Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    One more thing: I am a severe asthmatic. So, one of the reasons I have steadily focused on cardio is because, for me, my cardio health is KEY to my long-term lifelong survival.

    It's not a joke - I *do* need cardio!!!

    I also rely on cardio to: de-stress, sleep better, etc., etc.

    It is why, despite my best efforts, my Saturday long-cardio routine remains intact.

    I'll always try to keep 1 x weekly cardio. And, yes, I missed the Tues/Th/Sun cardio I was doing for several years, too.....we'll see how my (continuing) experiment turns out!
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    It is a generated workout based on goals, like today was shoulders. I did the workout but then did extra from muffintopless website, now I feel like I did something!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Are you ladies doing any HIIT cardio on your non-lifting days? I have to admit..I TRY to be consistent with going on the off days, but sometimes I just dismiss it altogether. Haha. And this is coming from a former cardio junkie!

    Yes, I do. But like Beeps said, it really makes me hungry. I didn't like cardio when I first started, so I had no problems just doing the lifting 3X week. However, we've recently moved and I'll do intervals or steady on our little country road and it is sooo relaxing. That being said, I haven't lost any quicker (maybe even slower) than just doing lifting. However, there are several women who are doing NROL4W and training for marathons/half-marathons as well. Just depends what your fitness goals are, I suppose.

    LB2LL, congrats on the DL! That is some serious lifting!

    I am 6/7 for the Streak Challenge. Really happy about his. I did take measurements and I am down another 1/2" everywhere. This includes my STUBBORN thighs that are the very last to go. AND this is even with them being sore from Monday's workout.
    I've lost nearly 2" from each thigh since beginning NROL4W! Fitting my thighs into sz medium pants is something I haven't done since I lost weight after having my second child and was 10LBS LIGHTER.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I ABSOLUTELY do cardio along with NR! I have posted about this before, but I am a long distance runner (no, not a marathoner, but a half-marathoner) so I incorporate running in with my lifting. It USUALLY looks like this:

    M: lift, 3 miles of treadmill intervals
    T: elliptical
    W: lift, row machine intervals
    Th: off day
    F: lift, 3 miles of treadmill intervals
    S: long run (6-13 miles depending on where I am in my training)
    Sun: elliptical

    on days I don't lift I have to do cardio to: help my DOMS and sleep! no exercise = no sleep for me.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    HI all

    Thanks for all the tips - I watched loads of youtube before doing my (light) DL today and it really helped. :drinker:

    Everyone's doing so well - it's great encouragement :-D

    And I'd just like to say that I hate Lunges - hate hate hate, and I had to do BW ones, and they were soooooooo hard.

    HATE HATE HATE. :mad:

    But I think other than that I could really like this lifting lark. Off to stretch some more - then a nice walk to the pub - that will help with my DOMS :laugh:
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Also, I do cardio since I"m still doing some road races this year so I do need to run. Also, for me it's not about the scale and losing weight. I'm happy with where I am (for once) so for me this is more of a maintenance/doing what I enjoy type of dealio.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I do cardio on my off days, and I always run for 10 minutes right before I lift. Helps warm my body and get my heart pumping. I am still running road races and will be running in a 5k next month, so I have to keep it up. I have noticed that the NR is really helping me with my speed and strength in my legs.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Are you ladies doing any HIIT cardio on your non-lifting days? I have to admit..I TRY to be consistent with going on the off days, but sometimes I just dismiss it altogether. Haha. And this is coming from a former cardio junkie!


    The first time around I didn't add cardio. (well, some but not enough to make a difference. ) I became stronger but I didn't lose fat. This time around , I am focusing on form, fat loss, and strength.

    If you are looking to lose fat, I highly recommend adding cardio or it's possible you won't see the results you want.

    I have a goal of fat loss/measurement loss. I am about to do workout B6, so I have read ahead to stage two, and I was thinking maybe I should start doing interval cardio at least two times a week (to take advantage of my gym membership, and to keep me out of the cupboards after work - my danger time). I think I will start with some HIIT cardio as of next week (Tues and Thurs/Sat or Sun) and see how I go. I do like to mountain bike for fun as well, but need to get out on the bike a bit more before summer ends (I am in the Southern Hemisphere) - daylight savings is on April the 7th this year (I think).

    I do really need to clean up my diet though. I have been reading the Eat More 2 Weigh Less forum and am thinking I might need to eat more to see a loss in the long run. I had eaten a low cal diet (approx 1000cal per day) for about 6 months and saw fantastic results, but encountered some massive stress and dived into the sugar and fat and piled on a whole lot in the next six months - since then I have been eating at about 1200-1400cal, but I think I might need to up it to about 1700 or even 1900.....ah so confused and worried about gaining. Anyone on here doing the Eat More thing with New Rules?

