KatieCJ66 Member


  • You can do it. :) I have lost 40lbs and I have another 110lbs to lose. It's a long road, but I'm hacking at it. Detours and all. Feel free to add me.
  • I get most of my protein from lean meats, egg whites, and greek yogurt.
  • I am to drink 4 litres of water a day. But I make crystal light ice tea with some of that total for a little taste. I've never though about replacing electrolytes.
  • I try to plan a cheat meal, instead of a day. And I also make it a rule to plan the meal on an exercise day. I also plan my other meals, so that I don't go over my calorie intake too much. That way, I don't go crazy. And I get to enjoy myself. For the moment, I allow myself one cheat meal a week. This week, I'm going out…