

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well things are quiet around here now. Oldest duagther thought the best present for her 12 year old niece would be to take her out shopping and let her pick out her own clothes. Plus she has a one on one shopping trip with her favorite aunt. This young lady loves ceramic dolls, her favorite is ones of the 1800s theme. Yes, weird for a kid. So my sister found one at a Goodwill, in it's own case and had her papers. A good buy. I had a shopping trip to her favorite store, Justice. It's for pre-teens. Kind of big girl but yet allows them to be kids. I spent to much, you kind of loose track of money when everything is 50% off. But I bought two complete outfits. I'm beginning to learn her style plus the staff really help. She was exctatic. So Grandpa and the younger one are downstairs playing corn hole us women are yacking and their dad is stuck with his head in his laptop where you will always find him. They all had chocolate cake and ice cream, I had my cake in a mug and 3 oz cup of ice cream. after I put it all in y diary I see I should have left off the ice cream but it's a birthday!

    As far as my dizziness today, I had a little bit this afternoon but very short lived. As far as cutting back the one medicine, this is what my doctor said to do. I am to check in with them in two weeks or earlier if needed. I'm not comfortable with adjusting anything on my own. I guess it all goes back to me always teaching my patients not to treat themselves but always keep the doctor in the loop.

    Sounds quiet downstairs now, I bet they are all asleep!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Greetings gals!~

    What a pretty day here; just overcast enough to not be too sunny and too hot, but not dreary. We had a great time last night. We went to Spaghetti Works and DH was a good sport and wore his birthday hat at the restaurant! It was so funny. I had my share of ice cream cake, so I won’t have any more tonight. Sorry I didn’t post yesterday; we also watched a movie (Identity Theft) which was pretty funny but not as hilarious as I thought it would be.

    Our Thursday night concert was great. It was our favorite party band. At first we were the only ones dancing (in the back) then we got brave and went right up front and before you knew it, everyone was up dancing! Somehow I managed to get over 11,000 steps in.

    Today we went to one of our city parks and rode the bikes for an hour and grilled hot dogs there. It was beautiful. That’s the longest I have ridden, so it was nap time when I got home. We’re having steaks on the grill tonight.

    Kbryant: welcome to our group. I have been to New Zealand…both islands and found it beautiful.

    Linda: welcome to you too!

    Genealace: I love your analogy! I say I have lost a cat! (We have a 20 pounder!)

    Msscn: welcome to you too. Good for your physician to talk to you about your weight. Too many don’t!

    Linda: welcome to you as well. Good for you to have lost some inches!

    Joyce: great goal. I remember when you first joined you said you couldn’t exercise at all, and now look at you go!

    Vicki: the storm was in full force about half way through the concert and it was fun to walk quickly (I don’t run!) to the car in that cool rain!

    Barbie: thanks for keeping us all going! Thanks for the colonoscopy encouragement; my hesitation is the meds; the vast majority of nurses (at least around here) do NOT give them correctly and I do NOT want them given so quickly. It would be just like me to be the one person in a decade who quits breathing due to having meds pushed too quickly. I’m agitating for anesthesia!

    Drkatie: what a great nsv!!! I either have forgotten or never knew what you teach? Math? School starts for me in 2 weeks. Bleh

    Melanie: great to hear the jeans fell off!

    Jane: you have had such stress with your lawsuit and now it’s over for better or worse. You lost a ton of weight before and you can do it again! Just make some baby steps!!!

    Ipina: any loss is a victory!

    Pat: glad things are calmer with kitty cat! Hope you feel better too.

    Jodios: count me in on the challenge. We have a bowflex and one of my goals was to use it twice a week! I have to move some of the construction stuff off it though! That darned basement is still not put back together!

    Janie: great goals for August!

    Jen: so glad you have joined us! I ‘ll plan to join your sexy 60s club in a few years!!!

