
So I'm thinking about joining Curves. Does anyone have any experience with them? Did it work for you?


  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Personally I don't, but a friend of mine went and ended up not losing a pound despite going 3 times a week. Maybe it was just hers, but she felt the atmosphere wasn't right and the instructors didn't really help. May have just been a dodgy one though!
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    Curves is totally awsome, especially if your are just starting out, It saved my knees, i have trouble when i am really heavy working out, so this was nice. and the music is great. It is also really social,so it is like you are not really working out:)
  • Thelma6658
    Thelma6658 Posts: 22
    I did Curves for almost 3 years and it didn't do much for me so i finally gave it up and joined a regular gym with classes. it was cheaper than Curves and the classes were alot more fun. Curves is very very do same machines in the same order day after day after day.
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    I did it when I was 265 lbs and it was perfect for me. It was exactly what I needed for where I was in my weight loss journey. Being really heavy, having low endurance,and being very self conscious, it was great for me. Its low impact and there are only women. I say its a great beginning point for someone who is wanting to get active but doesn't know where to start.
  • traceysturn
    traceysturn Posts: 196
    I enjoyed it & if you work the machines like you're supposed to you will shed pounds. I think they offer trials...give it a shot & see what ya think!
  • YES!!! Do it! I have been going to Curves for 3 years now, and IF you go, you will lose! I go early in the morning, before my day even begins (5X) so that nothing can come up during the day that would not allow you to go. It is only 30 minutes per day and because it is a circle circuit, you usually chat with other ladies during your workout and it goes very quickly. Plus, my Curves just added a Zumba with the circuit and I LOVE it!!!

    All of that being said, if you don't eat right and watch your calories, you might remain the same weight...or even gain. It is all about balance.

    Hope that helps!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I'm going to be blunt. Go to a real gym. I worked next to a Curves for years and never seen a single "fit", or healthy weight person come out of one. Of course, at the time I had no room to talk...but coming from a former fat person - they never appealed to me which is why I never patronized them.
  • beeckda
    beeckda Posts: 8
    I was in curves for a while. I liked that it was only women so I felt more comfortable. I however did not lose any weight doing it.....but I dont think i tried hard enough either. With proper diet and that you should be fine.
  • I got roped into a year contract and only went three months. I didn't like it. It was more of an old lady arthritis convention than focused on weight loss. They TELL you that those hydraulic machines work your muscles the harder you push them, but I pushed those suckers hard and they did nothing for my muscles. Real strength training with 5-8lb hand weights did more for me than Curves ever did.

    If you are just starting out, it's a good way to ease into fitness with a social aspect. It was just too social and not enough sweat for me. If you are doing any sort of REAL exercise, I wouldn't waste my time. You would have to add jumping jacks at the cardio stations to feel any burn.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Curves is one of the things that did in my knees. My physical therapist said the machines were really bad for your knees and advised me not to go. I went off and on for 3 years. I didn't have any real success but the thing I did like was that it was half an hour, not far away, and I knew exactly what to do when I got there. It is quite repetitive and can get a little monotmonous (okay however you spell that :-) I would possibly still go but I have osteoporosis in my spine and it is one of the places that the osteoporosis foundation states you should not do with an osteo spine.
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    yes, the first time I lost a lot of weight it was through curves, but there are some things that don't work! First of all the one I went to was a lot of older women who thought it was a social club... and really didn't work out. I was by far the youngest member at 24 years.

    Also they tell you that you should only go 3 times a week and only two laps... I did 4 days a week and 3 times around. That was what I wanted to do and when they gave me a hard time about it, I reminded them that i am a customer that pays to use the facility.

    Overall I liked it. I lost quite a few inches (size 10 to size 6) but didn't lost any weight at all. I don't know if that then had a factor in my gaining all my "weightloss" back or not but though MFP I have lost inches AND weight.

    Feel free to send me a message if you have more specific questions. I was a member for almost 4 years.
  • mdinardo73
    mdinardo73 Posts: 15 Member
    I think Curves is a great way to get started - but you have to think about the kind of environment that motivates you and that YOU feel most comforable in. I'm a solitary workout person who is very focused on MY space, headphones on, totally into what I'm doing, but I have lots of gym experience. I also like a quiet gym, like SNAP, but Curves is great for the social aspect, and the all-female aspect. I would suggest getting a trial membership at a few gyms in your area - don't let them pressure you into making a decision! That's their job, but be clear that you really want to get a feel for the energy and environment, and what is going to be best for you. If they offer a week trial AND will show you some equipment, great. Otherwise try going with a friend to make the whole experience less intimidating. :) Good Luck!!
  • niki5284
    niki5284 Posts: 1
    I actually have a membership with Curves now, and I haven't been in a few weeks. Thinking about canceling it. It is expensive (as far as gyms go) and at least with my Curves, the women who work there, while they are nice, are overbearing. They follow you around and won't let you be, I'm not a child and do not need a babysitter, which is how they made me feel. Not too mention doing the same routine every time is boring. Yes, they have music and it is upbeat, however the going around in a circle with the same machines over and over is just not as appealing as I expected. If you are looking for a quick workout it may be for you, but I also don't think the workout is that sufficient. It had been over a year since working out for me and the day after my forst workout at Curves, I wasn't even sore. Just don't think it turned out to be all that it's cracked up to be or what I expected. Good Luck! :)
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I went for a while and loved it and did lose weight. They will weigh and measure you monthly, all women and I enjoyed my experience. the only reason I quit was because I moved and it wasn't convenient for me to go anymore. My cousin also joined and has gone longer than I have and she loves it as well for she has lots of knee and back problems. She has lost over 50lbs and thats all she does :)
  • mdinardo73
    mdinardo73 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, that's great and very important information to share! thanks!