Cherylwrite Member


  • You will get there, it's all about steps...Keep taking those steps. Whether you are going to walk a mile or run a marathon, you have to take those first scary steps. After my son was born, I was almost 300 lbs...I am now about 220 (Big yo-yo going on) Starting from his birth, my journey is about 140 lbs total...I have…
  • A Captain's Chair is an apparatus that you climb into and your legs hang. You support your body with your arms, and you lift your legs against gravity. It may not be the best description, but hopefully it will help you picture the apparatus. It is usually found in gyms. With the rods in your back, I would do planks...Get…
  • The Bacon Storm (or The Perfect Bacon) Fried Bacon Tomatoes The Hunt for Red Bacon The Fast and the Bacon The Cutting Bacon In the Bacon Now Original Bacon (or Bacon Sin) A Series of Bacon Events
  • Congrats on your wedding! You've come so far...Think about your dress and the style that it is..Does it show off your arms, shoulders, etc? It's not all about the cardio, remember to strength train, so you have gorgeous lines to show off and awesome muscle tone. How many inches do you need to lose? Muscle weighs more than…
  • Thank you. He's now 2 years old, so this pic is obviously not the most recent. I don't often get to be in pictures as I am usually the one taking them. So when I do see myself in pics, I am horrified at what I see. :sad: Other than being heavy, I do not have health problems, but I also know that at almost 37 years of age,…