mdutch1 Member


  • Everything I have read about women and muscles is you would need to work really really hard to look muscular. I have been doing P90X for approximately one year and I have not bulked out at all. I am more toned and you can see some definition. My husband is bulking out and looking more muscular. I wouldn't worry about…
  • I am 5'4" and weigh 124. I want to lose about 9 pounds of fat so I need to add at least 5 pounds of muscle. I am 50 years old and find it difficult to build muscle. I do the P90X workout and have just started to make sure I eat at least 1 gram of protein for 1 pound of lean body mass. I am also watching my fat intake and…
  • I started Curves in December, 2008. While at Curves I lost 25 pounds and over 40 inches. I really enjoyed going there, exercising and getting measured and weighed to see the progress I was making. My experience has been everyone is very friendly. Sometimes it becomes too much of a social time and you are not working out as…
    in Curves Comment by mdutch1 March 2011
  • My husband and I spent January going through all the DVDs to familiarize ourselves with them. We started January 31st and have completed Week 4. I have gone from not being able to do any pull-ups to doing 2. Can't wait until the end of the program to see the improvement.
  • My husband and I do P90X together. We just completed Week 4. There is a fitness test you do before you start. I passed everything except the pull-ups. I couldn't even bend my elbows. After 4 weeks, I now do 2 pull-ups. Go for it. Listen to your body. We have taken an extra day off just because we are older and our bodies…