Mike - I love you man!
They walk amongst us.....
Preacher, continue your sermons!!! All that coming from someone who has been there, tried it, fought it and won is worth much more than a chubby friend to provide mock sympathy. I've just looked at how much you've lost - that's over a person! And while I've not lost, nor needed to lose that much, I'm with about…
He's not even 2 :)
we have got 2 x Australian Kelpies from the same breeder and lines, 1 x Collie/Spaniel cross who was a stray, 1 x Working Cocker Spaniel who we rescued and my big, gorgeous Scooby Doofus the New Zealand Huntaway......we fostered a Kelpie last year too and rehomed her on a huge farm....
took me six months and most of that was trying to walk again so I could get on one knee..although still didn't manage that bit. I guess when you know and everything is right (house, money, stuff) then why wait?
in to red wine that
you sound like you both have a little growing up to do. Have the conversations, don't be afraid of the answers and be completely open and honest with each other, however hard that may be. Talk frankly about all that is good and bad about the situation and what is going on with each of you. It's really hard if you're not…
I read that as twiglet - who would make a series about a marmite flovoured snack?
Sex?? What the hell is that? Weekends - till noon is usual! Spoken to her, a lot, nothing changes. Breakfast is always prepared by me as well, maybe I'm just a **** and a pushover?
We do our own stuff, she works hard all day with the little ones, dogs, cattle, ducks, chickens etc, and I get it, sometime she just doesn't want to do stuff, me neither, but I do it as it has to be done. I can't do things I want to do anymore, as I haven't time, but her staying in bed for an hour in the morning while I…
It's better to see a pregnant woman standing on a bus, than a fat woman sat down. crying
I'm not bitter, just answering the question - that's what she does....
Sprout Squirtle, the human turtle Baby Nana (as in banana) his own name for himself Little tyke Dude Stanley Manley
cool and relaxed
Everything? Come home from a blummin' hard day at work, cook dinner, clean the house and put the kids to bed , cos your 'too tired' and stay in bed for an extra hour every morning, when making you get up and do everything, make you pay for every single bill, mortgage, her car, fuel, phone, groceries, organise everything…
I used to work for a huge global corporation, and was immense, now I work for a smaller company, I'm thin again....coincidence???
Do it!! You have a good shaped face, and you'd look great!
My pet mouse, Elvis just died.... He was caught in a trap.
Patrick Stewart was trying to make a throw for his next role as Xavier but couldn't work the machine so he turned to his friend and said wait for it make it sew!
In and out of Riviera Beach here...WPB, but most likely to be found in the UK, sorry.
That has got to be the most amazing post I have ever read, and each word to you Jen is so well deserved. If you can imagine an international standing ovation for what is a herculean effort, and as Scott has said, you have done this all with great spirit, dedication, humour and humility. You've helped and supported hundreds…
Pretty much the same list as the OP, with the additions of: People who can't control their kids in public Bad, lazy drivers - use your turn signal, don't use fog lamps when there is no fog, use your lights in bad weather... Kid drivers who feel the need to drive everywhere at top speed Car stereos up too loud at night…
Has anyone told you, you look like John Travolta
Thanks - some of the photos are here:
My wife and I are really into dogging, we go out and do it most weekends, and I take photos and sometimes videos. We have a caravan too for longer weekends, makes it more comfortable.
I'm in the UK... It's worse in the US... And, BMW have said that next year, they will remove the magnets in the drivers side of their cars so the drivers don't need to stay in the far outside lane being held in position along the crash barrier....amazing!
I just walk around on my hands!