

  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Hate to say it, but I have been doing TERRIBLY since leaving school in June. Many of the members of my graduating class are experiencing the same kind of Depression - but now that we are all ordained ministers, we get to call it "The Dark Night of the Soul." heh heh heh...

    I have never had so much difficulty setting goals let alone keeping to them.

    Mostly I am just going from day to day, trying to keep Positive, doing Dream Work, starting Life Visioning process recommended by Michael Bernard Beckwith, reading "A Course In Weight Loss" by Marianne Williamson, and spending more time in Mindfulness so that I recognize and respect my emotional twists and turns.

    I am hoping this is just a phase, but WOW it is lasting a LOT longer than I ever could have anticipated.

    Thanks for asking and thanks for Listening!

  • hrbo
    hrbo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am Suz, I am 57 years old, 5'7" and 15 years ago I maxed out my weight at 292.....I managed to get down to 227 and then life happened. I am an emotional eater and eat out of stress. Went for my yearly physical mid-July and weighed in at 278.4 (OUCH!!!!!)
    Came home with a new resolve. Doctor told told me that I had no major health problems today at age 57 but couldn't say that at 60 if I continue this upward climb towards 300 lbs. THAT WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
    So I came home, tossed all of the junk out in the house, the kids were furious but too bad, they don't need it either.
    Bought a new digital scale (because I am a visual learner), made up a series of tracking sheets that I posted where I could see them and be motivated daily.
    Rejoined MY FITNESS PAL and tracked my food/exercise daily. This is a MUST for me if i want to lose weight.
    Bought a new 32 oz Nalgene water bottle...bright blue!
    Dragged out my recumbent bike in the basement (for use daily).
    Charted out several walking plans (so I won't get bored)
    Made sure that I have lots of fresh veggies cleaned and cut up in the fridge for an easy grab.
    Going today to get new pedometer and start tracking daily steps.
    Bottom line: At 278.4 I felt lousy, huffing and puffing, not sleeping well, emotionally feeling awful becuase of the way I was treating my body. Doctor wants me at 165 and 113 lbs lost is my goal, although I have broken it down into 20 lb increments so that 113 is not too overwhelming for me.
    I start a new job September 3. August's big goal is to go to that job as healthy as I can get in the next 30 days.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    This is my Saturday post because yesterday just overtook me!

    Went to visit my aunt who lives in a retirement home. She has early stage Alzheimer's but is still able to live in her own apartment. She goes to lunch and dinner, but still manages to make her own breakfast. I also had a little visit with another lady who lives in the same place - she is one of my former students, so I was able to encourage her to get back to lace-making which she hasn't done since she moved a couple of months ago.

    DBF and I went to the mall to walk round - he is disabled and walks very slowly, but I try to encourage him to the mall every day to do at least one circuit. I don't walk slowly with him all the time, but do short speed walking bits to look at or go to other places and then back to him. We met up with 3 people whom we had met last week and sat and had a good chat with them. I have lots of friends, but DBF doesn't so it is good when he 'clicks' with people.
  • sunbaby2013
    :huh: HI Ladies.....Guess I'm still learning how MFP works. I love reading all of your posts. I realize I am starting to log in to MFP first, before any of the other sites. :flowerforyou: Keep up the great motivations. It's going to take a little bit, before I can catch up with everyone.

