on Tuesday... since It didn't really work with my schedule I would use the Friday's before weight.... Seemed to really work for me :)
  • I feel ya girl.... I am in a rough patch of lose gain lose gain..... I ate HORRIBLY this weekend and I won't look on the scale (that should tell you how scared I am).... But I told myself enough.... I am focusing on being right with my body and not with the scale... I made a goal to not weigh myself until Friday and let my…
  • I def believe so..... MINE TOO
  • I promise to stay faithful to my Jillian Michael workouts and try to get in at least 30 min each day....
  • Hey everyone... Sw for this challege is 255.0 and my goal is to be 239.8 which equals 15.2 to lose for this challenge that is just a little over 1lb a week That is completely doable for sure :)
  • Right there with ya girl :)
  • Welll I hate to say it but....... I GAINED 1LB this week... Better than what I expected.. Sad thing is I exercised all week and tracked my food. :( O well next week will be better SW 251.2 W1 252.2 Next week I am really wanting to lose 2lb and get under to 249.2 Fingers crossed
  • Change can always be really good on diet and exercise.... keeps our body on it's toes... I may try that today and see what happens :)
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE your enthusiasm........ So motivating... I hope you have a great first week :)
  • Sorry about that...... I have updated the spread sheet and reselected to have it shared.. Here you go I have the new link below
  • Sweet.... I logged everything last night and stayed under my cal goal... I didn't eat the healthiest... but I was able to get a great wo in too the scale is down already from my weekend gain too :)
  • Hey Guys, Final weigh in time for me..... 251.2 That is a total of 5.6 for this challenge.... Hoping to lose double that in the Memorial day challenge... Hope to see you all there :)
  • Alright time for my weigh in........ Starting weight for this challenge...... 251.2 Goal for the challenge is .....................240.0 This will put me at a weight I was back in freshman year of college.... Let the fun begin
  • Starting Weights in this forum.... Then next week i will update group and enter a Week 1 Forum...... Any day you want to weigh in is up to you :)
  • Here we go.... This is me as of Saturday
  • That is completely up to you... I will post Week ! weigh in on Sunday.. So if you know your weight from last Sunday (3-10-13) then go ahead and enter it now.. It's up to you when you want to weigh in... That is the joy of having an open week.. As long as I can everyone totals by Saturday I am good.... Glad you joined :)
  • These are great questions.. You can weigh in what ever day you prefer... I know for me I like weighing in on Friday bc it keeps me strong during the week.. What ever day you think will work best for your weight loss journey is fine to use.. I normally keep the weights between group participants.. I will have a spreadsheet…
  • Soo I noticed I never input my weight for Week 3... I was going to update but completely spaced. SW 256.8 W1 255.6 W2 254.2 W3 253.6 So far down 3.2 for this challenge... Looking forward to a great end to the challenge and pushing through to end week4 with a bang :)
  • I agree completely....... Just focus on 1 day at a time and what you can change.. Me, I will be cleaning out my cupboards and fridge out with nasty food and replace it with good food... I already made a grocery list... I also plan adding a little more cardio to my regiment.. I think focusing on the goal at hand helps…
  • Hey guys, I was totally thinking about doing a memorial day challenge it would be 10 weeks starting on 3/18/2013... Do I need to start setting it up now?? Let me know... I could totally use a moderator to help me with keeping the challenge clean and up to date.. Let me know what you all think.. I think a new long challenge…
  • Congrats... So happy for you.. I know reaching a number that hasn't been seen in a long time can be so amazing to feel.. Keep at it sista :)
  • Whoo hoo it's Friday.... So ready for the weekend.. This week I am down another 1.4 and making it truly official of losing 50lb since March of 2012.. So excited to see the number pop up and stay there :) Here are my stats SW 256.8 w1 255.6 W2 254.23 Slow and steady wins the race i guess.... Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • Nice Way to go girl!!
  • That's awesome... I have been in a funk myself.. Really hoping to break the 250's... That is my goal .. no dead line but just a goal. Ready to see a 24-something for sure... Good luck this week
  • I saw that.. Thank you for posting for me... I actually had lost about a lb or so in week 1 and based on this mornings scale report it looks like I could lose another lb or so.... Hoping to get out of my funk soon... For some reasons my mind and body is loving the 250's and just wont go past 255... however my weight losing…