    Garom: welcome to you too, Is Morag your name or is it part of Tewkesbury and that’s where you are from? Sorry that is a really dumb question but I am not familiar with your part of the world!

    DeeDee: hope you had a grand day!

    Anamika: great goals! I think a lot of us are afraid to set goals. Great victory on your run!

    Corgiwalker: welcome aboard!

    Heather: so great to wear those sleeveless tops!!!

    Kate: good goals!!!

    M: your leaves are turning ALREADY??? Holy cow. I am not ready for that!

    Laura: poor Dora! I hope she wasn’t hurt!

    Sandy : what a wonderful story about DS! He sounds like a wonderful young man.

    Kayak: DH and I are talking about buying some kayaks next year. Any advice? Who knew I would even attempt to use one often. I have been kayaking on vacations (cruises) and that was always so fun. But a year ago I would not have been able to imagine it!

    Katla: too bad the music was so bad last night.

    Brooke: thanks for the links

    Yanniejannie: great loss!

    Robin: hooray for your nsv!!!! And hooray that you are back to your old self!

    Carol: NAUGHTY horse! You poor thing. I hope he has apologized and paid for some very good pain medicine! Get to feeling better soon and take care of your self!

    Ohiomom: great to see you again!

    Mandybarbell: believe it or not I have a cat who wouldn’t eat tuna! He is 18 and a bag of bones, so I am trying to put a little weight on him,. The only thing he likes is his dry food…no canned, no tuna, no salmon, and definitely NOT the potassium I have to squirt down his throat with a syringe each day!

    Amanda: so glad to see you again and to know your father is now in a safe environment! OMG a hernia! You take care of your self or I will just have to come over the pond and make you behave!

    Well this post is getting long! I better get going and see about dinner. Since DD#2 is at work I will be cooking if I remember how to turn the stove on. Oh, wait, it’s the grill. Hmmmmm better go figure it out LOL. Take care all, Meg from beautiful Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got my 20 min walk in(that`s what dr suggested).Eating better.:drinker:
    Any ideas for what to do with artichokes.Some were given to me and I have no clue what to do with them.Tx
    Enjoy the rest of your day!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello to all! A beautiful day here, sunny but not too hot. I am on my own this weekend as DH is out of town. The house is nice and quiet, just me the cat and dog.

    Cheryl: Sorry to hear your horse dumped you and you got hurt. My old white guy dumped me once and I swear he stopped and looked back at me as if asking why I got off.:laugh: My current girl broke my hand when I first got her because she jumped through a gate while I was leading her out. The gelding behind nipped her butt. Oh well horses will be horses but we love them anyway put up with the risks of having fun with a very large animal. Get well soon.

    Wow lots of newcomers! Welcome to all. This is an awesome thread with lots of positive people and encouragement.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congrats to all with successes. Sue in SD
  • Cinderella10113
    Cinderella10113 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new....just turned 60 in May. I've been reading your posts and this sounds like a great group of ladies. In August, I would like to log every day and walk at least three times each week.
  • Garom21
    Garom21 Posts: 2
    Thanks Janie...yes I spotted my mistake...I have lost 3 stone since July 2012, and not 2013. I do plan on logging my food intake daily, it has already curbed my sultana munching!!

    So my goals for August:

    * Log every bite on MFP, adjust my eating if need be
    * Exercise at Curves at least three, preferrably four times a week, book some one2one sessions if I can
    * Look out my pedometer and start walking more. (Aim for 5000 steps to start with, hoping to get up to 10000 or more eventually.)
    * Try out some toning exercises, still far too wobbly!

    I will no doubt think of lots more I can do, but better to concentrate on a few things and succeed with them, rather than trying too many and failing with most of them. One of these days I will actually follow my own advice!

    Thanks again for the lovely welcome, I look forward to getting to know some of you over the coming weeks and months.