    I will be having my one month weigh in and measurements next Monday, and I am terrified that I won't be seeing any of the results I want, although I have made strength gains.... please excuse my vent.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member

    Beeps2011 daily work-outs
    samntha14 <daily cals + daily work-outs
    suelegal daily work-outs
    manic4titans <daily cals of 1400
    LB2LL daily work-outs
    emgel stick to slow carb diet
    jenniet04 daily work-outs
    chubbycowgirl NO weighing on scale
    mcbellnz 1-per-week cheat meals ONLY
    sara4159 <1,800 calories per day
    katwhelton daily macros
    gadenni daily protein of 110g
    tennesseeleig 4 work-outs per week (3 weights)
    blacknivory 3 NROL4W work-outs per week
    lcuconley daily work-outs

    Alright, ladies, its time to give me your WEEK 1 RESULTS.

    Right. I am not too sure how to report mine. I had a beer last Sat and one on last Sunday at the car racing, so I am counting that as a cheat meal. I was meant to have my cheat meal tonight but I shall forgo it due to my previous actions.

    Can I count that as a 5 out of 7? Or should it really be 0 since I didn't really only have one cheat meal in the week?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    since then I have been eating at about 1200-1400cal, but I think I might need to up it to about 1700 or even 1900.....ah so confused and worried about gaining. Anyone on here doing the Eat More thing with New Rules?

    Yes. I was eating at TDEE - 10%. I just started lifting this week and upped my calories a bit more because I was starving and per the NROL4W book recommendation.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    mcbellnz - I think you will find a lot of people on this forum "eat more to weigh less" just because they take in the right number of calories. You should calculate your TDEE - 20% (try the scooby calculator, that is pretty accurate). I am only 5 feet and I eat between 1800 and 2000 calories a day my TDEE is between 2300 and 2500 (although it gets close to 3000 on the weekends). You also need to fuel your body with enough calories to see strength gains.

    I just can't imagine 1400 calories is enough on a lifting program like New Rules.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    since then I have been eating at about 1200-1400cal, but I think I might need to up it to about 1700 or even 1900.....ah so confused and worried about gaining. Anyone on here doing the Eat More thing with New Rules?

    Yes. I was eating at TDEE - 10%. I just started lifting this week and upped my calories a bit more because I was starving and per the NROL4W book recommendation.

    Do you mind if I ask if you have much fat to lose? I weigh about 148lb (67kg) and have a scary body fat percentage of 34% - so I have lots to lose - aiming for below 24% body fat - even got down to that when I lost weight the low cal way - but I was only 115lb (about 52kg) - oh how I wish I was there and starting New Rules....anyway, according to my crude calculations even though I have gained 15kg, only 10kg of that extra weight is flabby extra fat!!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    Beeps2011 daily work-outs
    samntha14 <daily cals + daily work-outs
    suelegal daily work-outs
    manic4titans <daily cals of 1400
    LB2LL daily work-outs
    emgel stick to slow carb diet
    jenniet04 daily work-outs
    chubbycowgirl NO weighing on scale
    mcbellnz 1-per-week cheat meals ONLY
    sara4159 <1,800 calories per day
    katwhelton daily macros
    gadenni daily protein of 110g
    tennesseeleig 4 work-outs per week (3 weights)
    blacknivory 3 NROL4W work-outs per week
    lcuconley daily work-outs

    Alright, ladies, its time to give me your WEEK 1 RESULTS.

    I am 6 for 6...will be 7 for 7 after my soccer game tonight!! Sounds like a lot of us are doing pretty well this week!

    mcbellenz, I would give myself a 6/7 if my only cheat was 2 beers...
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Are you ladies doing any HIIT cardio on your non-lifting days? I have to admit..I TRY to be consistent with going on the off days, but sometimes I just dismiss it altogether. Haha. And this is coming from a former cardio junkie!

    I do spin to make sure I am getting some interval training in. Soccer is kind of interval training, too...I want to be "fit" in many different ways, so i also do "long slow cardio" by running. I am having a hard time fitting in my yoga, though...
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    LBLL2 - tell me more about what you did on your "interval sprint" day...I need to start something like that to prep for outdoor soccer season!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Here is the sprint workout I do when I'm stuck on the treadmill. I can't just run an even pace on the DREADmill otherwise I get incredibly bored. I have a hills workout but I'm not remembering the timing to write it. I can post it later if you want. It's killer.

