

  • Yeah, my bad for misinterpreting "few". I guess I had the impression that "few" was an under-generalization of the actual amount. Sorry about that to the OP.
  • Binging is not healthy. lol(?) to the stuff ndj1979 has mentioned but, it is a little silly to think calories work like cellphones or banks... they don't. Your body needs daily vitamins and calories to function properly. Daily, is the key word. Our bodies are systems, but they are not mechanical systems, they are organic.…
  • Blood test would be the most sure-fire way. However, if you're on a budget or not insured, eat something with gluten in it (a sandwich, for instance that is wheat, white bread or pasta). If you feel fatigued afterwards, you should be suspicious. At that point, the only other way I can think of that you can test, for free,…
  • I think, for one, it is the interwebs and people feel comfortable being the jerks they can't be IRL. And secondly, it being a fairly simplistic forum (reminds me of Gaia Online) dedicated to losing weight/working out- there are a lot of insecure, negative, and/or narcissistic-types of personalities. People tend to project…
  • It's not true for everyone, it depends on when you exercise, how long/often, how many calories you've had, how long you've been up, how often you work out, and how intense the workout was. Generally, the more you work out, the more likely you will start building up natural energy. If our bodies are not used to working out,…
  • This isn't just women, guys do the same crap- people feel insecure and want to feel better about themselves so they compare. Sometimes they do it to feel like they look better, although other times, they do it because they wonder how that person got that particular body and if it's something they want, they probably…
  • Most make ups are just trash for your skin, and they only cover-up (often poorly) stress and issues, then worsen them. Better off getting into a facial routine that will help decrease lines/wrinkles/patches/stress marks over time. Regardless, if you still feel the need: Someone mentioned using a moisturizer with a bit of a…
  • Very sorry to hear this. You should start recording these- the Who/What/When/Where specifics: when they happen, where you are at the time, what you saw, what you felt, how long they lasted, if you were with anyone, what you were doing at the time, etc. You may start seeing some patterns that will allow you to figure out…
  • Why would it be bad to be a feminist, anyway? Obviously feminist analysis allows you to see sexist bull**** and call it out- people need to be less afraid of the "F word".
  • Your Fiance can stick it up his *kitten*, as far as I'm concerned. There is one thing to "let yourself go" by just being lazy and not doing anything. You were studying, you had more important things to focus on at the time. Whether or not you want to lose weight again is YOUR choice- don't ever do it for anyone else other…
  • It's hard to tell based on a photo focusing only on your torso. I agree words like "chubby" are harmful and pointless. It's also pointless to obsess over numerical pounds- you appear fairly busty, and you may have to accept the reality that your chest size is going to add 5-10 pounds extra on you than another woman of your…