Keepin the Faith

JanetParks Posts: 24
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a newbie. I have put on a lot of extra weight in the last 2 years. I injured my achilies( sorry for the spelling) 2 years ago and have had a condition set in called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/ AKA/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrom. I have extreme pain in my right ankle, swelling etc.. It makes it very diffucult to walk let alone excercise. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have given my subject title" keepin th faith" because that is what I live with daily. I have a strong faith in God and that He has something "Great" in store for me and in order for me to accomplish it I need to be able to get around better then I do. All things are possible with Christ Jesus who give me strenghth.
I would love and appreciate suggestions and encouragement from you all.
Thank You


  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    You are right Janet all things are possible through God. Keep the faith!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    My Mom has RSD in her left shoulder so I totally know what you're going through. She's had it for about 10 years now...her shoulder is now frozen and she can't lift it her arm above her lower breast, and she deals with quite a bit of pain everyday. Even so, she is the most inspirational person I know and she continues to persevere in spite of her condition. When I decided to join MFP and lose weight, she decided she would too, and she has!

    Have you thought about a stationary bike? Maybe it wouldn't put as much pressure on your ankle; perhaps if you wear a hard brace it can keep you from having to flex the ankle as well. You can set it on really low resistance.

    Keep the faith and good luck on your journey :flowerforyou: God has many blessings for you, and He has started by giving you the gift of MFP and it's awesome community. You will find a ton of support here, so keep in touch! :heart:
  • Oooh! You can totally do this!! I injured my shoulder (rotator cuff and surrounding muscles) this summer and only went to have it looked at once (oops!) so I finally made an app for this next week so I can begin the healing process! It has been difficult to exercise as it turns out, we use our shoulder for practically everything! I let the injury go so long (about 4 months..) that this last week it's started hurting just to move my lower body to face the ground (muscles are so tense at times).
    Anyway, I injured myself while working at a camp and I wasn't aware of the uber nutrition value of camp food! It had to have played a part in my weight gain. But I am ready to take it off!! - And then some!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i broke my ankle last febuary and last month i started back with exercise i do walk a way the pounds and get in shape i allso do richaard simmons abs of steel denis austin i am a littel slow but i"m getting better all the time i allso have a bad knee i take aleve it helps me alot i can stand the pain because when i get this weight off everthing is going to feel better
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Weightloss is 98% diet so focus on your food choices and the exercise will come when you are able. I had severe pain and swelling in my joints especially ankles until I started Paleo/Primal Blueprint and did away with grain. I had already cut out most refined carbs so it was just one more step. I am larger so I lose faster than smaller people, but I have lost 26 pounds since mid-august and am virtually pain free. PM me if you need more info. Good Luck!:drinker: You can do this.:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you for your ideas and your encouraging words. I do have a brace that might work. I'll try it and let you know how it goes.
  • Congratulations on the weight loss!!! You are right about this site. I look forward to getting on here and reading the new posts from people. And it is user friendly. Keep up the good work!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    If a gym w/pool is within your communting distance & budget -- perhaps water aerobics.

  • Thank you for the advice. Now why did you have to give up grains? I had to do that once because of high triglycerides.
  • I can't walk with out the help an arm cruch. But I am going to try a stationary bike. Before my injury I loved to walk. God willing I will again.:smile: Keep pressing on and cogratulations on your weight loss!!
  • I am the sister of JanetParks, and I find myself overweight and slowed down due to an unstable back. In trying to avoid back surgery, and endless trips to a chiropractor (been there before), I find myself at times laying on the floor to pop my back into place. It pops and cracks each time in 3 or 4 places. That way I can continue my day and be productive. I have a lifetime membership at a gym, but find that many of the machines aggravate my back. I have in the past done water aerobics, the exercise I enjoy the most, but I have I have not gone in the recent past bacause of a disagreement with my facility. I have Pilates tapes but find little benefit to the exercises the way I have to do them because of my back. I am thinking that if I can take a little of this weight off first, then exercising may be a little easier on my back. Like my name, I have Hope Anew!
  • Hi Hope. I wanted to give you a quick relaxation tip: Sit on the floor with your butt VERY close to the wall (wall has to be free of pictures, furniture, etc). Next, spread eagle your legs (as FAR as you can; no worries you won't feel any pain, I promise!). Stay at that position for about 2 minutes. Close your legs and rest. Do about 10 reps each (20 minutes). You'll feel great! Remember that water helps to replinish your bones; so drink 64 oz of water daily. Stop drinking pops/sodas and coffee (this will help you in the long run). Drink a Diet Coke/or "other" Diet pops once a day (for dinner). Drink black chai/green tea instead. Come back in a month and let us know how you feel.

    For exercises: May I suggest you walk. Start at a SLOW pace. Do a mile and/or walk for 30 minutes. Go to a podiatrist who will recommend a "special" walking/running shoe that will help you for your back when all you want to do is walk (sales rep at Academy can help you, too). Did you know that if your current running/walking shoes are older than 8 months you are hurting your entire body if you haven't bought a new pair? I've learned from past mistakes as I had BAD shin splints. The kind that would have me walk off the track :sad: in pain! Sad to say my old tennis shoes were about 15 years old. I just currently changed them and my shin splints went away! Go to the website and inform yourself BETTER on exercises recommended for you to do for your back.


  • Thanks, Eva, for the tips.
    I already do some of them. I like to walk, and once in a great while I walk around the block with my husband and our dog in the evening, but walking on cement is part of the problem. The entire length of my back from neck to sacrum is unstable, and in particular the lumbar area is screaming by the time I get home. Most of the exercises I do I do flat on my back so as to keep my back supported and straight. I realize I do need new shoes, however, Thanks for the advice!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Welcome Janet! You'll learn a great deal here, starting with the food diary which will help more than you can even believe right now! And I have faith that this will work for you, as it's worked for me!

    I'm praying with you!!!
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