    August Resolutions:
    Walk 5,000 steps everyday. I don't exercise, so this will be a good start.
    Keep within my Goal Calorie intake
  • sunbaby2013
    Keep Up the GREAT Work! :bigsmile:
  • sunbaby2013
    Great Choices!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    welcome to all the new gals,
    you will so enjoy these ladies, each and everyone is a God Send:bigsmile:
    we are a happy bunch and keep everyone entertained thats for sure..
    we are also dedicated to keep other on the up and up and pull each other through this journey..
    we also are here for a shoulder to cry on, to vent , or just chat..
    these ladies have helped me to lose 43 lbs and keep on trucking,I have a commitment to get healthy and stay healthy.
    and we can all do it:wink:
    baking white chocolate macadamia cranberry cookies for the DH and oatmeal raisin cookies,
    I am working full time this coming week so will be trying to get stuff done today..
    did 1/2 on the elliptical and did the machines, and now a ball of energy... whooo knew:laugh:
    will try to keep on truckin and sweep and wash the floors in a bit, but also enjoy the day...
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Once again, I am getting into the habit of reading all posts but not responding. I seem to be having a hard time focusing on one thing long enough to formulate responses. My mind is racing in all directions as I try to wrap my head around teaching all new upper level courses in September. I am feeling overwhelmed and can't seem to find a place to start. I also have to learn how to use and teach with the Inspire calculators which I have never used. I know I can do all of this and will truly enjoy the challenge as soon as I get started, but feel frozen!! Tomorrow I will spend some time with one of the teachers who has been teaching two of the courses and am sure that will help immensely.

    Meanwhile, I am trying to get my house organized so that it is less stressful in the fall when I return to work. I am making some progress, but still have a lot to do. Today, for as long as the rain holds off, I am going to go outside and work on the river rock we have along the front of the house. When the rain hits, I will work on organizing my office/sewing room. For fun I will work on the quilt I have started. For work, I will go through the Algebra 2 standards so I can ask questions of my collegue tomorrow. For exercise I will do the 30 DS and my weight training. Better get moving!!

    Congrats to all with NSVs and hugs to al who are struggling.

    Deb A in CNY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Hi all!

    Grandmallie- well done at the Italian restaurant.. it has got with me so that eating out has become a bit of a hurdle to jump through, rather than a nice relaxing experience. I was lucky on Thursday that it was seafood and no calorific sauces. You did so well.

    Joyce- I meant to say how jealous I am of you in the capris. My ankles are one of my WORST features as I have sprained them several times and the ligaments have adhesions. They swell up very easily and are always lumpy. Capris sound so cool for the hotter weather.

    Amanda - congrats on your DH's niece. I hope she pulls through her current difficulties. I have known a couple of Down's children quite well and they really love life! There are a lot of opportunities these days, not like when I was young.
    The new friend of my DH who goes to cricket with him has just learnt that his new grandchild has a connective tissue disorder, epilepsy and who knows what else. All these things are life changing, for the parents as well. I hope they all find the strength to make the best of their situation. We go into parenthood with such high hopes ......:heart::heart: :heart:

    Talking about parenthood, we heard today from DH's other DD that his #1DD has kicked out her criminal fraudster boyfriend for not being honest with her, whereupon he went down to her house in France, broke in and sold off her stuff! !!!!:noway: He has also left DH's ex wife with an unfinished kitchen and £4000 poorer.!:sick: Well, DH is super angry, but he did warn her at the very beginning. Kids eh! Of course she wouldn't know any better as she is only 42!!!!:bigsmile: :sad:

    I have just eaten a huge piece of Brie, but still hope to make it to my target today.:grumble: It's about the first time I have had an absent husband binge in a very long time. They used to be frequent. Maybe I'm feeling neglected as this is the 3rd day running he's been to cricket. I did tell him I didn't mind at all, which I didn't, but maybe my mini binge is telling me otherwise! Our visitors did present us with a whole Brie and as cheese is my weakness and I am the only one that eats it I suppose it is surprising that I haven't attacked it until now, one week later!:flowerforyou: Went to our local M&S and bought lots of lovely goodies, so will have English cherries for dessert instead of stewed fruit to save a few cals. We have lamb and bean stew for main with broccoli. Must get started on it.

    Janie - I will do the p** sticks next time the package comes in the post. You are right.:laugh:

    Well ladies, cooking beckons. Must have DH's dinner on the table when he gets home from cricket!!:laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: Do I sound like a 50s house wife? ★★★★★★★♥ And I go and pick him up! I think it's love rather than my feminism slipping!:blushing: :heart: :laugh:

    Bye for now and welcome new people. You can do it! Just TRACK, TRACK, TRACK.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi All!

