Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I didn't get to the gym today. I could NOT bring myself to go when it's so crowded and hot. The teen kids drive me nuts. The boys are somewhat serious about their workouts. The girls like to giggle and watch the boys and pretend to workout. I'll go in the mid-morning tomorrow when it's just the blue hair group. :bigsmile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    You know when you have one of those "I feel good. It feels like I am getting skinny and then you go try on an outfit you haven't worn in a few years. Then all you want to do is cry and eat because the outfit still doesn't fit moments?" Yeah, I just had one .
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I have managed a whopping 15 mins of strength-training since arriving in Hawaii. We snorkel/swim the days away! Today: Polynesian cultural centre + luau + nightshow (firedancing)! Can't wait!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, Hawaii is my dream vacation. One of these days.........

    Worked out after lunch today. It wasn't so busy in there. I didn't have to wait for machines. BUT I do need some gloves. The calluses are forming and my hands hurt. Hibbett Sports did not have a great selection. Two black ones to choose from. I have searched Amazon but the reviews on the majority of them have me indecisive.

    Recommend a glove?
  • badgergrrl
    badgergrrl Posts: 14 Member
    I've been lurking for a while, and randomly replying to other threads when I feel I have something to add - which isn't often :). I have been doing Supercharged for a couple of weeks, and I fear it's turning me into an ox. Granted, I'm built like one to start with - I'm not sure I have any slow-twitch muscle fibers at all, lol. I have always been more about sprinting/power than distance/endurance/grace. I just need someone other than my DH to tell that it's a good thing to be buff as h*ll.

    Did this happen to anyone else? I'm hoping it's temporary and it's just that the muscles are building under the fat? And then the fat will start burning off?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I've been awol again. I can't even begin to tell you how busy it is right now, not just at work but everywhere! Yikes!!

    So here are my measurements beginning and ending NROL4W
    MEASUREMENTS 6/11/2012 8/1/2013
    Calves L/R 15/16 15
    Thighs L/R 26/26.5 26
    Hips 42 40
    Waist at bellybutton 35.5 32
    Natural Waist 32 30
    Under Breast 31 30
    Breast 37.5 37
    Upper Arms 10.25/10.5 10.25/11

    I have some substantial loss in some areas. My thighs, which have always been the last to go, haven't changed in size but there's real muscle under all the fat that's still there.

    I'm still way behind, and have to catch up!

    Welcome b-grrl and any other newcomers I haven't seen yet.

    Hawaii was without a doubt my most favorite ever vacation! I urge everyone to go see this beautiful group of islands

    ..and that's all I have for right now! I'll tell y'all about 5/3/1 next time.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Way to go, Sue! I want 40 inch hips!!

    Manic, boo on the outfit that doesn't fit. That's how I feel about my clothes. Kids, I ain't gonna lie. My body is not a hot mess or anything but I hate my clothes. Two lbs and they don't fit :mad:

    Beeps, I wouldn't bother in Hawaii! Have FUN!

    Manic, I use these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00126HZZ4/ref=oh_details_o02_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. They work.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member

    I am stopping in really quick as i am just a few days away from my wedding. A few questions regarding stage 2:

    1. What is the difference between the static lunge with rear foot elevated and the Bulgarian split squat? These seem the same exercise to me. Am I missing something?

    2. Now that I am doing some exercises with tiny weights (5 lbs for the prone cuban snatch), how do you recommend I go up in weight if the next size is 7.5 lbs - a 50% increase?

    Also, the reverse lunge from forward box (with mere 8 lbs dumbbells) KICKS MY BUTT.

    Sue - did you lose any weight, or was this all due to NROL4W workout? Good job! Those are impressive numbers!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    I am stopping in really quick as i am just a few days away from my wedding. A few questions regarding stage 2:

    1. What is the difference between the static lunge with rear foot elevated and the Bulgarian split squat? These seem the same exercise to me. Am I missing something?

    2. Now that I am doing some exercises with tiny weights (5 lbs for the prone cuban snatch), how do you recommend I go up in weight if the next size is 7.5 lbs - a 50% increase?

    Also, the reverse lunge from forward box (with mere 8 lbs dumbbells) KICKS MY BUTT.

    Sue - did you lose any weight, or was this all due to NROL4W workout? Good job! Those are impressive numbers!!

    Jewel, I will answer really quick as I am headed to bed. Hopefully others will chime in.

