Great job. I would like to be like you one day when I grow up.
Thank you for your response CleveRocks. However, I was a pre-med major with a concentration in mathematics and probability. Currently, I am completing my Masters in Systems Engineering in which we deal with probability of occurrence. One of the facts of the probability of the occurrence is that an event can be expressed as…
Yes, just as some say "you are going to die from something anyway then why not die from something you enjoy". I would rather be safe than sorry because we all know that overconsumption of anything good or bad does not end well. I know some people who drink diet sodas for every meal. I just thought that everyone was on this…
This is an article on the subject that makes sense.
Here is a nice query for better fast food choices:
You are right countjackula. I checked the taco bell menu and the Fresco Crunchy Taco is 150 calories. I posted this because I saw it during a search for a decent grilled chicken sandwich. It also opened my eyes. The things you think are healthy are indeed killing us. Also, it seems that most salads are just as bad as a…