    Off to a family get-together tomorrow/today...after midnight so I need to get to bed. I will do my best to eat sensibly :wink:
  • JuliesInsulinResistance
    New here, not new to 50. I will be 55 next month. I have been terribly sick with undiagnosed then finally diagnosed hypothyroidism. After two years getting my medication dosage correct, I am now feeling so much better. I do not blame my thyroid on all of my weight gain. I am hoping that with the wonderful food diary we have here that I will be able to lose weight because I am really aware of what is going on in my mouth.

    With the right medication, my mind is now clear, I can actually think and make plan. I do not feel like I am trudging through mud and my personality is back! Mid July was when I started trying to get my weight under control and my health back. I have started with just walking, counting my steps. I have gone from 1000 or so steps a day to over 4000 steps a day. I stopped consumption of diet soda and now drink water (and wine). I have logged in my food on MFP the past 11 days and I have started reading labels looking particularly sugar grams.

    My August goals are: 1) continue water consumption and no diet soda 2) weigh myself only twice a month 3) keep eating as low sugar as possible 4) continue reading labels and finding new foods/recipes to eat 5) increase my steps daily 6) complete a squat challenge 7) do wall pushups daily
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
    Amanda - so sorry you're facing another surgery. Take care of yourself. It's good that your Dad is in a stable safe environment,
    Melanie - Bollywood sounds like so much fun. Let us know how it went. Two hours is a long time to dance!
    DH and I decided to play golf about 11 am. It was hot but there was a breeze so we survived! I'm in a match play tournament Tuesday so it was good to get some practice.
    I have copied the strength challenge and will print it out so i can remember everything I'm suppose to do. Thanks Jodios for all your work on this challenge.
    Watching the NFL HALL OF FAME inductions. Don't know why but I love to hear the speeches.
    Sue in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: This was another one of those days with an all day meeting with lunch served in the middle. I packed Isagenix bars in my bag “just in case” but I was feeling adventurous and willing to eat the lunch, if at all possible……….however, once I got through no beef, no white bread, no cheese, no chips, and no mayonnaise, the only things left were lettuce, tomatoes, and mustard so I took my Isagenix bar and went for a walk and ate it and felt much better about my choices.

    :flowerforyou: Melanie, can’t wait to hear how the Bollywood event turned out for you……I hope you have a lot of fun.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, a nap yesterday, early to bed and late to rise and I am my own self again, having learned a good lesson about why I’ve stayed away from caffeine…..it’s been awhile since I over-munched on something that I’ve put on my “never eat” list….but it was yummy and the side effects didn’t last too long.

    :brokenheart: Amanda, what an overwhelming collection of events in your life…….you need to treat yourself a bit more like a fragile flower and get back to your usual healthy self----another surgery so soon, ugh

    :bigsmile: Anamika, you are so right about this thread being motivating…..i often do the right thing so I don’t let all of you down.

    :flowerforyou: Barb from MA, keep coming back and reading the posts here and be willing to find a way to not nibble at the bakery….until you find a way, just log a full serving or two of a bakery item so you get an idea of how much they add to your daily food intake…..have you checked the local senior center for line dance classes?

    :flowerforyou: Pat, PeeVee is so lucky to have you spend time with him and cuddle……Bernie loves to cuddle with me at night.

    :flowerforyou: Janemartin, it looks like you are back on track with all your good habits….artichokes are delicious but most people dip the edible parts in butter or mayonnaise…..what to do with them takes a bit of explanation…..I suggest that you put “how to prepare artichokes” in the search box in your computer and you’ll get a lot of help.

    :flowerforyou: Reann, love your penguin picture……….the more active you are, the more you can eat……just keep at this one day at a time and you will be amazed at the results and the greater feeling of well-being

    :flowerforyou: Kay, one of my dance friends got stung by a bunch of wasps this week so I can imagine your discomfort (or worse) from the yellow jacket stings.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, how great that you got the dancing started……11,000 steps…wow

    :flowerforyou: Sue, enjoy your time alone……I savor such rare events.

