

  • I was in curves for a while. I liked that it was only women so I felt more comfortable. I however did not lose any weight doing it.....but I dont think i tried hard enough either. With proper diet and that you should be fine.
    in Curves! Comment by beeckda July 2011
  • I too have this same problem...of course running shoes was my first thought..but while I save up for running shoes I try this....I run 20 calories and then walk 20....seems to go by much quicker also. Good luck and let me know if there is any cure to the pains we are having.
  • I have the Wii Zumba and have tried the trial exercises and its moves slow at 1st and then puts the other moves in real fast...i was lost with in with all the money I spent on it I am gonna give it another try. I like the walk away the pounds videos. Luv the Wii just dance. Tried P90X and…
  • Hello and welcome. you have had a rough road and have some work ahead of you. If you need some support along the way go ahead and add I dont have any friends on here yet. Good luck on your goals!
  • fairly new at this also and looking for some friends to help me feel free to add me as well.
  • Just found this in a magazine a month ago. Week 1 ~ Mon day - Rest Tuesday - .50 walk Wednesday - 30 min swim Thursday - 1 mile walk Friday - Rest Saturday - 1.50 mile walk Sunday - 1.50 mile walk Week 2~ Monday - Rest Tuesday - 1.75 mile walk Wednesday - 30 min swim Thursday - 1.50 mile walk Friday- Rest Saturday- 1.75…
  • ok i am new at this and may sound like a dummy but what is all this talk about HRM? what is this exactly and where do i go to get one? lots of talk here about them. thanks:)