Gevalia coffee and I make it with cinnamon and whip, peppermint tea
use the one that works best for you
Welcome Soo, keep us posted. the eat clean diet works
hi how can I help? I have lost weight and I am a trainer, the key is to not stop. Keep your ideal in front of you. Begin slow and build up to maxing out. I'm Rita,
1200 calories a day is a lot of food. I do love my small meals and snacks.
After an injury I am on my way to fit, welcome all new friends. :)
this guy has some good ideas too
I like this one, 1 min high knees, 30 second rest, burpee shoulder press, rest, mountain climber, rest, walking lunge w/lat raise, rest, mountain climber with leg raise twist, rest, tricep dips, rest, jumping jack, rest, reverse lunge with bicep curl, rest, bicycle ab crunch, rest, stretch if you try it let me know if you…
Greetings thanks for posting I adore HIIT and for a long did that's all I did for cardio and weight loss it was very good I could feel the difference and lost weight but a few months ago I started training for a half marathon in July but I believe in HIIT and will love to hear your progress updates Rita
good luck let me know how it goes doing Rita
dont measure or weigh yourself during the nightmare it doesnt mean jack forget it
hey hey hey anyone wanna try this HIIT workout? 2-5 minutes on bike or treadmill then 1-2 minutes on step or jumprope then 1-2 minutes rest/walk for up to total 15-30 minutes I am going to try it either today or tomorrow! :)
HI I like protein of muscle milk the vanilla and chocolate flavors. good luck rita
:flowerforyou: thats awesome we are so excited for you if you have any questions please ask Rita
if you are weight training to build muscle do that first, if you are toning then its okay to do it after :) love life lift
most of the answers to your questions are posted as topics on past dates, when you think you are ready to move to the next level than try it. 45-60 minutes HIIT seems a bit much but it depends upon the person. I spent an hour and half in the gym but only count about 20-30 of it HIIT. your workout suit you then its probably…
you can add me love the discussion you started HIIT Rita
I do lift weights before i do HIIT, because I am usuing different muscles, but on leg lift days I dont do HIIT. I used to do HIIT first and my then trainer had a fit and said I would lose more weight if I did it first. I havnt seen a change in weight either way but I ilke to do weights first, thats just me... keep it…
First of all congratulations woman thats awesome!!! welcome... I log mintues at the highest interval rate speed, I use a combination of bike for 5 or 10, then treadmill for 5 or 10, then ellipitcal for 5 or 10 then bike for the last 10 usually. thats my standard but there are variations. often the time on the machine and…
now all i have to do is fine someone to cook me this yummy chicken thanks for posting
What would you do if you had nothing to lose?
you can do it! check out our group high intensity interval training great people
you are incredible!!! :) great work
i keep telling myself when i am a size 5 again someone will love me again i dont know what to tell you just find a reason in you that you want to keep dieting and exercising buy a cool dres two sizes too small i have a size 5 pants haning in my room it helps i am almost a size 8 now just dont give up on yourself your are…
welcome feel free to join our group high intensity interval training rita
thats awesome but if you can go all out for longer than 5 minutes you might need to speed up or change your machine of choice... you have to slow down to speed up again. at any rate you are an inspiration!!!!!!!!!! way to go .. you are right faster for shorter is more beneficial than slower for longer. you so smart welcome
my daughter does HIIT and she does use weights, but she also used weights at the school gym with her coach first. if he wants to allow it and just go easy with the weiddghts, his body will need time to adjust. dont push him past his limits and he should be fine good luck
yea the jump rope kicks my butt i cant ever keep it going for 60 seconds i tripp on it atleast three times never give up never say die fat wont!! :)
of course thats ideal, just keep one interval fast and less than one minute to start and second interval slower and one minute. increase time and intensity as you want to. today i used a jump rope, walked around a room, a exerise ball, and a step bench for HIIT let me know how creative you can get!! lift live love