    :flowerforyou: Cinderella, I hope you will keep coming back…..reading the posts every day is a great way to stay motivated…it won’t be long before you feel like you’ve been part of this community all your life.

    :flowerforyou: Garom, I found that it’s best to have only a few goals…..it’s easier to keep track of them and remember them….welcome.

    :flowerforyou: Julie, the longest journey starts with a single step and you sound like you are on your way….I hope you will keep coming back……your goals sound like things that you can really do.

    :bigsmile: We have had a couple of cool and drizzly days. The poodles prefer walking in cool wet weather so they have been very happy.

    :heart: Barbie from cold and drizzly NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    August Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *participate in the new strength training challenge
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome to the newbies, you will find this an amazing bunch of ladies. :heart:

    Today was a beautiful day, not too hot and a really nice breeze. I made it to the track for the first time this year. I was able to walk 1 mile. I'm planning on going again tomorrow. My DD and I are heading to the drive in tomorrow night. We have our snacks planned so we aren't tempted by the food sold there.

    Meals are planned for the week & grocery list is ready for tomorrow morning.

    I hope you all have a wonderful night.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Ladies

    Today is a big day. I finally hit the 50 mark for weight loss, 51.5 to be exact! I am so excited. Pretend you are seeing a big glowing 50 right about now, since I don't know how to include clip art here. Now, about 85 more to go...

    The Bollywood dance workout was fabulous! The 2 hrs flew by and I wasn't ready to go. She is offering a free follow up and then we will put on a flash mob dance at a local Mediterranean Rest. So out of the box for me but loving it! I love Indian food and now Bollywood too!

    Thanks for all the encouragement...we all feel down sometimes and these types of groups are a big help. I will eventually find my groove here in North Carolina, takes time.

    Off to rest, which I do not get enough of since menopause. What the heck. I miss sleeping 8-9 hrs but such is life.

    Good night, or good day to our friends abroad. :happy:
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Welcome to the newbies, you will find this an amazing bunch of ladies. :heart:

    Today was a beautiful day, not too hot and a really nice breeze. I made it to the track for the first time this year. I was able to walk 1 mile. I'm planning on going again tomorrow. My DD and I are heading to the drive in tomorrow night. We have our snacks planned so we aren't tempted by the food sold there.

    Meals are planned for the week & grocery list is ready for tomorrow morning.

    I hope you all have a wonderful night.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario

    I joined you today at 51 gone!! Yahoo....
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Melanie - what an exciting life, moving so much! My cousin gave me letters that my father had written to his sister (her mother) when he was stationed in Italy in WWII. The way he described the beauty of Italy makes me absolutely want to go there. Good luck on you workout. You gotta let us know about it

    katla - I sure hope you're right about my son, but honestly, I'm not holding out very much hope. I've prayed to God to bring my son back to me, and I'm beginning to believe that His answer is "no". Since we've been back, he hasn't called once to find out how my husband is doing. Not an email or anything. Oh well....maybe I'm expecting too much. That reminds me that I have to lector at the church tonight. There are two names that are hard, I'm going to have to constantly try to say them. The good thing is that if I mess up...no one knows since they're such weird names and not used today. So that's a positive for me.

    Amanda - congrats to your daughter. You must have posted about it while I was gone because this is the first I've heard of it. Glad you got your dad moved, but not glad you have to go back to the hospital. You are such a good daughter. Sending loving thoughts for Audrey. Many children with Down's syndrome live a long life.

    anamika - good for you continuing your run. Bet you felt so good when it was over

    DeeDee - I think that strange thing in the sky is supposed to be out today again. But then we won't see it for a while (boo). Have fun on your shopping trip and don't forget to buy me something nice!

