Daily Chat Thread



  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I take a clipboard with me every time I work out.
    It has my spreadsheets, workout descriptions and pictures of my lifts.
    I have no idea what the other people think, however they should be impressed!!!!! lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    jennie - LOVE THE ATG!

    gadenni - I have a 3" binder that I walk around with....it has all the photos of the exercises, the spreadsheets, EVERYTHING. It's all good. (don't leave it in your locker - bring it with you because you look SERIOUS that way!)

    emgel - yep, gotta lose the fat to see the muscle - it'll happen if your calorie deficit is spot on.

    manic - Dukan isn't for me, either - but I'm not a big carb-eater, either. I do still have "oat bran" sitting around my office from my "attempt" to eat it all last winter. Now, I just skip breakfast and my life is WAY better (and calories are easier to count over 2 meals, rather than 3!)

    rachie - I'm totally impressed with the gym-goers who have clipboards....and, since NOBODY has one bigger than mine, lol, I feel like a BEAST!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Today, I got my lifting in and done. I stepped on the scale....not the biggest loss, but 1.2 for the month - I'll take it, since my mid-january vacation had me UP nearly 5 lbs when I returned!! Plus, TOM is on the horizon, so maybe I'm retaining a little water and will get my "whoosh" next week.

    it's all good.

  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    SFPOliver - go buy New Rules of Lifting for Women. Read it through once. And then again. Get off the cardio-bunny race and into heavy-lifting! Lots of support right here on mfp!

    sue - it is -26 C here today....-42C with the windchill. I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU RIGHT NOW!

    Tee hee hee 31C at the moment, Ima gunna melt! Lucky me, my squash "game" has been cancelled - thank goodness.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I looooove carbs, particularly bread. I ate so much bread and butter today it was nutty. (I had a bit of an emotional eating day).

    Beeps - congrats on your loss for the month. Sounds like you're doing it right. Are you close to your goal?

    Rachie - LOL. A clipboard -- I love it! I carry around a pen and notepad and noticed a few others today doing the same. There is no way I could keep track of this stuff in my head. I will literally have moments where I'm like, "Did I do 2 or 3 sets" -- especially when alternating between exercises.

    And now for the big news....drumroll please....

    I FINISHED STAGE 5! Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Because I loathed the Stage 3 and 5 exercises. Ok, loathe is a strong word, but I was soooo tired of them -- much preferred Stages 1 and 2/4. I'm scared going into Stage 6 only because of the negative chin-ups. I honestly can't figure out how I'm supposed to get onto the bar. Use a weight bench and then...jump up? I'm very short. This makes me nervous. I know I'm strong, but can it hold up my body weight??? Just when I was getting comfortable in the weight area, this comes along. thanks New Rules!
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    Didn't get to the gym today... just couldn't get out of bed to force myself to go before working my last 12 hours for the week.. now off for 5 days WOOHOO!!! Now I will have to force myself to the gym instead of enjoying all my time off with my guy and my daughter :) lol!
    I think I will have to get some sheets together for the stage 1 workout to take with me to the gym so I'm not lugging the whole book back and forth. And I'm going to do some more at home to try to increase my comfort level. Been eating really good this week... I haven't been logging though - I hate that.. I tend to get obsessed with what I'm eating and eventually I don't enjoy food anymore because I'm too worried about calories - I did that before and was down to 600 cals a day while working out :(
    I love reading this board - lots of inspriation from everyone!!! And congrats to everyone - seems like everyone is doing good! :)
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    km- congrats on finishing Stage 5! That is awesome. For the negative chinups you could just use a bench to jump up. It reminds me sort of something I did as a WoD the other day ... jumping pull-ups (at least for the getting up to the bar!).

    Last night I did my 6th A workout for Stage 1. I stopped doing dumbbell squats and opted for the squat rack. I didn't do much but I was able to add weight to the bar and conquer my insecurities with using the squat rack. I am pumped!! Also, I've been a bit lax about my eating so I'm cleaning it up a bit and determined to do so.

    Tonight I am planning a nice ride on the spin bike to loosen up and then do some stretching!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    kmsai - CONGRATs on completing Stage 5!! WOO HOOOO! My gym has the 'assisted chin-up' machine, so that makes it easy to get into the "position". Perhaps you should ask a gym employee for a suggestion on how you work on your negative chin-ups - and then take her/his advice!

    Vicki - I hear you on how "obsessive" we can become about "logging calories". Find what works for you. Come here to vent if you need to. For me, logging is KEY. And, it is a constant struggle to NOT end up a complete obsessive compulsive where logging is concerned.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Today, I got my lifting in and done. I stepped on the scale....not the biggest loss, but 1.2 for the month - I'll take it, since my mid-january vacation had me UP nearly 5 lbs when I returned!! Plus, TOM is on the horizon, so maybe I'm retaining a little water and will get my "whoosh" next week.

    it's all good.


