Being teased and picked on For The LAST TIME

Last night, I was scrolling through some pics of a party I attended a month ago and I realized that a J-101 co-worker of mine's friend from their country say some lewd comments about me (including a couple other people, but not as nasty). So instead of just deleting the the comments and hiding from it, I called him out and told him to pick on someone his own size and to quit discriminating against people. Yes, I did block him afterward and no, I don't care if he tells my co-worker/friend that I work with. I swear, people have nothing better to do then poke fun at others when obviously there is something wrong with themselves. It is unkind to belittle people, especially when you don't know them and even more so when it is out in the open publicly humiliating them. He wrote this nasty comment in his own language and luckily I translated it on Google. The nerve he had to do that was astounding. He obviously is truly weak on the inside and wants others to feel just as small as he truly is. Well, I'll tell you, it won't make me feel small! I grew up being picked on but I trudged on through. I am not going to let anyone, especially one of my co-worker's friends (from an entirely different country) do the same thing to me! I love myself, I love my body! I may dislike my body sometimes but I still cherish it! No one will break me down and feel ugly ever again! I know that I am beautiful in my own way and people like him can just suck it! I am going to continue on toward a healthy lifestyle and achieving my weight loss goal. His nasty comments just makes me feel sorry for him and it also makes me continue forward because I know that I am better then that and will succeed at achieving my goals!

Sorry for my rant! :p


  • gogotan
    gogotan Posts: 3 Member
    sorry people are so mean :/ add me for motivation & support :) I am also a health and fitness coach and can help coach you to reach your fitness goals if you are interested. my coaching is free. i'm passionate about helping people reach their fitness goals.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Good for you! I remember when I was divorced I starting to gain. Was not because of that, but other issues. When my ex came at my door he asked me if I wanted to sign up for the biggest loser. I so wanted to slam the door in his face. People can be just so rude and blunt!
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Good for you! Keep going don't let that fool bring you down. :happy:
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    Good for you! I remember when I was divorced I starting to gain. Was not because of that, but other issues. When my ex came at my door he asked me if I wanted to sign up for the biggest loser. I so wanted to slam the door in his face. People can be just so rude and blunt!
    He's lucky to be alive
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    well, he's obviously a coward since he posted it in a language he thought you would not understand, and I'd rather be fat and honest than a sneaky slimy coward

    keep going, you'll get there! MFP is so great for support!
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    I'm sorry that grown adults have to be so juvenile. As someone who used to pick on over weight kids when I was younger, I know how karma has a way of biting back. As an adult, I myself was over weight for years and people used to snicker at me. Didn't feel so good.
  • hrbo
    hrbo Posts: 4 Member
    Someone once told me that the only person who can make you feel bad is .....YOURSELF!
    Congratualtions for NOT giving him the power to control you and how you feel about yourself. I don't know you at all, but I know how hurtful people can be and what effects their toxic comments can have to sabotgage your emotional well being.
    I am proud of you!
    Just remember that there are always people out there who have your back.
    Be proud of yourself!!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Further proof facebook is the worst.

    Good for standing up for yourself. Now just send him a flaming poo bag. I'm working on how to do it international post- I'll let you know if I figure it out.
  • juicyfruitkk
    juicyfruitkk Posts: 95 Member
    There are some real a-holes out there, sorry you've had your fair share. It's never easy to hear mean things but..... you already did the tough part by still loving yourself and not sinking to their level! :)
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Further proof facebook is the worst.

    Good for standing up for yourself. Now just send him a flaming poo bag. I'm working on how to do it international post- I'll let you know if I figure it out.

    UPS...what can brown do for you?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    You translated it on Google? You realise it probably meant something completely different to what you read? :laugh:
    Facebook is like the rest of the internet, it's fairly anonymous and people say whatever they want, sometimes you just have to ignore the idiots :flowerforyou:
  • roxy_babya2
    Thanks everyone for the support. I just had to rant a little bit but I am fine. :D