

  • Men don't know anything about size. Once my husband talked about a former girlfriend and said she was a size 6. We ran into her and she was my size. I said, "Wow, she must have gained some weight!" and he looked at me all confused and goes, "No..." She was clearly a 14. Not a 6.
  • Nutrisystem was the easiest diet in the world for me because I didn't have to think about anything beyond picking out what I wanted to eat and heating it up. If you don't have to cook for anyone else and you have the money, I say give it a shot. Just a couple things though: after awhile the food is disgusting. Plan on…
  • Post a picture and congratulations!!
  • I am in the newly named "North Chesterfield"... Great to see someone with similar goals to mine! Thanks!
  • Add me! I just started this week and need all the encouragement I can get! I've gained and lost the same 30 lbs. multiple times. I want to lose it for good!