

  • I've got a similar concern. I've been retaining water for about a week now. It's not time for my TOM. Does anyone have an idea as to how to relieve this? I'm almost to the point of agony.
  • I have no idea if this will work for you or not, but I've been jogging/running. My waistline is going down, but the girls are staying right there where they're at. Not exactly the results I wanted because of back issues, but I've dropped a pants size and have not had any changes to my bust. Try looking up cleavage…
  • Thanks, guys! That really helped. :)
  • Alas, I could not resist the donut... My co-workers and I have a bet going to see who can lose the most weight by Nov. 20 by body percentage--winner gets $300. The skinny people keep trying to sabotage and bring in donuts, cherry cheesecakes, cupcakes, and Paula Dean german chocolate cake. I finally caved and grabbed one.…
  • I'm new here too and have been wondering the same thing... seems like you're shooting yourself in the foot if you exercise and then turn right around and eat the calories you've burned...