    Well, I'm going to go to the farmer's market today. Didn't get there last Sat with all this rain. One of the things that I need to get is some local honey. My friend's husband that I was staying with in Switzerland asked for some local honey. Now their honey is thick -- sort of like a jam or butter, not runny like ours. I also want to see if there's any more corn on the cob left. It was SOO sweet before we left, I hope its still that way. Update: It wasn't as sweet as before we left, but I understand that the guy I bought it from before will be there next weekend.

    grandmalle - many restaurants will let you order a lunch portion, just ask . When Denise was in grade school, all the teachers called her "the social butterfly". The problem came in that she was too busy being social that she didn't get her work done.

    I went to the farmers market and got some corn on the cob which I cooked up (so the sugar won't turn to starch), have that read for the week. Then I made some tofu manicotti (just don't tell Vince there's tofu in them, he won't eat them), some of jb's low fat muffins (I like to have them handy), a couscous salad that I'll take to Mexican Train Tuesday (I really want to see how it is if it's made ahead of time. If it's OK, then that's something I'll make for the social) now I'm making these ricotta cookies for a friend of mine whose birthday is this weekend. She's a real sweetheart, the lady who's 50th anniversary I went to, she bought something for me to give Diana but when I told her the story of why I wouldn't give it to her, she wanted me to have it. I suspect maybe it was something that she couldn't return. Anyway.....

    One of my spatulas broke in half while I was making the cookies (boo). Fortunately, I have others.

    Reann - it is harder to lose as you get older, but it's not impossible. It seems to me that it's not so much how much you eat as it is the quality of the food you eat. I know when I was younger, I could have a bag of chips, no problem. Now.....totally different story. Glad to have you with us

    Kay - OUCH those bee stings!

    Joyce - sure hope you continue to do so well. One day of celebrating won't hurt you that much, but more than one day will (and does)

    Jessica just called. Slhe thinks she'll be leaving her cats here until Sept. One part of me is wondering if she's now feeling the fact that having a pet (like a child) ties you down some and she likes her newfound freedom. The other side of me says that she knows that they are safe and I know she does worry because one of her roommates leaves the door open. Lance one time went out and Jessica was so worried because he didn't get his insulin. On the topic of the insulin.....I really think he's getting better. Today I was a bit late giving it to him and as soon as I walked into the bedroom, he jumped off the cat tree that he was on and jumped up on the bed ready for his insulin. Yes, I did brush him a bit afterwards, too.

    jane - I'd just do a search about artichokes. I do like them, just don't really know how to prepare them.

    <singing> Cinderella dressed in yellow, went outside to meet her fellow..... I just couldn't help myself. Welcome!

    gaarom - have fun tomorrow at the get together

    JuliesInsulin - welcome! You're on a good path right now. So glad they got the hypothyroidism diagnosed. At least now you know what you're dealing with.

    Sue in TX - personally, the thing I like best about football is watching those guys in those tight pants running around on the field. I don't know defense from offense, but I like watching those guys :)

    I had a horrrible moment earlier. I was getting dressed for church and went to put on this one pair of pants that I have, a 6P. I don't remember when the last time was that I wore those pants (it has a wide belt so that should be an indication). Anyway, one of the things that I hate to see is someone who has their stomach hanging over their pants. I absolutely hate that. And it seems that someone who does that usually has a VERY tight top on, so you see rolls and rolls. Well, my top wasn't real tight at all, but I could see a hint of a roll above the top of the pants. I took those pants off and put on another pair. Now I'm going to use that as an inspiration to keep on track. I hated that look. If I have to, I'll put those pants on just to constantly remind myself that I don't want to look like that.

    Sandy - I wish there was a drive in near here. I loved them, the kids loved when we took them when they were younger. Have fun! What are you going to see?

    Melanie - woohoo for you!!!!!!!!!

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Evening, ladies --- what a full day, but it was good to be me today. I had an appointment for a massage in the morning and for a facial in the afternoon, so I feel very pampered. Also, my older DS came by today with a FitBit Zip for me. I put it on around 1p and have over 13,000 steps in today. How fun to see them mount up. I can see it will be very motivating for me.

