<waits for the inevitable "just break up" replies> Does swelling count as 'bulking'? If so, beat'm down with a frozen jug of milk! j/k Oh, how about some Wil E. Coyote trickery? Remember the one where he put buckshot in the pile of bird seed? Step 1: Make a bunch of "allegedly" healthy muffins, but secretly make'm "Paula…
Ha!!!...I love it!!
might be the types of foods your eating within those 1200 calories. 200 calories of bread, pasta, cakes and such will react differently in our bodies than 200 calories worth of vegetables.
Me too girl....sending a request now
request comming your way....
Hi....I definitely understand the feeling. Feel free to add me too
Thanks so much...
Ive got about 70 to lose....add me too
welcome back...feel free to add me
Hi....add me too
Hi there...I restarted this past April...more than happy to be a supportive friend
Im 38 mother of 3 also with the same amount of weight to lose, 70 or better.
In the same boat here...back at it again but this time I'm sticking to it!! Add mee too
hahahaha too much!! :laugh:
Im 5'5 and weight 226.....add me
Hi there, Im here friends always welcome
Im a returning mfp-er me
Essex co. over here
add me too
Hi there, Im restarting also. I'll be glad to be your friend
made some quinoa bars tonight for the first time...they came out really good. I searched recipes on google and found one I liked. I omitted the oats and used quinoa, chia seeds and ground flax instead. There's alot of different recipes out there, most pretty easy to make
Day 7 DONE!!!!!
Im in the same boat with you....I'm here if you wanna add me
same here.....I'm starting over again too. Maybe we can keep each other in check and motivated
In real life im 38 turning 39 this year lol, definately dont act my age. Funny how your mind still thinks you can do the same things like you were still in your 20's, until your knees and back give out (LMAO :laugh: )..... yup thats me!! Feel free to add me
Im restarting fresh with at least 70 lbs to lose...definately need friends to motivate and support....your more than welcome to add me
All I can say is wow!!! Extremely motivating and very well writen.
Since I usually plan my meals the night before I almost always pre-log, I wanna see how much I'm eating before I eat it in case I wanna change it lol.
Today I'll stay on track because I'm not getting any younger and tomorrow isnt promised!! I feel like I'm 20 again after a workout, it's an amazing feeling!!!