

  • I'm interested in carb cycling and am looking for meal ideas. I am mostly vegetarian and am looking how to do this using as little meat as possible. I only have meat on rare occasions. I'm not finding much luck on carb cycling with reduced meat intake..
  • I am from Ohio as well and looking to lose over a 100lbs as well. Feel free to add me, i could use support as well!
  • Mostly Vegetarian. I only have meat about 2-3 times a week and its usually chicken or turkey when i do. I mostly save red meat for when i go out to a restaurant. I decided about a year ago to cut back on meat not only for my health, but the health of the planet as well. I eat mostly organic fruits and veggies, eggs, some…
  • Now that the weather is cooling down, does anyone have a favorite fall time veggie dish? Looking for some new inspiration with all the fresh autumn vegetables currently out at the Farmers Markets? How is meatless Monday going?
  • For anyone who is interested, Another member and I have started a Meatless on Mondays group. Feel free to join and post some recipes or look for some inspiration on cutting out meat for a day. Thanks! PS. the group is called " Meatless on Mondays"
  • CHeck out Earth Balances Organic buttery spread. It's soy based but tastes just like butter. You can even cook with it!
  • After watching the Vegucated Documentary on Netflix, I have slowly made the transitions into vegetarian and maybe one day vegan. I was surprised at how many things people buy everyday that they have no idea is vegan. It is hard for me to give up the dairy and eggs, but i do buy more organic based. You should check out the…
  • People that sit on the equipment and talk on there cell phones. Your sitting there for 30mins chatting just made that equipment non usable.. Same also goes for the ones in the Cardio cinema who sit/stand on the cardio equipment without using it and watch the movie..
  • I was having acid reflux so bad that I had to take 1 prevacid in the morning and 1 before bedtime. Now I'm only having to take 1 a day, so hopefully after losing more weight, I won't have to take it anymore.
  • I dont use food to reward my self on weigh in day. Instead i'll buy a new book or magazine or music on itunes as a reward. It's nice knowing that i earned that prize.