10 Pounds by Christmas! Whose with Me?!



  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Ten by X-mas....what a perfect gift for me!
    I weighed in yesterday, up 2lbs from all the turkey day feast....
    I LOVE WATER;) remember, gotta get around half your weight in ounces & extra for intense workouts!

    (SW: 172lb GW: 130lb)

    XW: 140lb

    Let me know of any particular challenges....I'm in:)
    YEAH, dropped those 2lbs from Thanksgiving :tongue:
    (SW: 172lb GW: 130lb)

    XW: 140lb

    On my way to the gym :happy:
  • Im on the way down. I might make the goal yet.

    lost another two pounds this week, 7 total since Nov 16.

    Start wt. 322.8
    Last weigh in 315.6
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I was without internet for almost a week!... So my Friday weight was exactly the same :( 153 lbs (69.5 kg):ohwell:
    It wasn' t a good week! I know I cant make it till Cmas But I'll keep trying!
  • weighed in this morning and i'm down another 3.8 lbs..yeah!!..so for this month i'm down 6.2 ..i have 3.8 lbs to go to meet the 10 lbs by christmas challenge..very exciting..i think i might actually be able to meet my first mini goal of 20 lbs by christmas..so exciting!! :) ..congrats on everyone for doing such a great job, and especially to those who don't think they'll be able to make the goal, but don't give up..truely inspiring :)
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    It looks like I may make my goal early. :smile:
    Not quite there yet but as soon as I reach 399.5 I will have lost the 10 pounds I set as a goal to reach by the end of December 2010.
    ~♥ ~♥~ ♥~ ♥~ ♥ ~♥ ~♥ ~♥~ ♥ ~
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    This thread is such an inspiration to me! It keeps me on my toes!

    Good job everyone!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Great motivator - I'm in. Yeah, crossed over that dreaded 5# lost barrier and now so pumped to see 10# gone. We can do this!!
  • duckdogs
    duckdogs Posts: 31 Member
    Down 2.8 today. Had a potluck Xmas party on
    Saturday and a "order whatever you want anything you want" office party at a restaurant last night. Down almost 3 pounds made it worth it. Walked my Butt off every day. I can honestly say that I really 'dieted" this week.

    Usually breeze through the days but the Xmas challenge is daunting to say the least.

    Anyway, 1 Xmas party to go on Saturday, again at a restaurant., I give myself permission to eat what I want portion controlled. I plan on enjoying every bite. My Jenny counsellor said to order the best and enjoy every mouthful. Don't have junk and don't fill up on bread. Great council.

    I had 3 parties and the last will be my reward.

    This is great work but soooo worth it. Will be nice to see the new year with most of my resolutions (fat butt) taken care of . That is to me a bonus!:bigsmile:

    Oh and I have lost 4.2 of the 8 I need to go for the Xmas challenge.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Checking in. :smile: I am currently down to 401.5 !!
  • sandyeh
    sandyeh Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I am in on this challenge. The plateau has been too long so having some motivation will be great. Let's go team!!!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing great! I have been drinking my 8 glasses of water but I need to drink more! I just get so busy that I forget and by the end of the day I have a huge headache because I have not drank enough! This morning it was 34 degrees insunny Florida and I did not feel like having cold water with my breakfast! So, I had tea instead. I know it doesn't count but it was warming! I did eventually drink my 8 glasses but barely.
    Keep up the great work everyone! I hope to fit into all my size 22's by Christmas!
  • LizzyTish327
    LizzyTish327 Posts: 18 Member
    SW: 286.5 (11/28/10)
    CW: 281 (12/5/10)
    Pounds to lose before Christmas = 4.5!

    The next c ouple of weeks are going to be tricky with holiday get togethers, parties, work lunches, etc! I know I have to stay focused, it's not like I haven't been to a holiday party before..no need to pig out!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I lost 1.8 pounds this week. I'm kind of bummed! I know it's still a loss but I was really hoping for more! I think it's because I really need to drink more water!

    SW - 274.4
    CW - 268
    Goal for this challenge - 264.4
    3.6 pounds to go!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    :happy: I ate on Thanksgiving without counting 1 calorie, enjoyed the food and my family. This is what Thanksgiving is for me. I don't think about how overweight I am or how much weight I have to loose (Over 100 ponds!) on this day. I just enjoy it.

    Now it's back on the wagon! I want to challenge myself to loose 10 pounds by Christmas and drink at least 8 glasses water per day.

    Now whose with me? I'm just going to post how much water I drank per day and how much weight I lost or gained on Fridays. Starting tomorrow, I will post my starting weight, which I'm sure will be higher than todays. :blushing:

    Good Luck all those who want to join me!

    This morning I officially hit my -10 pound goal BEFORE Christmas! Anything lost between now and Christmas is just gravy!!!! :happy:
  • i'm with you! i too have been trying(again) since thanksgiving. i slipped up last night, i guess thats why i'm here so early this morning looking for support.
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    SW: 164.5
    CW: 158.5
    GW: 154.5

    :) Chuggin' right along!
  • im in. just joined so im not sure how to check in with you all. i threw out my scale. i will get a new one. any ideas on HOW to lose that 10? i just filled out my goals and it said i would lose 3 by jan!!! what do i need to do? i use the treadmill for 20 to 40 min 5 times a week and just started using weights again.
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    Start W for challenge: 165.7

    CW = 162.4

    Goal weight 155 by Christmas.
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    Start W for challenge: 165.7

    CW = 159.5

    Down 6 pounds since start of challenge!!

    Goal weight 155 by Christmas.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I weghed myself thismorning and I was disappointed to see that I only lost 1 pound this week. I guess it's better than not losing any or even worse gaining, especially at this time of year! Luckily, I have no social life and don't get invited to Christmas parties!

    Start weight for challenge 274.4
    CW = 267
    GW for challenge = 264.4
    Lost fro this challenge = 7.4 pounds
    2.6 pounds to lose next week if I want to win this challenge.
    Is this realistic, NO but I will try!
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