

  • I JUST finished the training and Kick Start 30 for the first time. I'm going to enjoy this. Need calorie counts.
  • I'm inserting myself in this conversation to ensure that when -we- create this pill, I'm not only on the list for early access, but hopefully listed on the patent application as well. I generally observe the same, but spend a lot of time going over what I ate in the periods before the weigh-ins. As you've noted previously…
  • I have yet another: the pretender. They would be a 4a], but for the common friends or family who have mentioned your efforts. They comment only because they think they should, since they know you're trying, even though they don't actually see a difference and wouldn't know it if you had dropped 15% overnight. From some it…
  • ... dijonwillis mentioned Insanity... anyone else notice that those push-ups are getting easier and easier... not just with new-found strength, but from not carrying an additional 20-lbs weight on our guts while doing them? I'm definitely interested in starting back on Power90 and then P90X in about 14 lbs and seeing how…
  • My loving bride has gone through Insanity twice and loved it. She's starting a new session where she and her friends are doing it at the same time to motivate each other (long distance friends). She also became a Beach Body Coach... basically for the discount on stuff, but has sold the Insanity set. Good luck and enjoy…
  • Good topic. This sounds silly but I think it would take away some of the stress to have a sort of a "Wheel of Portion" to make the decision for me as to what types of foods I would have for a given meal. One ring decides the type of meat (clearly not a vegetarian), one the type of veggies, and on for starches/carbs, fruits…
  • Brian brings up an issue that struck me as a concern as well: mind-numbing rides. I love my bike and I enjoy the rides that I go on, but I likely wouldn't if it were on a track. You may have some local trails you can access or safe road routes. Have you checked around for a rails-to-trails project you might be able to ride…
  • GREAT topic. As a kid I never did. As a parent (and person who wants to continue being a person) I always wear a helmet. I'm a decent rider with some experience on roads and trails, but no matter how good I might think I am, there's some idiot out there who isn't, and that dude can kill me through his/her idiocy. A local…
  • Sarah, A road bike is a great eventual addition, but I'd suggest starting with a Hybrid or Trail Bike. You'll have greater flexibility than a Road Bike and much lighter weight than a Mountain Bike. I started on a Trek a few years ago and have added a Giant Road Bike and still ride both often. A GOOD local bike shop blows…
  • OutSTANDing, Bamsie! 10m is a really good start. I hate to say it, but the first 100 miles or so on a saddle are the most painful. After that your... you will be better acclimated to the saddle. Use those sit-bones to perch on the back of the saddle and it will make the longer rides more comfortable in the long run.
  • It's important to not get the wrong message: it IS likely water weight, but you MUST drink lots of water. Drinking lots of water helps to flush all those salts that normally hold that water in. 1200 does sound low, though I am not a Dr, Fitness/Nutrition counselor or very healthy person. I'd suggest going through the Goals…