hrbo Member


  • Someone once told me that the only person who can make you feel bad is .....YOURSELF! Congratualtions for NOT giving him the power to control you and how you feel about yourself. I don't know you at all, but I know how hurtful people can be and what effects their toxic comments can have to sabotgage your emotional well…
  • Hi Amanda. I have 113 lbs to lose if I am to hit my doctors goal weight for me. I find 113 lbs a little overwhelming to tackle so I have knocked it down to 10 lb. losses. I am 5'7" and as of mid-July was 278.4 at the doctors office. This morning I was down 8.2 lbs....that is enough to keep me motivated. I am starting a new…
  • Hi I am Suz, I am 57 years old, 5'7" and 15 years ago I maxed out my weight at 292.....I managed to get down to 227 and then life happened. I am an emotional eater and eat out of stress. Went for my yearly physical mid-July and weighed in at 278.4 (OUCH!!!!!) Came home with a new resolve. Doctor told told me that I had no…
  • CONGRATUATIONS! WOW. You look great! 54 lbs down is such a major achievement. Keep it up.