

  • I wanna join! I do my weighs on Saturdays though (that's when I get to the scale) but I will keep ya'll posted! I am SO glad that there are people who are here to encourage and support one another. Way to be! :) Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • EW ew ew ew ew!!!! I tried this a couple weeks ago! I thought "it's not going to be as bad as I think" I was wrong. It was WAY worse!! I too, didn't think I was going to make it for a minuet.. A lot of minuets.. but here I am. Still alive! I hear it's supposed to help with digestion and what not.. so go for it if you can!…
  • I was trying for 2 but perhaps I should move it down to just one for now...?? I guess it's only my second day.. and technically only my first full day so some adjusting and experimenting is needed. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Thanks everyone! I appreciate it! I'm not sure why it set me up with only 1200 cals but I don't know what I'm doing so I thought I better have it set it up for me. I'll just have to trust it and drink all that water! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Thank you so much!! I could use all the encouragement I can get - I think we all can. The world isn't as sunny as we'd like it to be! I am very excited to have found this site! Good luck to you too! :D YAY!!! We're doing something!
  • I'm so sorry for what you're going through. If there's any way we can help, please let us know. You and your family will be in my prayers.
  • AMEN! We can do it!!!
  • Thank you!! :)
  • Oooh! You can totally do this!! I injured my shoulder (rotator cuff and surrounding muscles) this summer and only went to have it looked at once (oops!) so I finally made an app for this next week so I can begin the healing process! It has been difficult to exercise as it turns out, we use our shoulder for practically…
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