Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am 5x5 on the challenge Beeps!

    Started Stage 4 today. Sadly, I still suck at the 1 pt rows. I just can't hold that position on 1 leg, so I'm changing it. I'm using the Bosu ball and YES! I actually lifted some weight!! I can do 75 with BB. Today, balancing on the ball, I did 25# Dbs and finally felt as if I was getting something done! The rest was fine, owie because of a week of vacation, but I'm back in it and enjoying it - all except those 2 minute planks! The first one I did 120 sec but collapsed at 90 regrouped and finished. The second, 90 was all I could do and I wasn't ready to do the 3rd. I'll improve I know.

    Hi Julie, welcome back!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    sue! When I begin the stage again with 2 minute planks, I don't plan on doing that long. I can't remember what he said in the NROL4abs but I am running with it. Lol
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Ladies, I'm already obsessed with this, and I just started. I'm worried about after I finish stage 1 and I go on vacation for 3 weeks. Trying to figure out how many weights I can pack in my small car along with all our vacation stuff.... wondering if just body weight stuff will keep me over 3 weeks, or if I have to look at guest gym membership on vacation. Yes, I can see all of your eyes rolling back in your heads. LOL!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    deksgrl: I hope you're not flying if you plan on putting weights in your luggage! Talk about baggage fees!! LOL!! Seriously, I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and we aren't rolling our eyes. I never book a room anymore unless the hotel has a weight area..lol!

    I increased my weights last night for the step-ups and almost fell off the bench during my last rep! Legs were really wobbly. It would have been really embarrassing if I fell because I had two guys watching me the whole time. I still don't know if they were impressed or looking at me like I was crazy. Where I go lift, you don't see too many women on that side of the gym. If you do, they are using the 5 lbs weights or just standing around (which drives me nuts because that side of the gym is a little small).
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    jcjsjones - I don't think anyone takes any notice of me until I start step-ups. Then I get some looks. I like to think they are concerned and are waiting to catch me when I fall from doing this crazy move!!!!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Rachie, I feel the same way! I'm a bit nervous to start a new stage... next week!

    Beeps, I'd say I'm 5 for 6 days this month since Sunday I didn't do a gym session even though I did walk a CRAPton.

    Anywho, today is another increase with the second to last B workout of Stage 1! I need to reign in my diet a bit and get better at tracking my evening calories. I've had a lot left over for dinner time that I've just sort of said "meh" and haven't been too serious about it. This is NOT okay. I'm not doing myself any favors on slacking and allowing myself a couple extra treats just because. That ends today.

    Hope everyone kicks butt today with whatever you do!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    I always feel so self conscious during step ups! I need to use a bench for those as there isn't any platforms/steps in my gym and I'm always super wobbly for the first one on each leg.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    deksgrl: I hope you're not flying if you plan on putting weights in your luggage! Talk about baggage fees!! LOL!! Seriously, I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and we aren't rolling our eyes. I never book a room anymore unless the hotel has a weight area..lol!

    We are staying a week with friends and 2 weeks at a rental house, so no hotel gym. Our hosts will be looking at me strangely when I ask for a mop handle and go around their garden filling two buckets with rocks.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I always feel so self conscious during step ups! I need to use a bench for those as there isn't any platforms/steps in my gym and I'm always super wobbly for the first one on each leg.

    Do they have rooms for classes at your gym? Sometimes I go in there if I need extra space and here isn't a class going on. There is usually extra equipment like steps, jump ropes, and weights, etc.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    deksgrl: I hope you're not flying if you plan on putting weights in your luggage! Talk about baggage fees!! LOL!! Seriously, I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and we aren't rolling our eyes. I never book a room anymore unless the hotel has a weight area..lol!

    We are staying a week with friends and 2 weeks at a rental house, so no hotel gym. Our hosts will be looking at me strangely when I ask for a mop handle and go around their garden filling two buckets with rocks.

    TRX trainers are great to suspension and body weight work when you are traveling. They are expensive (like $200), but you could probably get just about the same with some rope and handles, http://www.trxtraining.com/products/trx-home.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Ladies, I'm already obsessed with this, and I just started. I'm worried about after I finish stage 1 and I go on vacation for 3 weeks. Trying to figure out how many weights I can pack in my small car along with all our vacation stuff.... wondering if just body weight stuff will keep me over 3 weeks, or if I have to look at guest gym membership on vacation. Yes, I can see all of your eyes rolling back in your heads. LOL!

    I would totally look into a guest membership at a gym! Its not the end of the world to take a break, but if you can keep it going, do it!

    ...and NONE of us are rolling our eyes!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    deksgrl: I hope you're not flying if you plan on putting weights in your luggage! Talk about baggage fees!! LOL!! Seriously, I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and we aren't rolling our eyes. I never book a room anymore unless the hotel has a weight area..lol!

    We are staying a week with friends and 2 weeks at a rental house, so no hotel gym. Our hosts will be looking at me strangely when I ask for a mop handle and go around their garden filling two buckets with rocks.