    0-5 min: "warm up" - between 6.0-6.5 setting
    5-7 min: increase to at least 7-7.5 setting
    7-8:30min: increase to at least 8.0-8.5 setting
    8:30 - 10min: 8.5-9.0 setting depending on how you feel and where you were at previously
    10-15: recovery (generally I will run at about 6.5 for 2.5min and then increase it for another 2.5 before speeding up)

    I generally do this for 3 miles but have done 5 on a day I was feeling energetic lol. If you have an even mile goal, say, 3 mile goal and use the speeds I suggested usually your second set of sprints will end right around 2.3-2.4 miles. I generally do a 7.0 speed recovery for about 0.3 mile and then ramp it up again finishing off with a speed of 10 for 0.2 miles.

    Also, the speed is completely up to you. I never originally thought "Hey sprinting at a 10 sounds great." I worked up to that point (and no it's not great, borderline vomit inducing). The main point of this is to be switching up speeds and pushing yourself.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    since then I have been eating at about 1200-1400cal, but I think I might need to up it to about 1700 or even 1900.....ah so confused and worried about gaining. Anyone on here doing the Eat More thing with New Rules?

    Yes. I was eating at TDEE - 10%. I just started lifting this week and upped my calories a bit more because I was starving and per the NROL4W book recommendation.

    Do you mind if I ask if you have much fat to lose? I weigh about 148lb (67kg) and have a scary body fat percentage of 34% - so I have lots to lose - aiming for below 24% body fat - even got down to that when I lost weight the low cal way - but I was only 115lb (about 52kg) - oh how I wish I was there and starting New Rules....anyway, according to my crude calculations even though I have gained 15kg, only 10kg of that extra weight is flabby extra fat!!!

    mcbellnz - I'm at about 27.5% body fat, by the Covert Bailey calculation anyway. And I'm aiming for anything below 25%. But I'm nearly 50 and 5'6" so at my goal weight, my body fat is projected to be about 24 point something. I weighed 152 on Sunday prior to beginning lifting and I'm going to try not to weigh for a month because I don't want to freak out, I'd rather lose an inch first before finding out that maybe I gained. Really, the scale is not the biggest thing for me now, I could live with myself if I stayed this weight but decreased body fat % (I keep repeating that to myself, it is a funny battle in the mind about that scale).

    So, before lifting, I was eating 1750 cals and losing at a slow rate. Now I am shooting for 1800-2000, TDEE estimated at 2100. I'm allowing myself to eat up to maintenance if I am that hungry. But this may settle out a little bit as I get used to lifting, maybe. I'm just going to see how it goes initially and adjust if necessary.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    mcbellnz - I think you will find a lot of people on this forum "eat more to weigh less" just because they take in the right number of calories. You should calculate your TDEE - 20% (try the scooby calculator, that is pretty accurate). I am only 5 feet and I eat between 1800 and 2000 calories a day my TDEE is between 2300 and 2500 (although it gets close to 3000 on the weekends). You also need to fuel your body with enough calories to see strength gains.

    I just can't imagine 1400 calories is enough on a lifting program like New Rules.

    I am 5ft 3 (161cm) and if I imput the scooby calculator with moderate exercise (for New Rules) and a -20% cut, it tells me my TDEE is 2228 and 20% cut would be 1782. I have recently changed my mfp goals to 1700cal per day (which tells me I will lose 0.0lb per week - lol) and have set my macros to 15% carb, 45% protein, 40% fat .....but really, I have no idea what I am doing. I do eat a few more carbs on lifting days (in the form of fruit), but if I get too heavy into the sugar and baked goods/chippies I can just not stop, so it is best not to start.

    ETA: My body fat is done by calipers by my personal trainer - not sure how accurate that is, but it is a benchmark anyways.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member

    I am 6 for 6...will be 7 for 7 after my soccer game tonight!! Sounds like a lot of us are doing pretty well this week!

    mcbellenz, I would give myself a 6/7 if my only cheat was 2 beers...

    Nah, I gotta be harsh otherwise I will never toe the line. The two beers occurred on two seperate days. I shoulda just had two beers on one day :o). It was wonderful though, having a cold cold beer at lunchtime on a hot hot day (30 deg C, both days).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    The NROL4W formula is pretty much the same as EM2WL. The concept of EM2WL is more individual. I lose easily when I STICK with a 20% cut. For me it is 1800-2100 cals/day. I second that Scooby's calculator is very accurate. It is very close to what my BodyMedia gives me. 1400 cals would just make me feel tired and weak. The problem with upping cals is that you might see an increase in scale weight in the beginning and get discouraged. Just stick with it, lift, and reassess after a while. I'm reading stories of women who take 6 weeks or more to start losing again after upping their calories.