    I've (mostly) kept up with reading, but am just going to respond to posts from this weekend. Sometimes when something seems to be overwhelming, I use that as a reason not to do anything. So instead, I'll just make this manageable and that way I'll still get something done!

    Seems like many of us are off to a good start this August. Funny, I usually think of August as hot, sticky, harbinger of the end of summer and all that that means. Maybe because the weather in so many places was dreadful in July, and August is starting off much more pleasantly?

    Katla . . . I'm so glad you had a good Saturday - sounds like you met all your goals! Sorry you're having trouble with Century Link. I have no experience with them (haven't heard of them - maybe they aren't on the east coast), but when we switched to Sprint for cell phone service, I discovered their customer service was a nightmare!

    Amanda . . . I'm a pretty new poster here, but a long time lurker. Thank goodness your dad is moved - maybe now you can focus on yourself! I hope Audrey improves. I love that name. I've known many people with Down syndrome and they tend to have winning personalities.

    Anamika . . . Congrats on doing your Sat run - I have to admit I didn't do mine!

    DeeDee . . . You're always cheerful and encouraging - thank you!

    Heather . . . I have to start using your and Anamika's technique of thinking about the wonderful women of this group to keep me going when I exercise! mmmm ... lentils ... I love lentils.

    Oh no, your plastic bag and sticks have brought back memories of several years ago when my son was sick and I had to put stool samples in a whole variety of jars ... the thought does make a colonoscopy almost (just almost) appealing. Didn't know they aren't stressed in England the way they are here.

    Grandmallie . . . Were you always such an early riser? You seem to be up at the crack of dawn and accomplishing so much! Even with that very pesky foot! ...Caloric bombs - I love pastry - so I'm picturing an almond croissant morphing into a disgusting, bitter, cartoon bomb - thanks for the image!
    ... white chocolate macadamia cranberry cookies - you're killing me! Just thinking about the wonderful things you and Michele bake makes my mouth water - I just couldn't do it without binging. I promised my co-worker I'd make her daughter and boyfriend my "famous brownies" and I'm half dreading it because I know I won't be able to resist them (and I'll have to make a batch for my family at the same time or they'll disown me!)

    Barb from MA . . . welcome!

    Robin . . . Sounds like your new job has really helped you turn a page and start anew with many things! That's wonderful.

    Phoo . . . Glad you're feeling better and your cat is too! (hey - I'm a poet!)

    Jane . . . Sounds like you've made a fresh start as well. Congrats!

    Reann . . . like you, I gained weight after menopause and became heavier than I'd ever been. Finally decided I had to do something! I've had great luck with MFP - hope you will too.

    Kay . . . You certainly weren't just feeling productive, you were! Hope you're feeling better today. Where were you stung? As a kid I once stepped on a bee with bare feet - that one really hurt!!

    Joyce . . . Sounds like a wonderful birthday weekend! I'm so impressed that you had your cake in a mug and such a small helping of ice cream! I tend to easily fall of the wagon at these types of events.

    Meg . . . I remember you asked me about C25K. It's a structured program designed to move you from being a non-runner to being able to run 5K, by using a walk-run-walk-run approach. I think there may be more than one version. I got an app for my phone that tells me what to do and keeps track of what I've done. I'm halfway through it and up to running for 8 minutes before walking. But the next day is running 20 minutes straight! I think I need to repeat my 8 minute run day at least once before attempting 20 minutes!

    Sue in SD and Cheryl . . . I love horses. Did some riding when I was younger, but as I've always been a city kid (without $) never got to own a horse.

    Cheryl . . . 3 broken ribs??? A few years ago I cracked one and that was more than enough! No laughing or coughing for you!!

    Cinderella . . . Welcome to this great group!

    Garom . . . Welcome to you too. I used to scarf back almonds, thinking "well, they're good for me!" - then I started weighing them - yikes! I still snack on them but in a much more dignified fashion!