    Foot placement! Bulgarian split squat the entire top of foot should be flat on resting spot. Static lunge , if I am not mistaken, isn't as elevated. And only your toe should be resting.

    Also, my gym has weights like that. I went up when it was time. But if I could only do half the set then so be it. I was getting stronger. I would use that weight until I could easily do the entire set/reps with the weight I once struggled with. HTH :flowerforyou:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    I am stopping in really quick as i am just a few days away from my wedding. A few questions regarding stage 2:

    1. What is the difference between the static lunge with rear foot elevated and the Bulgarian split squat? These seem the same exercise to me. Am I missing something?

    2. Now that I am doing some exercises with tiny weights (5 lbs for the prone cuban snatch), how do you recommend I go up in weight if the next size is 7.5 lbs - a 50% increase?

    Also, the reverse lunge from forward box (with mere 8 lbs dumbbells) KICKS MY BUTT.

    Sue - did you lose any weight, or was this all due to NROL4W workout? Good job! Those are impressive numbers!!

    Jewel, I will answer really quick as I am headed to bed. Hopefully others will chime in.

    Foot placement! Bulgarian split squat the entire top of foot should be flat on resting spot. Static lunge , if I am not mistaken, isn't as elevated. And only your toe should be resting.

    Also, my gym has weights like that. I went up when it was time. But if I could only do half the set then so be it. I was getting stronger. I would use that weight until I could easily do the entire set/reps with the weight I once struggled with. HTH :flowerforyou:

    Mary, I bought cheap gloves at Target. They protect my hands and work, though I don't wear them anymore. A little bit of moisturizer after my workout and I'm all good.

    Jewel, Mary is correct the foot placement is actually different. The Bulgarian split squat the foot is much higher up. The TOP of your foot should basically be resting on the seat of a bench or something, almost like your doing a quad stretch. Don't use too much weight for this one. Start with a 5-10 plate. For the static lunge, You are in a lunge position with your toe slightly elevated, such as on an aerobic step. I think I used 10s the last time I did reverse lunges, and ended with 10s on the cuban snatch so don't feel bad. In this stage you are really working those small muscles, so you need little weights.

    I should be at the gym right now, but my trap hurts again and I need a break. I've gone SUnday, Tuesday and Wednesday Zumba last night we were having technical difficulty with the music, so it wasn't the worst workout. I woke up really tired though. I didn't even notice hubby get out of bed. I may do Zumba later if I'm not too tired from walking.

    Today I am taking my kids into the city for the first time. It's kind of sad that I live 45 min out of Manhattan and NEVER go. Actually the cost of traveling in makes you think twice about going. Anyway, Finally taking the kids to see Madam Tussauds :)

    Beeps, sounds like you are having a very active vacation. It's our dream to cycle up one of the volcanoes Glad you are having a great time.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I think it's that way with everyone. You live so close and take it for granted. What is Madame Tussaud?

    Not sure if I can workout today. I want to complete some projects while I have all my boys at home today . Today is my leg workout. My favorite workout and I kinda don't want to miss it.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    LBJewel, actually I put on 4 pounds - all those inches lost are completely from NROL4W and any other heavy lifting I did.

    I really intend to get serious about a cut but everytime I start I have a day where I am ravenous and then can't seem to get back at it! I average between 1500-1800 cals and stay right around 162-163 - losing weight used to be so easy for me, but that was way before menopause - the older I get the more difficult it is to get any pounds off.

    Mary's description of the difference between static lunge and the split squat is accurate. Also, when you do the static lunge you want to remember to get your front leg out far enough so you're using your quad to push back up. The split squat for me was more out of the hamstring glute area.

    My trainer held me at 7.5 on the snatches - it's a range of motion lift, not a weight one. if you go too heavy, you can hurt your shoulder and that's not a good thing. Same with the YTWL (later stages)

    And I never was able to get much weight on with that reverse lunge - holding them out in front of me is a real challenge!

    Mary I know just how you feel. Hang tight, that outfit will fit!! You're really working hard at it. I have a couple of suits that I keep hoping will fit, but never do - always too tight thru my thighs. Bleh...

    Sam I wish I'd known, I would have booked it down the street to Mme Tussaud's - I am literally around the corner!! Mary, it's a wax museum!! Oh and next time there aren't any bars for DLs, do SLDL w/ DBs instead! I get a huge kick our of grabbing 65# DBs and seeing the faces of the boys watching me! It's a serious hoot!!

    Breeze, I'm going way back to last week to say congrats on your #2 loss - that's totally awesome.