    ...moving in the right direction!!:bigsmile:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    Last night I did my 6th A workout for Stage 1. I stopped doing dumbbell squats and opted for the squat rack. I didn't do much but I was able to add weight to the bar and conquer my insecurities with using the squat rack. I am pumped!! Also, I've been a bit lax about my eating so I'm cleaning it up a bit and determined to do so.

    awesome! congrats on getting to the "rack"!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Wow, I've missed a lot! Had a stomach bug the past few days so no lifting (or eating!) for me. Hoping I can ease back into it Saturday or Monday. Probably going to just skip my last two workouts in Stage 6 and go into Stage 7.

    I always take a picture of the workout schedule with my iPhone. That way I just have my phone with me. I keep track of my workouts in my "notes" on my phone. I don't like paper because I lose it, lol.

    Keep up the good work, ladies!
  • tennesseeleigh
    No gym today but did manage a 1.5 mile walk and some body weight exercises. Hopefully that will help work out some of this crazy muscle soreness from my two lifting workouts this week.

    Rachie - I am a total nerd at the gym. I am totally type A and want a record of everything I do. I have a little training log I use now but I used to carry a clipboard.

    I am also someone who needs to log everything that goes into my mouth or I get way off track. I got out of the habit of logging last Fall when I was in trial and stalled for a couple of months. I wasn't working out with any regularlity and I wasn't eating horribly but it just feels like wasted time. I am certainly not in a race to lose weight, get fitter, etc., but I do need to know I'm having some sort of forward momentum.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    tennesseeleigh - are you a lawyer? me too! trial wreaks havoc on my eating habits because I can't be home as often. Today is a cardio day for me, last Stage 3A workout tomorrow morning! I feel like Stage 3 FLEW by! and my legs have been sore through the whole stage - my hamstrings are, apparently, pathetic. So my cardio days are great for loosening up my muscles. Just the elliptical at home today, but I am still on my slow carb streak!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Please edit me to 4 workouts per week.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    emgel my legs, specifically my hammies, are super sore in stage three as well. Which I find funny since it seems to be more arm/shoulder/back centered. funny.

    Beeps can my challenge say daily protein of at least 110? or something to that effect. that is my daily goal.

    I am not sure if I can make it to gym tomorrow or not. it is crazy cold, like sub-zero, and our roads suck butt to get into town. typically this is not a huge deal individually but together and taking my two youngest to the gym with me, because they don't have preschool on Fri, makes me a little nervous. we will see how tomorrow looks. We have hella crazy winds tonight with white out conditions so tomorrow the roads may be even worse. we live in a small town outside of the larger town where my Y is, only about 8-10 miles out side of town, but our road to town is just not maintained very well. it really stinks this time of year. and I Hate to miss the gym since I missed it yesterday because of the snow and ice we got on Tuesday night. plus my kids were out of school on Wed. and now that I have that all typed out....I know I will make it to the gym tomorrow because I sound like a whiny excuse maker. cross your fingers for me k? :wink:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am sooooo hun-greeeeeeeeeeee!

    But i have eaten my allotted calories today. I didn't exercise today because I packed up 2 rooms. The moving process to our new home has begun.

    anyway, just wanted to vent.:tongue:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    emgel my legs, specifically my hammies, are super sore in stage three as well. Which I find funny since it seems to be more arm/shoulder/back centered. funny.

    Beeps can my challenge say daily protein of at least 110? or something to that effect. that is my daily goal.

    I am not sure if I can make it to gym tomorrow or not. it is crazy cold, like sub-zero, and our roads suck butt to get into town. typically this is not a huge deal individually but together and taking my two youngest to the gym with me, because they don't have preschool on Fri, makes me a little nervous. we will see how tomorrow looks. We have hella crazy winds tonight with white out conditions so tomorrow the roads may be even worse. we live in a small town outside of the larger town where my Y is, only about 8-10 miles out side of town, but our road to town is just not maintained very well. it really stinks this time of year. and I Hate to miss the gym since I missed it yesterday because of the snow and ice we got on Tuesday night. plus my kids were out of school on Wed. and now that I have that all typed out....I know I will make it to the gym tomorrow because I sound like a whiny excuse maker. cross your fingers for me k? :wink:

    Fingers crossed for the strong intention-driven woman that will push the whiney one aside!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I am sooooo hun-greeeeeeeeeeee!

    But i have eaten my allotted calories today. I didn't exercise today because I packed up 2 rooms. The moving process to our new home has begun.

    anyway, just wanted to vent.:tongue:

    We are here for your venting pleasure. Good luck with your move!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member


    Please track your own "streak". I'll post updates as the month goes along.

    If you give me your weekly "total" by thursday of each week, then I can update the chart for Friday and post on Fridays. (It's usually pretty quiet here on the weekends.)