Daily Chat Thread



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    ETA: My body fat is done by calipers by my personal trainer - not sure how accurate that is, but it is a benchmark anyways.

    Calipers done correctly is supposed to be more accurate than the tape measure, but I use my estimate as a benchmark as well.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    The NROL4W formula is pretty much the same as EM2WL. The concept of EM2WL is more individual. I lose easily when I STICK with a 20% cut. For me it is 1800-2100 cals/day. I second that Scooby's calculator is very accurate. It is very close to what my BodyMedia gives me. 1400 cals would just make me feel tired and weak. The problem with upping cals is that you might see an increase in scale weight in the beginning and get discouraged. Just stick with it, lift, and reassess after a while. I'm reading stories of women who take 6 weeks or more to start losing again after upping their calories.

    Eeek six weeks till you start losing - although it has been eeek 4 months of gaining and eeek 2 months of maintaining this excess fat, so really, do I have anything to lose by giving it a go - I think not.

    I shall aim for 1700 cal from today (focussing on whole foods except for my protein shake), hopefully I will not podge out before my measure on Monday, and then if I can continue New Rules, while eating TDEE-20% for a month before my next measurements, hopefully I will see some results! Must be much more vigilant about tracking my cals - I have been on a staycation for the past 6 days, so have been a bit slack.

    Cool to hear the EM2WL is similar to the book - which also tells me to eat (for fat loss) 1617cal on nonworkout days, and 1872 on workout days - so 1700 per day should be about right - although I must remember that I seem to get hungrier the day after lifting, rather than on the day itself.

    Sounds like a plan to me!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    One more thing: I am a severe asthmatic. So, one of the reasons I have steadily focused on cardio is because, for me, my cardio health is KEY to my long-term lifelong survival.

    I read this and immediately thought "for the zombie apocalypse".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Yeah....for the zombie apocalypse, lol!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am 6/7. Total fail yesterday due to my husband's emergency. I am going to scarce for a little while at least as far as posting here. He woke up yesterday and couldn't take a deep breath without pain and coughing. Had heavy pressure in his chest. I told him I wasn't leaving for work until it was gone and he agreed (that scared the crap out of me - he usually poo poos my worry). About 15 min later he told me to call the ambulance and our little house was invaded by all this firemen and policemen and paramedics. They started oxygen and he immediately felt better. His EKG was odd but not heart attack odd. So whoosh off he went to the ER, where he had a chest XRay and CT scan and about an hour later a pulmonary surgeon came in and said you have a collapsed lung, I'm going to put a chest tube in to drain off the air. I left, once he inserted the tube Mike's lung inflated and began working just fine. So.. the reason it deflated is because Mike has bullous emphysema (we found out that out yesterday) and this cyst-like thing has encroached the bottom 1/3 of his right lung and he needs big surgery to remove it.

    ACK!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

    So I am camped out in his hospital room trying to work and not worry and be supportive. He's doing well, the tube is uncomfortable but the swelling has gone down and the pain is subsiding. He's doing these exercises to increase his lung strength. The leak has to stop before they will do the surgery, if possible.

    This morning I want to the gym and lifted. I really needed it - I took out my frustrations and tension on those weights, bumped it all up, did extra reps and wore my butt out and I ache now but it feels good to ache.

    I'll be back sometime tomorrow.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    rachie - you'll love Stage 2. I PROMISE.

    Beeps don't lie to the girl! :laugh:

    Seriously, I hated Stage 2 because of all the fussy single leg split leg stuff but it works and I'm stronger for it. And now here I am at Stage 4 and repeating all those fussy single leg split leg things and I'm stronger still.

    You'll love to hate it rachie!
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    Beeps - thanks for the info about the step ups! :)

    Today was cardio for me... weights tomorrow before work. Working 3 day weekend again :( But will hopefully just do some of my quick little yoga routine at home saturday & sunday then weights again monday.

    I worked out every day this week - super proud of that!!! And you know what my reward was? I gained 5 pounds!!! :( WTF?!? Been eating very good this week... perhaps I will have to start being strict and logging again - I just really am afraid to become obsessive about it again and cut my intake too low like I did before.

    Anyways... love the motivation I get reading the boards!!!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Ok, so things aren't looking so great for hitting my calorie goal today - have had my breakfast, lunch and pre workout snack (small apple and protein shake made with water - I don't really consume milk) and have only hit 823 cals so far.... I do have a cooked chicken drumstick waiting for me at home for after my workout, and I have a protein bar I could chow down to get that protein up....or I could make another shake.

    Will report back tomorrow and let you know how it all went.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hit my goal today !! whew!! 25 cals to spare. It would have been less but hubby knows I love spinach artichoke dip and ordered it for an appetizer.

    Sue, I liked stage 2. I reserve to take that back this time around :bigsmile: 2nd time around I might throw a hissy fit in the gym.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    since then I have been eating at about 1200-1400cal, but I think I might need to up it to about 1700 or even 1900.....ah so confused and worried about gaining. Anyone on here doing the Eat More thing with New Rules?

    Yes. I was eating at TDEE - 10%. I just started lifting this week and upped my calories a bit more because I was starving and per the NROL4W book recommendation.