    JuliesInsulin . . . And welcome to you! Glad your medical issues are resolved! Good goals!

    Sue in Tx . . . I can't believe the weather you play golf in - very impressive!

    Barbie . . . thanks for your ongoing commitment to this thread! Glad your poodles are enjoying the weather!

    Sandy . . . We're having beautiful weather here as well. Hope you enjoy the movie - good plan to bring your own snacks!

    Melfitnesspal . . . Congrats on 51.5 lbs!! Well done! Bollywood dancing sounds like so much fun.

    Michele . . . We used to get the buttery kind of honey when I was a kid (but in Chicago, not Switzerland!). I wonder what makes it like that. Ricotta cookies - those sound delicious

    Gail . . . What a pleasant Saturday you had and a productive Sunday you have planned!

    Janie . . . Congrats on your successful exercising - seems you're well on your way to meeting your August goal!

    Becky . . . Welcome! This is absolutely a terrific group! Logging definitely opened my eyes to how much I am capable of eating!

    Janeba . . . Sounds like you have a plan! I am working on understanding and using mindfulness, still at the beginning stages for me. Hope your "Dark Night" becomes a lovely dawn soon. My younger brother wrote this poem when he was about 6 years old:
    How sad is the sunset
    How lovely the dawn.
    Like the doe dying
    But leaving the fawn.

    Suz . . . Welcome - You seem to have a great attitude and plan! Congrats on that and on your new job.

    Genealace . . . Sounds like a wonderful Saturday!

    Sunbaby . . . Welcome!

    Deb A . . . MY head is spinning, reading about all you have to do and all you are doing!! I think it's perfectly reasonable for your mind to be racing and for you to feel overwhelmed. Sounds like you are managing to accomplish quite a lot!

    Well, it's almost noon here and it's a beautiful day - time to get going!

    Best to all - enjoy your day!

    Kate in Brooklyn, NY
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Sunday report - just came in from about 75 minutes of gardening. I really don't know where all the dandelions come from. I dug up about 90 earlier in the summer and now, before cutting the grass, I just dug up another 70, as well as pulling up a whole mess of other weeds.

    I'm going to have a tracked lunch and then I'm hopping into the bath for a soak and leisurely read for a while. DBF and I will be going out for a drive this afternoon, and I'd rather go clean!

    Heather - we have the p oo p sticks too. Last year I got mine from the dr just before Christmas and didn't seem to have three days in a row when other things didn't conflict, so - about 3 weeks after Christmas (when all the rich food had gone from my system) I did it and mailed it in. It all came back clear. This year I didn't need it done again until next year, nor several of the other 'annual' examinations and tests which now seem to be biennial (is that how it is spelled when you mean every two years?).

    Later this week I have an appointment with my endocrinologist to get the results of my most recent bone density scan. I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta and very mild Osteoporosis and have been put on a new drug that is an injection every six months instead of having to take something every week and then not laying down. I think this is the first bone density scan since I started on it - so we will find out if it is working. I think it has less side effects than the pills.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: You met the restaurant challenge and won! Congratulations!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Becky from Demotte, IN: Enjoy your support group and stay with us, too. I was losing weight with MFP before I found this group. In fact, I didn’t even realize there was a website to visit for a several weeks. I wondered if there was an app for weight loss and there were two, MFP and Weight Watchers. I chose this one because of the calorie counter on my phone, and because I understand calories but never got the value of the points thing. In addition to that, Weight Watchers wanted me to pay and this is free. Counting the calories, doing the exercise—that is how the weight loss happens. This group of women is the most amazing addition to that formula. They help me stay motivated and happy. Welcome to the group.:flowerforyou:

    Jeneba: Graduating from school is an achievement, but it comes with a giant loss of community. When DH and I graduated from college all those years ago we stayed in the town where the college was located and struggled to make a living. We didn’t move to another town for years, and then I did have that feeling of loss you’re talking about until I made connections in the new place. If you haven’t been called to a congregation yet, volunteer in one. It will likely help. And make ways to stay connected to your friends though the phone, internet, and visits. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome! Please sign in with the name you choose, and your location. We have women here from several countries and it is fun to know where people live.

