

  • For those with fish allergies, flaxseed oil works too. I started seeing measurable results with 2x1200 twice daily. You will have to experiment to see what works for you. Pk
  • Not sure if you can get the Cooking Channel. Hungry Girl is a cooking show on that channel. Lots of good tips and recipes.
  • A lot of good tests being suggested (androgen, FSH/LH and testosterone levels, fasting glucose, tyroid T3/T4 levels). Here are a few more: Insulin levels (i.e. how much free insulin, could be an early indicator of insulin resistance) Cholesterol (PCOS causes elevated levels) and I asked for C Reactive Protein, which shows…
  • Now this is a first.... the technical conference I'm attending next week actually has a "healthy track" which includes some free exercise classes, jogging paths, and a healthy dining finder. Although, out of all the people on my team going to the conference, I'm the only one interested in this track. ~pk
  • Today my doctor said that the best thing to try is a low glycemic index diet, and mentioned South Beach as well. That's pretty much the direction my diet has been going since I joined MFP in August. Weight loss has been slow and what I'm seeing is that I'll stay at a plateau for weeks or even more than a month and then…
  • While I've probably had PCOS for awhile, I didn't get a definitive diagnosis until earlier this month. Today I saw an excellent endocrinologist. It was really helpful that I brought photocopies of past bloodwork which helped her see some additional trends, including cholesterol levels. There are more tests and doctor…
  • Interesting timing of this thread. I was diagnosed with PCOS yesterday. It does explain a lot of things, including why my weight loss has been rather slow. Thought it was age, but maybe it's more PCOS. I'm not interested in going on metformin (one person in the household on this med is enough) and would like to find more…
  • Portion sizes and add-ons such as protein shakes, baked potato, cheese, etc. are great ideas. Calorie dense items such as meal bars and ensure or glucerna shakes can be used to augment calories with nutrition. (and thanks for the ideas!) Just watch over time as his metabolism may change as he gets older. I've known my fair…
  • Thanks for sharing! My hubby is always asking for cake. While I enjoy cake once in awhile, making a whole one for the two of us is too much (especially since we both should be cutting back!) :happy:
  • Never tried the powder. I have the cans of drink (light version) and sometimes have the chews. Really like it, especially having it before or just after a workout.
  • Some handed them out at an after-lunch meeting. I kept it in my desk until I had a really bad night and was a zombie at work and was out of FRS, so I tried it. Yuck, and not sure how well it worked. I much rather have an FRS drink, or even the chews. It was originally developed to help chemo patients maintain energy levels…
  • My well water tastes a bit metallic too. I found that using a PUR water pitcher does wonders. I can't even tell the difference between the filtered water and bottled.
  • Hiya! I'm pretty new here too, only been part of MFP for 2 weeks. While I'm not in the UK, I'm married to a Brit. I really like the fact that this site has info on UK foods too (like HP sauce!) :smile:
  • Right now, I have a pedometer from our last corporate fitness challenge (gadgets are cool, free gadgets are even better) that I wear everyday. I've been considering the Fitbit and trying to determine how much more info it captures than the pedometer. From what I'm seeing, it has the same limitations as my pedometer (i.e.…
  • Probably burn more calories dancing to the music in the ad than using the product.
  • After reading up on the kettlebells, I decided to get a set I could grow into. I purchased a Kettleblock that allows me to adjust it. It costs more, but when I add up what it would cost to purchase 5, 8, 12, 16, and 20 pound kettlebells individually, it does come out less in the long run. This one has a clip that goes all…
  • Is there a particular material that is best for kettlebells? Just looking online, I've seen cement filled (Tone and CAP), cast iron, etc. Thoughts on durability of materials? Thanks.
  • When I decided to start yoga, my first DVD was the Rodney Yee AM/PM Yoga for beginners as it was easy to follow. The workouts are about 20-25 minutes, including a short meditation at the end. Some forms of yoga hold poses for longer periods of time, others, such as Power Yoga move through moves much more quickly and…
  • I think it depends on your normal activity level. If you normally have a sedentary job (low activity level), then getting out and walking in a store should count. Think about how much walking versus looking you were doing and figure out that percentage. Any walking you were doing would probably count as leisurely walking.…
  • Great idea! And I happen to have some cherries in the fridge that are looking for a recipe :)