

  • You can but not necessary. Cardio is just another form to reduce calories. Your daily intake to lose your desired weight is 1200 and you added another negative 350. Just means you'd be 350 less at the end of the week. I mainly use cardio to cut more into my caloric deficit.
  • Well...seems like you are on track. 1250 is just a number. You need to determine whether the calories are sufficient for a weight loss. Along with the 400-450 in exercise, you are roughly around 850-900. Keep up the weights and start increasing if it feels good. There's really no secret or formula since everyone is…
  • You're body has become accustomed to the reduced calories. Bump up your calories every 5-6 days by a couple hundred. Should help fool your body and get it back to fat burning mode.
  • Blackened for seafood.
  • Caloric deficit just means reduction in calories. If your target for loss is 1400 calories and you've exercised and worked up 400 calories, just means it's equivalent to eating 400 less calories. You lose weight always by caloric deficit, it can either come from exercise or reduction in calories.
  • a young 37 here. lol add me if you want
  • Gym for me...No distractions from the kids and since you are driving there, it forces you to stay on task. I do see lots of people lollygagging around though but that's on them.
  • Depends on the excercise and what the goal is. I use barbell for my bench. Sometimes I do dumbbell incline bench but I really think its a waste of time.
  • From my experience, I've always hated running. In high school, the longest that I was able to run was about 1/4 mile. My sprints were fine, just the long distance would just kill me. I didn't learn to enjoy running until I was mid way through P90x. The key isn't your legs but rather your lungs and the plyometrics were…
  • I'm getting close to reaching my goal of bench pressing a baby chihuahua. Working out about 4-5 times a week and leaning down without running now.