    Do you mind if I ask if you have much fat to lose? I weigh about 148lb (67kg) and have a scary body fat percentage of 34% - so I have lots to lose - aiming for below 24% body fat - even got down to that when I lost weight the low cal way - but I was only 115lb (about 52kg) - oh how I wish I was there and starting New Rules....anyway, according to my crude calculations even though I have gained 15kg, only 10kg of that extra weight is flabby extra fat!!!
    this was me last year. I was 160 at 34% BF. I'm now 142 at 24% BF. I started at 1400 cals in stage one and by the end was eating at or above maintenance, between 1850 and 2300 cals daily. I haven't lifted in a number of weeks and I'm only hungry for about 1600-1900 with regular cardio sessions. I'm just not as hungry without the lifting. Also, my scale weight hasn't changed in months, but I 'keep loosing pant sizes ( I carried all of my fat in my legs so it's where the drop in BF is most noticeable, and I swear my feet are smaller lol. Don't be afraid to fuel your body. You need it

    Streak challenge. Calories 7/7 and workouts goal reached.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Samantha is THE exception. She's a rockstar :drinker:
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    this was me last year. I was 160 at 34% BF. I'm now 142 at 24% BF. I started at 1400 cals in stage one and by the end was eating at or above maintenance, between 1850 and 2300 cals daily. I haven't lifted in a number of weeks and I'm only hungry for about 1600-1900 with regular cardio sessions. I'm just not as hungry without the lifting. Also, my scale weight hasn't changed in months, but I 'keep loosing pant sizes ( I carried all of my fat in my legs so it's where the drop in BF is most noticeable, and I swear my feet are smaller lol. Don't be afraid to fuel your body. You need it

    Streak challenge. Calories 7/7 and workouts goal reached.

    Oooh, can I ask you how long it took you to lose the 10% body fat?

    I am feeling totally awesome - have had some protein snacks post workout and am just about to prep dinner - and I have hit just over 1200cal - with just under 500cal for dinner - I think I am going to do it today! Just need to keep it up, and stay away from the junk!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Beeps - thanks for the info about the step ups! :)

    Today was cardio for me... weights tomorrow before work. Working 3 day weekend again :( But will hopefully just do some of my quick little yoga routine at home saturday & sunday then weights again monday.

    I worked out every day this week - super proud of that!!! And you know what my reward was? I gained 5 pounds!!! :( WTF?!? Been eating very good this week... perhaps I will have to start being strict and logging again - I just really am afraid to become obsessive about it again and cut my intake too low like I did before.

    Anyways... love the motivation I get reading the boards!!!

    Oh, that is SO frustrating...but you know that it is not real and will come right off! Great job on eating well and working out!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    sue, that's craziness. Thinking of you guys!

    I ran the dreadmill last night. I did what I say I hate doing and just ran a steady pace (I did end up increasing after every mile or so). I ended up doing 4 miles and had a fairly decent time with not having been doing much running since starting the program. I think when I start back up at the end of the month with the running that I will be A-okay.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Vicki - I agree that's not "real" weight gain; probably must water retention, so try not to get discouraged. You're doing a fantastic job!

    LB2LL - lol at "dreadmill" -- I may have to start using that one. I have a love/hate relationship with running.

    Samantha - wow you are a rockstar! Very inspiring!!

    I finally completed my first B workout of Stage 6. They are SOOOO short compared to Stages 2-5. I really should have run (on the dreadmill) after, but I was not in the mood. Also I'm STILL sore from the crazy A workout from Monday. I have been eating a lot. On Tuesday, I went WAY (400) over on calories almost by accident. I was seriously just hungry all day long. I get like that every couple of months or so. Rather than fight it and be miserable, I go with it. I think we need to listen to our bodies.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    sue, that's craziness. Thinking of you guys!

    I ran the dreadmill last night. I did what I say I hate doing and just ran a steady pace (I did end up increasing after every mile or so). I ended up doing 4 miles and had a fairly decent time with not having been doing much running since starting the program. I think when I start back up at the end of the month with the running that I will be A-okay.

    I agree with "dread"mill! i run a mile before every lift, but any more than that and I am not happy. On the other hand, I love running outside! And come March, I will head to the HS track and do some sprint workouts.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    back to the topic of step-ups...I used a cardio step with 6 risers and it was awesome. so much more stable than using a padded bench.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Did workout S1B4 yesterday. Increased the weight on my dead lifts by 10 pounds (95 lbs. total), but had to lower my reps to 3 reps of 5 to keep my form. Hoping to get at least 3 of 8 next time! Also increased my pull downs to 110 lbs.! Was pretty impressed with myself!

    Been fighting being sick all week, and I think it's finally beating me. Woke up this morning unable to speak and feeling like crud. I am supposed to lift tomorrow, but if I feel like this I'm afraid I'll do more harm than good.

    Hope all you ladies have a great weekend!
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    Did 1B today... not too bad... still adjusting to lifting and trying to find my comfort zone. I am doing this at home (for now) any at home version of lat pull-down? Or a good substitute?

    Thanks for the positive thoughts about being up 5 pounds... hopefully by next week it will be gone, working all weekend so I will not be weighing myself (only weigh in at the gym)

    Defintaly need to get/find something for my step-ups... hmmmm

    Now off for a little nap before work :)

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did the modified version of the lat pull down by laying on my back, extending two dumbbells over my chest, and then moving the arms backward so then I'm holding the dumbbells as if I was holding them straight over my head. It's in the book.

    Tonight I'll be doing Stage 1 workout A for the 2nd time, so how do I abbreviate that? S1A2 ?

    Something must be working because I'm starving all the time. Wake up hungry, eat, and hungry again before next meal. Every day, not just workout day. I think I'm going to have to reschedule my eating patterns to include more snacks between meals.