I would recommend posting in the Stronglifts for Women and the New Rules of Lifting for Women groups ( - they're more active. (And they tend to be a lot nicer than the general forum folks.)
Jo - logs can be downloaded here
I've been lurking for a while, and randomly replying to other threads when I feel I have something to add - which isn't often :). I have been doing Supercharged for a couple of weeks, and I fear it's turning me into an ox. Granted, I'm built like one to start with - I'm not sure I have any slow-twitch muscle fibers at all,…
Pros: You are more likely to go and follow through with weight training/exercising (obviously depends on your personality, but it's easier to just blow off working out if you're dependent on doing it on your own versus having a set appointment with a person) Cons: Spendy; urge to commit homicide during burpee number…
Paragard IUD. You may bleed heavier, but no hormones/side effects - it's worth it to me, but ymmv. There is a great site called IUD Divas that has a ton of information about Paragard, Mirena, as well as other birth control options.
Check out the book (and app) Body by You - it details all kinds of exercises that body weight exercises for women.
I have the Ergotron workfit stand. It's the best of both worlds, I love it.
Yup. I have a pair of 'goal jeans' and a 'goal dress'. I can just barely get them on, and then I am so happy when I feel like I can actually wear them in public. I also kept a pair of jeans from when I was heaviest, so I know how far I've come.
Other thing that I'm not sure has been mentioned yet is - where are you in your cycle? I started looking at my weight fluctuations against my menstrual cycle, and now know there are certain times of the month that I just don't weigh myself....
You should also know that clothing can vary from item to item, even in the same size, cut and color. Most clothing today is cut from very large stacks of fabric with a die, and there is some variation as the die goes through from top to bottom (think about cutting a large stack of paper with scissors - same principle).…
And your pic is so enlightening as well. Now I know why I never shared here before. Nor will I continue. Have a great day!
My problem is that when I work out, my calves get gigantic, same with my arms. I'm just one giant fast-twitch muscle fiber I guess?