

  • MFP uses a Daily Calorie Deficit when calculating you goals I believe.
  • Hi, I'm with you!! I've yo-yo'd between the weight of 135-145 after my third son was born (he's 2 now) and I got all the way up to 164 pounds at the beginning of December that I had to do something. I've been hitting the gym pretty hardcore at 5 am 3-4 times a week. Feel free to add me, I need more MFP friends! :D
  • HI Ladies! I'm 5'3" and currently 158 pounds. The most I've ever weighed is 172 pounds and was 9 months pregnant with my third son; the heavist I've weighed NOT pregnant was 164 pounds and that was the beginning of December 2013. I've started to hit the gym pretty constantly usually before work. I want to try and get…
  • Thanks for the advice! I try to work out the 3-4 times a week for at least the 60 minutes. I thought it was the 1290 NET calories I needed, I just get confused with people telling me about BMR, but MFP takes that into account right? I did Zumba and Spin class on Wednesday and burned like 1100 calories and I don't think I…
  • I have a Polar FT4 myself right now and I LOVE IT!! My next purchase is the Polar LOOP to wear to track my everyday activity!! www.polarloop.com