    Need to set up communion at church tomorrow morning, and then will have the 'boys' over tomorrow night. Planning on going to the Y in the heat of the afternoon to do weights and treadmill time. DH has to work noon until 7p, and then there is a mandatory staff meeting. Hopefully he'll be home by 8p or so. Need to decide what to fix as I think it will be too late if we wait for DH to get home, then go to a restaurant and wait to get the food. Especially for a Sunday night since Monday means returning to the work week.

    Welcome to everyone new to the group and those returning after an absence.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to hold my place. The cat has my tongue. (Mom used to say this. It makes no sense, but it makes me think of her.):smile:
  • janie12835
    Yippee – 3 miles of Leslie Sansone walking dvd & 29 minutes was vigorous according to my bodymedia armband (sweaty me concurs). Now if I would just do 3 – 5 miles every day I could knock out a couple of my August goals. WOW, this got long but I think I caught everyone:bigsmile:

    • Robin – you do know every time I get on the dreadmill I think of you and your dogs, right? I am impressed that you stuck with your club soda; I don’t know if I could’ve resisted a drink or two. Way to set up a scale victory to come. (later) Skinny cocktail & water – again, pat yourself on the back!
    • Carmen – come to this thread often, everyone here will inspire you and you succeed on your journey.
    • Mandy – good for you meeting that walk/run goal. I’m going to wait to lose a little more before I worry about jogging. I like the idea of setting a number of miles to reach, though.
    • Joyce – take care of you! (later) Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time with DD & DGD :-D
    • Grandmallie – good for you with the salad; I’d focus there, who cares about the few fries. (later) relieved that you are icing the foot & taking it easier.(later) I don’t know if I could’ve resisted that caloric bomb, but now I’ll think of your term for it when I see pastries.
    • Vicki – good for you taking that deep breath and starting fresh. So sorry you’ve got things causing stress, but I hope you were able to relinquish control. Prayers for you. I’m sure everyone on their way to Sturgis will appreciate your aide station.
    • Cheryl – beautiful horse, sorry you’re incapacitated especially since one of your reasons to lose weight is to be kinder to him :-b
    • jane – happy new start
    • ohiomom – good for you still eating well and getting your exercise in, hope things calm down at work.
    • maryann – your goals sound good & I have to remember that veggies are my friend, too.
    • Barbie – sounds like an interesting experience with the chocolate covered espresso beans, I drink tea but have never developed the coffee habit. Glad you got that nap. You are the glue whether you’re talking or listening.
    • Michele – I’ve been wondering how to do HIIT, not that I could do an hour on the elliptical, but I could do a burst every few minutes. I may have to give that a try. Thanks for the idea. I love your brushing enticement for the cat. I’ll have to put that in my back pocket for my 15 yr. old cat Hobbs. Good for you recognizing “you do have control of how you react to what they do” – hold that thought.
    • Melanie – Bollywood workout sounds fantastic, 2 hours, impressive! (later) Congrats for more than 50!
    • Katla – good for you getting back on track! I know I’ve faltered before and used that as the excuse to give up, this thread and group of ladies is helping me see that I can misstep and still keep on with my aspirations.
    • Amanda – glad your father is settled, but, oh, my, umbilical hernia & more surgery. You really need to take care of you, please.
    • Anamika – good for you powering through and staying committed! It does help having this group to inspire and report to as well, doesn’t it?
    • Heather – isn’t it nice to get some rain for a change? We’ve had a bit after 35 days of gorgeous weather. I was happy to see it & we will be getting back to upper 70s/low 80s again this next week. (later) Yes, even if it is little sticks with p*** on them, you should really get that done (I almost said get that behind you – my weird sense of humor is acting up)
    • Barb from MA – as Barbie said somewhere here, recording a serving of what you nibble on will help you see how much extra you’re eating that you may not have been counting. If there’s no senior center, maybe your local library would have some DVDs you could try out.
    • Pat – glad you are feeling like yourself again. Sorry about the cat headache.
    • Jane – good & doable goals, fantastic!
    • REaan – welcome, it’s a great site and a marvelous thread of ladies. You are at the right place, this group is fantastic. Best of luck on your journey.
    • Kay – oh, my, yellow jackets. I am allergic but I’m not certain how allergic. Just remember when I was around 6 I stepped on a bee and had to wear my dad’s slipper because my foot was so swollen. I respect the stinging insects and they seem to leave me alone. I always worry when mowing about potential nests in the ground. How quickly you dropped that 5 lbs. – good for you!
    • Meg – way to inspire others to get up and dance! The bike ride and hot dogs sound great, too.
    • Sue – trust that you and the pets enjoyed the peace and quiet.
    • Cinderella – hello, come often – read, post, whatever helps you most.
    • Garom21 - “it has already curbed my sultana munching!!”- yep, right with you there. Knowing I have to record what I eat has me thinking carefully and strategically.
    • JuliesInsulin – so happy that your hypothyroidism is diagnosed and you can think clearly. Good luck with your goals!
    • Sandy – yea for the track, meal planning, & grocery list!
    • Gail – oh, that pampering sounds heavenly. Maybe I’ll plan for something like that at 50 lbs. down.