    Success! I’ve broken though my plateau and am back on track.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I was actually below my previous low this morning. Yay for water and accountability! :happy: And cheers for my recumbent bike.:love: I feel so energized when I finish a ride.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    afternoon ladies.
    I am on fiah(fire).. holy cow im goin to town... swept and washed both the wood floors,(murphys oil soap) and the regular ones, cleaned my bird feeder and put it downstairs in the cellar until fall, helped DH dry off the cars,he washed I dried...the cookies are done bagged and put away in the freezer..
    I cant believe from say a year ago.. Never would I have imaged myself so active, and feeling so well. amazing what eating right and exercise can do:bigsmile:
    I am starving right now.. didnt eat a whole lot yet, but have some eggplant,mushrooms and asparagus that I want to grill later,making the DH chicken and baked potato.. maybe will get his next 2 dinners out of the way for mon, and tuesday, that way I dont have to go crazy..
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I always enjoy reading everyone’s posts! Yesterday, at my sister’s, I had a wonderful time swimming in the afternoon, then relaxing in the hot tub, followed by a lovely salmon dinner with salad and avocado slices. I felt relaxed and like a loose noodle when I came home! :laugh:

    I’ve started the “Beginners Challenge…50 miles in August” and am heading out for my walk! Two of my August goals are swimming 2 to 3 times a week and joining an exercise group…so far the month is starting out good. :smile:

    Have a great Sunday! :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from Oregon
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    OK, ladies- This has just got to stop! Enough!!! I just read through the posts since I last posted and it took 45 minutes! I am exhausted from reading about all you are all doing....... I need a nap! Good grief, we are an exciting group..... we shop, we clean, we cook & bake (but give it away!), we kayak, we bike, we dance, we pull weeds, we kvetch...... oh, my! I think my favorite was going to a drive in again! I don't think I have seen a drive in in MN since the early 70's! :laugh:

    I am spending another quiet day. I have nothing on the agenda, so I think it is time to tackle the laundry and the floors (Granmallie, I blame you for planting the idea about the floors!) For real excitement, I need to get together the birthday cards that I need to send out for the month. It is a grey day here, so far, so it might be good to have things to do indoors.

    Still struggling with some queasiness from a couple of days ago, but it is easing up. I did not sing in church last night because I just didn't feel like I could stand that long (we lead most of the service from the front), so they did just fine without me. Hopefully, this will pass because once Monday morning starts, there is Stuff To Do! Tomorrow I am going to lunch at a new friend's home. She is an opera singer and travels all over giving concerts. She is also sponsoring a young singer from the area of Japan that was devastated by the hurricane and tsunami. That student is here in the States visiting and taking some lessons, so we get to meet her tomorrow. I am excited, what a wonderful thing for my friend to do! I am a little worried about the lunch, however, not so much for the calories, but for the gluten. I don't know if she really understands how to cook for someone who can not eat gluten. I guess I will just trust that she does, and see what happens!

    There were, I think, two people who posted about hitting and breaking the 50 lb loss mark- CONGRATULATIONS:flowerforyou:
    You are inspirations for all of us!

    Thank you to everyone who has sent advice and good wishes and happy thoughts about my PeeVee; he is much happier now that he knows Sasha can not get at him. :smile:

    Michele- I have lived through the time when God's answer was "No", and I pray that for you his answer is "Not yet, but someday".

    Well, if I am going to get anything at all done, I had better get off the computer. Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday, my friends!

    Pat (Phoo)
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Yikes, managed 30 minutes outside in the garden today -- too darn hot! Need to go to the store before the kids come over later, but being out in that heat was miserable, so I may just stay inside otherwise until after dark and walk then. Just tried making some brownies from scratch and I don't like the way they turned out so will buy a mix at the store.

