

  • Saw it first up on here http://www.mappingwords.com/2012/05/22/staying-healthy-abroad-tea/ and followed that link under buckwheat tea. There's also this http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=11 (sorry not sure how to embed links). Tartary buckwheat tea is essentially buckwheat kernels, and buckwheat is a…
  • Good luck with your journey! Oh, if you ever find yourself craving something sweet to drink, just add a bit of lemon juice, some honey and hot water. Curbs that craving for sweets! It taste amazing once you figure out the right ratio of the lemon, honey, and water.
  • Thanks for all the responses! I do love drinking tea, more so for the taste than the health benefits, although they are an added bonus! Sweet tea is essentially black tea with bags of sugar added. And black tea is a tea that contains caffeine. Caffeinated teas are diuretic meaning that you empty your bladder more often,…
  • I'm not as petite as you, but I am 5'2". When I reached my goal and started to maintain, I found that drinking teas such as green tea and tartary buckwheat tea really help. Also, I drank lots of lemon honey tea as well. They did wonders for my skin, and I really did feel like it helped me maintain my weight.
  • I'm short too, standing at 5"2, and I do feel that 1300-1500 calories is too little. I ate 1300 a day for 2 months and lost 7lbs, so I amped up the amount of calorie intake and realized that I could eat 1600 and still manage to lose weight. Heck, it was only 3 years ago I could eat a medium size pizza and not gain weight.…
  • I'm back to tracking since the past few months I decided not to, and put on a few pounds. Also, not tracking has led me to consume more calories than necessary, eat unhealthier, and slack off on exercising. I feel like using a tracker really helps keep me in check. If you're able to keep all your good habits from tracking,…
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