    :bigsmile: Log every day
    :happy: Find healthier food options to work into daily meals
    :bigsmile: Exercise every day
    :happy: By end of August, do 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily (now doing ~20)
    :bigsmile: Keep moving all day (no excessive couch lounging!)

    Janie, Pacific NW
    now this would really be me if the poodles were howling and sweating
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies!
    After reading Barbies account am off to do my yoga. You are right Janie, Michelle, Meg ....... feel more accountable and committed now. Wouldnt like to let my friends down.
    Wishing u all a very Happy Friendship day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning ladies,
    well I lived to tell the story..
    we went to the italian restaurant,holy heaven;s to Betsy ,I got chicken parm and just the chicken took up a huge dinner plate and then they bring a bowl of pasta over..
    well I did very well, had her bring a box as soon as the food arrived and I cut a 1/4 of the chicken and about 3/4 of a cup of pasta and put the rest in the box, I did have one piece of bread with butter which I think I forgot to log, and we went back to our friends place and I ended up having 2 carrot cake mini cupcakes.. by how I logged I stayed under count, and i got on the scale this morning and didn't gain so that is a plus:wink:
    dont know what the plans are today but will probably make the DH cookies and get stuff ready for the week since I will be working full time this coming week...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sounds like everyone is having a nice weekend, enjoying the weather and exercising:bigsmile: ! The sun is shining this morning here:glasses: and that really makes me happy:bigsmile: , now if my dreaded scale would cooperate:grumble::sad: , I would be a happy girl:tongue: ! Evidently I had too much sodium the other night and jumped up 2 pounds:angry: , this morning was only down .7:ohwell: , easy to put and hard to get off:mad: !

    I`m putting on my tiara this morning:wink: and going to boss the boys for awhile, that always seems to cheer me up:laugh: :devil: .

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in bright sunny and dry NC:glasses: :bigsmile:
  • crumbecky
    crumbecky Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning! This is my 1st visit and post to this group. I joined a weight support group 17 months ago and it hasn't helped me one bit, but I am hopeful to turn this no loss trend around. I seriously started tracking my food a couple weeks ago and now I understand why I am not losing anything. I just eat to many calories on a daily basis. Even when I thing I had a really great day of resisting temptation I am usually over my goal. So my goal for August is to plan my food and ENTER it into the food diary before it goes in my mouth.

    Becky from DeMotte, IN

    I need to add a sentence or two here, so there is no misunderstanding. I love the weight support group I joined, as it is a group of very lovely ladies the do support support each other. It just hasn't done anything to increase MY motivation, which really needs to be an internal thing, I guess.