suchaprettiface Member


  • Hi, I was just diagnosed with lipedema a little over a month ago. Unfortunately, I'm already in Stage 3 - it took years for me to get a proper diagnosis, but I'm hopeful that with the compression therapy and MLD therapy along with big changes in my diet that I'll have sure albeit slow success.
  • Welcome and congratulations on the progress that you've made so far, and kudos to you for enrolling people in all other areas of your life to support you attain your goal. You will find lots of new friends and a tremendous amount of support on MFP. Best of luck to you! :)
  • You are doing an amazing job at creating a life that you love and being accountable for your health and your life! You look fantastic! Just keep reaching out and getting support from the people who love you and your MFP friends! You are an inspiration to so many others and you will succeed!
  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and for the friend adds! Looking forward to sharing our struggles and successes together!
  • Don't beat yourself up. Just take a deep breath, forgive yourself, and choose to get yourself back on track again. Being down on yourself and angry is one of the things that I know for me, simply causes me to spiral into more self-piteous and self-destructive binging behavior. Just keep acknowledging that while yes, you…
  • Hang in there. I have a lot more weight to lose than do you, and I have been working out steadily since July 2010 and have lost very little weight, but gained muscle and lost inches. Is your trainer measuring your body? Are they using a device that calculates BMI electronically, which will also calculate how much lean…
  • Best of luck! Just stick with it. You can do it! Not sure how to get the ticker onto the msg board posts, but I just copied the info from my ticker page, so am trying it for the first time now. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Taking Vitamin E complex (alpha, beta, gamma tocopherol mix), MSM really helps a LOT (and is not the same as being allergic to sulfa drugs), but you need to take it regularly, and at higher doses like 1,000 mg capsules - 3 caps 2 x day or 2 caps 3 x day (look for OptiMSM on the label - Jarrow Formulas has a good price on…