New Exercise DVD Suggestions

Can anyone recommend a DVD thats works but without making you too muscular?? I want to be firm but I dont want a full 6-pack or Madonna arms and I dont really like boxerise. My favourite at the mo is Hannah Waterman's but I've been doing this one on and off for 2 years a couple of times a week plus other oldies. I know I need variety and so gonna get Zumba as well. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Also which is better Zumba for Wii or Kinect???

Cheers xxxx


  • mdutch1
    mdutch1 Posts: 14 Member
    Everything I have read about women and muscles is you would need to work really really hard to look muscular. I have been doing P90X for approximately one year and I have not bulked out at all. I am more toned and you can see some definition. My husband is bulking out and looking more muscular. I wouldn't worry about looking muscular.
  • jewelswye
    jewelswye Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the reply mdutch. I was thinking of the P90X for my hubby coz he wants to bulk up. I know what you're saying about it being difficult for women to become muscular but I already have muscular thighs and I really dont need any more mass on them lol. I still want to look like a woman but I want to really improve my level of fitness if you know what I mean xxx
  • Nikkiray32
    Denise Richards is wonderful. She has been around for years. She has everything from yoga, to cardio. You will like her alot.
  • jewelswye
    jewelswye Posts: 49 Member
    Cheers Niki. I'll certainly have a look xx
  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    I've just started Hip Hop Abs and that is meant to get good results for definition as well as good cardio. I've done P90x and you don't bulk up if you follow the programme properly. For definition you use lighter weights and higher reps (12-15reps), bulking up is higher weights and lower reps(8-10reps). As long as you are really feeling the burn on the last 2 reps, you've got the weight right. If you reach the high end of your reps and not feeling anything, up the weight next time. Same goes for not reaching your low end of the reps, lighten the weight a little bit.
  • jewelswye
    jewelswye Posts: 49 Member
    poggers, sorry didnt see your reply. thanks for ideas.