duckdogs Member


  • Well looks like we will need a bigger boat :laugh: Lots of good support to chose from. What I have been doing so far is heavily relying on my diet calculator here. I diarize everything thing I eat and do and stay within the allowable calorie count. I lost my weight with Jenny Craig and their philosophy is eating regular…
  • Odd enough. My problem is that I've been a yo yo for a long time and people I think feel this could be a "phase" I am in. The odd person has said that they thought I was smaller. Been at goal for over a week now. Working on getting more fit. Hopefully the exercise will make my new clothes fit even better. The one small…
  • Thanks all for your kind the help comes in the days ahead when I am sure the road will get rocky at times. I plan on posting/using all your kind support to help me maintain my goal. Support is what its all about. Glad to have found this site and all of you!:flowerforyou:
  • addiction, what addiction. Plenty of nice people, great ideas, good motivation. Not to mention the awesome meal planning/tracking side of things. Nooooo, you're not addicted. Thats bad for you and this site is great for you! :blushing:
  • I have 2 overzealous dogs with webbed feet to walk which we do lots! Don't like gyms or formal modes of fitness. My girls keep me busy and motivated. They wait at the door till I take them out and they won't give up no matter how hard I try to ignore them :noway: Been working for me..... Deborah
  • How about making a "from now to Valentines day loss" love in:blushing: I have a little over 7 pounds to goal and this love should continue. Who's in????? Deborah
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: Clear sky and full moon out tonight. Weather can be nasty :bigsmile:
  • Do I qualify for PNW? I live in a suburb of Vancouver, BC making me a northern northern Canuck PNWer, right? We get lots of rain and hell even my dogs have webbed feet :bigsmile: If its raining you bring an umbrella and go fer it :wink:
  • Got into my skinny jeans yesterday and they were actually wearable! About 8 pounds to goal. Lost continuously over Xmas/see goal by Valentines :heart: :love:
  • 7.4 lost to date. Weigh in tomorrow morning. Really successful holiday time. Lots of walking and watching the portions. I am looking forward to Jan 1 weighing less and onward momentum rather than dreading another lean Jan with nasty diet food after really overindulging. Might have lost 10 but I am at the end of my journey…
  • Volumetrics is a Jenny Craig term as well. Their portions are very small and the way I utilize it is have a large salad, large portion of non carb veggies and the main course/entre on top. The first forkful is Jenny food (of which I only buy what I like), I eat the main part of my meal saving one forkful of entre for last.…
  • Down 2.8 today. Had a potluck Xmas party on Saturday and a "order whatever you want anything you want" office party at a restaurant last night. Down almost 3 pounds made it worth it. Walked my Butt off every day. I can honestly say that I really 'dieted" this week. Usually breeze through the days but the Xmas challenge is…
  • Hello My Name is Deborah and am a foodaholic :ohwell: I love food, carbs in particular and huge quantities. That's why Jenny Craig and I get along so well. I call it my rehab program. All foods I love in controlled portions. Gives me breathing room while I lose the excess weight. I am working on plans to head off binges in…
  • I just knew there was a logical answer! I could get a little more bling for my girl - :love:
  • No I am not! Black Friday comes from where? As I said - WE don't have it HERE>!
  • We don't have Black Friday in Canada :ohwell:
  • Sometimes people have to do what they have to do to keep them steady on their course. Someone who has alot of weight to lose could benefit from a "Diet Holiday" by having a special treat. Unless we all lived in a cave, hunted down our meat and ate the roots and grubs we found we would all be in a perfect world-wouldn't we.…
  • I'll throw in. My official weigh ins are Tuesday Mornings at 9. Can I stick with that? Still would like to see 10 pounds before Xmas or at least 8. I tend to lose about 2 pounds or so a week. 8 may be more realistic considering all the challenges of office parties and Xmas itself. When would the trial end? Tuesday for me?…
  • Do a random act of kindness. Find a hungry looking person and give them the coupon. Feed the people not your body and do a good deed. Unplanned eating in a weak moment never turns out right. my 2 bits
  • Yes please!!!!!!!!! Our house LOVES Carrot cake....
  • Y I K E S !!!!!!!!!!! Why would anyone want such a thing at the best of times. I guess us Canucks don't do deep fried turkey. Never even seen one. Guess that could be a good thing. Happy Thanks giving.
  • I took a peek at my settings and I figured out that the 1250 is 1500 less exercise of 1/2 hours of dog walking (my min allowable - that's what the "girls" say and that is my goal/target. I have been walking 1 1/2 hours to pump it up and seem to get my deficit there. I am going to be doing 2 days a week on my own foods per…
  • Yup! My official cheering, jeering, got to go out Mommy! exercise team. I have 2 Tollers, Reba and Sally that are very very active duck hunters. I need to walk at least 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours a day. A tired Toller is a good Toller ;o P
    in Hello Comment by duckdogs November 2010