    TRX trainers are great to suspension and body weight work when you are traveling. They are expensive (like $200), but you could probably get just about the same with some rope and handles, http://www.trxtraining.com/products/trx-home.

    Very cool, thanks.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Ladies, I'm already obsessed with this, and I just started. I'm worried about after I finish stage 1 and I go on vacation for 3 weeks. Trying to figure out how many weights I can pack in my small car along with all our vacation stuff.... wondering if just body weight stuff will keep me over 3 weeks, or if I have to look at guest gym membership on vacation. Yes, I can see all of your eyes rolling back in your heads. LOL!

    I would totally look into a guest membership at a gym! Its not the end of the world to take a break, but if you can keep it going, do it!

    ...and NONE of us are rolling our eyes!

    I have gotten one week gym memberships when I travel for a period of time - they are a little pricy but not too bad (sometimes buying a month works out cheaper). You can use your friend's address and tell them you are interested in joining and get the free passes (sometimes you get a whole week free, sometimes its just a couple of days). They do make you listen to the whole talk about how great the gym is though so plan for an extra 30 minutes for that.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Julie - welcome back

    Sue - I wouldn't do the full 120 sec on the planks. I'd do it for 60 sec and try to do the more difficult versions. But that's just my opinion.

    deks - I would definitely look into getting a guest membership for a couple weeks if that's what you want to do on vacation.

    I'm 6 for 6 on my streak. Plus my weight is finally going down!!! I started Jan around 158 and I was 152 this morning. :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I'm with jennie on the planks issue - don't have time for 2-minute planks! I keep my work at 60 seconds, but just get more progressive in the planks I choose.

    Here's a link that helped me recognize what "progression" means:

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    HI all

    Well my legs are dying from my day 1 squats - I've been hobbiling round work that last two days avoiding stairs where possible - and jogging down them quickly when not as it hurts less. They better shape up as it's workout 2 tomorrow - mind you I'm starting light on the deadlifts, need to sort out my form as I've never done them before. Though I guy a work did go through them with me. (his max is 220kg!!!!!).

    I just keep reminding myself about how good I'll looks in a year :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Sorry for your DOMs, newme. But, yep, just keep on keeping on and you won't regret it.

    As you've already written - FORM FIRST! Don't worry about how heavy you are going (just yet). Make sure your form is awesome....watch youtube videos (rippetoe comes to mind...)....have a gym trainer or a gym employee watch you, or video-tape you, so that you have the right idea going forward.

  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    Did my NROL today like I planned :) yay me!!! Feeling pretty ok with everything - except the step ups... what did you guys start with for weights and step hieght? Right now doing it at home so struggling to find a proper "step"

    Perhapys yoga tomorrow or some cardio???

    And I have to vent for a minute... I hate my midsection!!! If I could just get rid of my flabby belly I would be happy... I know that I can't just get rid of it but ugh I wish!!! That is really the only part of my body that I am unhappy with... hopefully with overall toning and losing a few pounds it will get a little better... hopefully
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    There you all go blowing up the thread again. And then it's dead on the weekend when I can hang out :(

    Beeps love the pants idea and situation, yay for smaller pants lol I wish I had someone who could hem my pants. Anybody else notice that they changed the lengths on women's pants. I swear I used to be a regular, and now I'm forced to buy "short" or "petite". It's almost like the manufacturers think women should wear heels everywhere. No thank you. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day. I know some of my co-workers do it, but this chick can't. As a side note I went thrift shopping and got the cutest shoes. I call them my wicked witch of the west shoes. Patent leather black half boots with laces lol. I also picked up a few pairs of cheap pants and let me tell you it feels so good to wear pants that FIT!. THe pair I have on now are marked 6P (US). Sounds a little too much like vanity sizing to me. At my absolute smallest I was never less than an 8 because of my hip bones.

    Sue, HI! I hope you enjoy stage 4. Is that the dreaded BWM stage?

    Maniac, I have been having trouble sticking with ABS as well. I think it's just too far afield of NROL4W, so we don't like it. I honestly don't know anybody that's actually finished it. Beeps, did you get all the way through?

    It's great to hear about everyone increasing weight. To the newbies, welcome, and never feel bad about your starting weight. I started with body weight this time last year and by September I was lifting my body weight. Now if feels weird to clap about increasing to 10lbs, but last night I stuck around for the barbie lifting after my step class. I did fine with it. No pain, and I can actually feel it a little today. I used 5 for tris and lats, but 10 for bis. When I get back up to 20lbs, I'll start lifting again. I know I'm going to have to cut all my arm exercises and dead lifts by half :( and I will NEVER do a burpee again. I'll go back to running intervals for my metabolic training. I've also been swimming every Sunday.

    Streak 6 for 6 cals, and I exercised all scheduled days. I have to miss this Friday for a banquet, but I'm already planning tp switch with a rest day to keep that streak going woo hoo.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello! I am new to focusing on strength training (it was all body pump previously). My gym has activtrax and it seems like the workouts are short and too easy. I know the book makes it seem like it should be "less is more" but can that be right??