misspiggy408 Member


  • You dont NEED to eat clean to lose weight, although it IS healthier for you. My doctor recently told me if I wanted to lose weight, use portion control. He said the size of your 2 fists is the amount you should be eating each meal. It is the right size for your stomach and wont stretch it out. GOOD LUCK!
  • Good Luck on your workout today =o) How long have you been doing P90x?
  • Good Morning!! So I missed 4/1's workout, but i'm doubling up my workout today. Today I started P90x LEAN, so i did the core synergistics and burned 557 calories, and this afternoon i will do the cardio X dvd to make up for yesterday. The workout out I did this morning was really hard and took a lot out of me, but no pain,…
  • Hey all! I live in the bay area, CA and am a new SAHM with children ages 11, 4, and 2. I used to be in great shape as a teen, but since having my 3rd kid, its been EXTREMELy hard to lose the weight (which is 50+ lbs) . lately ive really been into lifting, using dumbells, cardio videos and kick boxing. I love to run, but i…
  • Thanks everyone for the info! I'm checking out sites now! THANKS!! =0)