Tired After Exercise



  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Sleepy tired? It means you're not getting enough carbs.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I used to get like that..turns out I was overdoing it.. i didn't have to exercise that hard or long.. Could also have something to do with your eating..maybe not enough protein or you might need to more before you work out.
  • Arazante
    Arazante Posts: 12
    It's not true for everyone, it depends on when you exercise, how long/often, how many calories you've had, how long you've been up, how often you work out, and how intense the workout was.

    Generally, the more you work out, the more likely you will start building up natural energy. If our bodies are not used to working out, or they are TOO used to a certain type of workout, they will not get the adrenaline rush that others do. Either give yourself time if it hasn't been that long, or try different variety to your routine- maybe even add some supplements or try different ones if you already have some.

    Or.. just work out closer to bed time? I used to get a buzz after working out when I was in my teens, now I am more prone to be tired. Bodies can be fussy.
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    Continued fatigue and lack of energy post exercise can be a sign of overtraining, which can lead to injury. Listen to your body and allow 1-2 rest days each week, and mix up your routine so you are not doing high intensity workouts each day. Strength training would be an excellent choice as would gentle yoga or pilates.
  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    Make sure you are fueling properly RIGHT AFTER (15-30 mins) your workout. Some easily digestable protein and a complex carb. Like deli turkey and some sweet potato...or something like that. Little to no fat. You need the protein and carbs to start recovery right away.