    Its my birthday today and DH got up and fixed my breakfast before church, and gave me presents to start the day. Coffee mugs from Longhorn (I always comment how I like the shape of them) and a gift card for there, a treat for my evenings and a george foreman grill. He has to work later tonight so it was very sweet.

    Off to the store before I lose the momentum....probably BBL. (3700+ steps so far) :happy:

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. What a beautiful day here. Only 70 degrees out. Now this weather I could stand all the time. We went to Broken Bow yesterday and did the aides station for people on the way to Strugis. I went out of my comfort zone and talked to people and prayed with some. Also the people from our group left shortly after we got there so worked with people I did not know very well. I am proud of myself.
    grandmalli- Sounds like you made great choices on your night out. Sometimes we just have to relax and enjoy. Reading all the things you do wears me out. When I get off work today at 3 I may have to go home and take a nap.lol. My DH woke up at 3am and dicided since he couldn't sleep we should talk about yestereday. I had to go to work at 6:30, making a long day.
    Katla- Sorry to hear of your trouble with Century Link. I have never had to deal with them, but we did have Direct TV for acouple years and we were not happy with the service or the customer service. Congrates on breaking your plateau. I keep telling myself that not giving up is the key.
    Robin- you sound so much happier. Amazing what a better job can do for your whole life. This is a dumb question, but I have never delt with artifical truf. Can the dogs still do their job on it? Just woundering.
    Melanie- Sounds like you have lots of adventures moving so many times over the years. I do not do change well. I looked up the Bollywood workout and think I may have to try that someday when I am home alone. Then the only one to laugh would be the dog.
    Amanda- Please take care of yourself. Glad your dad is in a safe place. That will take alot of worry off you. Congrates on the new family member.
    Meg- Sounds like you have been busy enjoing life. What do you think of this cooler weather. Yesterday it rained on us on the way to Broken Bow and off and on while we were there. I was surprised at how many bikers were riding in the rain. Then DH reminded me that we have done that more then once.
    Juliesinsulin- Sounds like you've had quite the time getting your meds ajusted right. Glad you are doing better. I gave up diet pop last year for lent. Then started a bottle at a time and next thing I know I am drinking 4-5 bottles a day. So making mysef drink 28 oz of water for every pop. Somedays are better then others.
    Melfiinesspal- Congrates on the 50 pounds loss. Hope you celbrate. When I lost 75 pounds I bought myself a new braclet. Reminds me everytime I wear it how far I have come.
    Pat- So glad you are feeling better.
    Kay- I know I would not be so calm if I mowed over a yellow jacket nest. Then I am allergic and panic if I even see one any where near where I am.
    Joyce- Glad your dizzy spell is better. I stop buying clotthes for my grand daughters when they turn 8-9. Seems what I like they don't and I refuse to buy things that make them look like street walkers or advertising they are available. I am shocked at what some of these young girls wear. They are to young to even understand what they are wearing. But my grandsons like anything we buy them.
    Michele- Good Luck at the Church. I am sure you did fine. I know what you mean about places and names in the Bible being hard to say. Don't give up on your son, It's in God's time not ours. I really stuggle with that as I want answers or things now. God is slowing teaching me patience.
    Kate- I am real good about spacing things off that overwhelm me to the last minute. Then I have to rush to get them done and then I think about all the more things I could of done if I had started ealier and taken my time.

    got my goals for the month done. Will share them . Hope everyone is having a good day. Prayers and hugs to all who need them. Remember do not give up.
    Blessed, Vicki GI NE

    Goals for August
    1. Log every bite
    2. Drink more water --less pop
    3. Count my Blessings everyday
    4. Cut back computer time playing games
    5. Clean and organize the spare room
    6. Don't take everything personally
    7. Get rid of clothes that are too big.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Hi, popping in again,