    Cowgirl hope you're having fun!

    Beeps are you going to any of the other islands? Mike & I bought 6trips on the Island Hopper plane and went to Kona (the active volcano island) and Maui. If you can do it, it's so worth it!! Oh and don't miss turtle bay over on the north side of Oahu (very near Bonzai pipeline) I swam with HUGE sea turtles!

    Today was spin day. Yikes it just kills me! She's tough, lots of resistance and up and down and up and down on the pedals the whole time! I was already sore from yesterday's deads, my butt is so achy today!!

    Tomorrow is military press - and here's info about 5/3/1

  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I hate to just jump into this thread but I have some questions about S2B that I will do tonight.

    1. how long does this take? With A I worked out for a whole hour with a 10 min warm up on the elliptical.. B looks a lot longer. I need to know since I have a baby in the daycare.

    2. The lateral Flexion has 4 different options? Which should I start with?? the hanna side flexion 1 I assume (looks easy enough)

    3. I have a workout worksheet for NR that I got somewhere on MFP, it says Interval Training 15 min (1 min hard/2min recovery) what is that referring to??

    4. On planks or Prone Cobra if you can make the full 60 sec what is rule for resting and starting back to finish??


    I lost 10 lbs so far with NR and several inches so im excited to continue with it!~
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    SUe It was a last minute decision to go. I sent you a FB PM earlier today. We go all the way into Manhattan, home of some of the best food on the planet, and my kids wanted McD's. At least I was complimented. The guy behind me in line totally eye balled me and and asked how I keep my figure. I said deadlifting my body weight :laugh:

    No gym for me tonight. I am EXHAUSTED from the walking. 10 blocks up, 10 blocks down and then the tour of the wax museum. My little guy was out before the train started moving. Also, my trap is KILLING me. I can't even turn my head properly. What the hell did I do to it?

    Ok crogers, let's see if we can answer some questions for you.
    1. stage 2 60-75 minutes depending on how fast you blow through your reps and rests. A lot of people did their intervals the next day. Now your warm up should look more like the book warm with pre-lifting stretching. Limit the time on the elliptical. Save it for your intervals.
    2. with the side flex, give each a try and see what feels natural to you. I always preferred swiss ball side crunch.
    3. For your intervals you can do whatever you want. You can run on the treadmill, the elliptical, the rowing machine, bike, hell you can do kettle bell swings, box jumps, knee to stand, there's a never ending list. whatever you choose to do, do it hard for one minute and recover for two...OR do it hard for 20-30 and rest for 30-40 secs.
    4. REsting between plank/cobra is 60-75 secs. per the book. If you're ready to go sooner, do it. Also, if you don't want to be doing those for over a min. (It can get tedious an time consuming) you can do plank progressions make them harder instead of longer.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yep, I agree with Sam on all especially the plank . In the NROL4abs he doesn't recommend over a minute.

    What do yall think of this: A calorie is a calorie. OR is it? I stepped on the scale this am. Major bummer. Not one pound gone but I've kept my calories low. I know yall think this is crazy but i really have to starve and do cardio like mad to lose a pound a week. I don't want to do that anymore because I always gain it back.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, I'm having a heck of a time managing my weight and figuring out calories. I don't know what to tell you. I wouldn't care so much if I was losing inches or if my clothes fit. Photos aren't helping either.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Runz, it sucks ! LOL I have seen some inches come off but that stoooopid scale........

    Apparently, I have the metabolism that rivals a slug.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Only oahu this trip. We did maui last year and i did 2 days on the big island 13 years ago.....i would like to go back there, for sure.

    I did 45- or 50- minutes of "strong curves" workout, yesterday. Using 20 (full) water bottles, in a duffel bag, for weight.

    Today was 5 hours at a water-park. Pure cardio.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, way to make it work and your vacation sounds AWESOME!!.

    Mary I love you STOP starving yourself. you're too light to be set to a pound a week.

    No gym, letting the trap rest today. I doubled my pillow last night and it isn't in constant pain today.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    What's a trap?

    I set my calories to 1400 earlier this week and decided I just ain't gonna do it. I think years WW messed up my metabolism. I'm going back up to 1800 next week and I'm going run more. Been slacking off in that department.

    I ran this morning with a friend. She's new to running so it was easy for me. But, hey, I was moving and burning calories and earned a cupcake. Gonna go lift heavy now.

    I think Workout B in Stage 3 is kinda dumb. Anyone else feel this way?