arzac00 Member


  • Mine was yesterday and I also am on the cusp....I can pick depending on my mood or the newspaper!
  • I tried a more protein breakfast. I had two eggs, orange juice and whole grain rounds. I did eat at 5:30. Not much of a choice about the time. It is 8:45 and I feel like I need a snack. I guess I just need to plan for small snacks before breakfast. I brought a small apple today. So 50 cals there, I think. And I have some…
  • Sometime people sure do want someone to fail. Like resisting yummy foods for our health is such a silly concept.
  • Also trying to keep off the excess baby weight. My youngest is almost 2. I have been doing this for a about a week now and I am actually shocked about how much I was eating. I think portion size was my biggest problem. Now, I get excited if I have a couple hundred calories left over for some dessert at the end of the day.…
  • I think my calorie goal is about 1340. So pretty close to yours. I am 5'7 and 156 lbs. and 32. I would love to be 145, but I am really here to not gain weight. I have two boys (4 and 2) and travel 2 hours to work roundrtip. So excercising is rare unless I am chasing the boys around. I don't know how you share food diaries,…
  • Thanks. I do like greek yogurt, except for the price.
  • I don't have to buy them, I have them in my closet. From before I had two kids. Not sure if losing weight will actually let me back into them. I think body parts have shifted.