    Talk of buying clothes for grandchildren reminds me to tell you I have been buying clothes for my new DGD due 23rd Sept.!
    DDIL asked me to get things for 3- 6 months so it will be winter. I bought a lovely long sleeved knitted dress and leggings and today went out and bought leggings and a matching cardigan in stripes and two sets of body suits that tone in long and short sleeves.:love::love: :heart:
    I want to get a pram suit, but they aren't in the shops yet as it's still summer. It is such fun buying for a girl, but I know DDIL doesn't want the clothes to be a sea of pink so I have to choose carefully. I love what I've got so far and it's not pink!:laugh: :bigsmile:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!Welcome new people.
    Decided to wt today.Up 21 more lbs.Reset my ticker,still have 45 lbs behind me,far cry from where I was a year ago.
    On a good note.Got to the gym 2xs so far and walked 2xs.The night eating is going better.'
    I know I can do this,I did it before.
    Thanks for all your love and support.
    You are an amazing group and so glad I`m part of it.
  • janie12835
    I’m going to the library to get a book, “You Are Your Own Gym guide to total fitness for women.”Hoping to find strength/weight ideas there to start jodios challenge.
    DH should be home sometime tomorrow, probably late. DN helped get his Harley (it’s a Sportster so not huge, thank goodness) into the back of the truck. We will leave from the airport since I’ve got him packed up and drive through to Sturgis SD for the rally there (17 hrs. – oh, my). I’ll drive the truck home. He & DN have been looking forward to this trip. DH missed a connecting flight from Afghanistan to Kuwait so he’s missing riding out there with DN – at least driving through means he will be there for enough of the rally & they can take their time on 2 lane roads coming back.
    It’s another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest, I love living here! Sending out positive thoughts and prayers to all, Enjoy your Sunday!

    • Grandmallie – way to go, getting that box right away & removing temptation while still enjoying your dinner! Glad you’ve got a full week ahead, too. (later) Oh, wow, white chocolate macadamia cranberry cookies – glad I don’t live anywhere close to you :-b
    • DeeDee – I love thinking of you & your tiara, did you have fun bossing the boys?
    • Becky – welcome! Good for your logging and seeing where the problem was. I enter my food ahead of time since I’m still getting a feel for what works. Yes, you have to be motivated however this is a great site for finding real and inspiring ladies. As Anamika said above, knowing you will be accountable to the group adds an extra level of motivation (at least for me). Good luck!
    • Jeneba – so sorry about your extended dark night, could you just start with one or two? Maybe begin by logging your food so you are aware of what is happening as Becky has done? Sending positive thoughts
    • Suz – hello, sounds like you have a wonderful plan! Come here often for the positive energy, it’s a fantastic group at different points in the journey to life-long health.
    • genealace – sounds like a wonderful way to walk. (later) Hope you get good results at the endocrinologist this week.
    • sunbaby2013 – I know what you mean; I come here first as well. Good luck!
    • Deb A – I’m amazed you took the time to write anything with how crazy everything is prepping for start of school. Wish I was doing that :-/ Sounds like you’ve planned things out well.
    • Heather – I’ll be waiting and watching for you to report that you’ve sent off your P** sticks.
    • Kate – your brother’s poem is beautiful. I’ve copied it to read when I start sinking – thank you & him.
    • Katla – Yea for you breaking through! Happy biking
    • Terri – Maybe I’ll join you on that beginner’s challenge – I should be able to do 50 miles I think. It’ll make me do my walking dvd daily
    • Jane – I’ve been exercising at night when in the past I’ve been tempted to snack – by the time I’m done I feel too good to cheat.

    :laugh: Log every day So far, so good!
    :laugh: Find healthier food options to work into daily meals Ditto!
    :laugh: Exercise every day 3 out of 4 - hmm
    :laugh: By end of August, do 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily (now doing ~20) – getting closer.
    :laugh: Keep moving all day (no excessive couch lounging!) good, Tuesday may be a challenge.

    Janie, Pacific NW
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