Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I will report 3 things:

    1. I am shorter than I thought I was (annual physical at doctor's office, today, confirms I am now 5'8"); and
    2. Although I did NOT want to work-out, post pap-smear, BECAUSE of this RIDONKULOUS streak challenge, I DID!
    3. I started New Rules of Lifting for Life, today. This will be my next 8 weeks, perhaps 12.

    congrats, jennie, on your 10/10 streak - that is AWESOME!
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    rachie - I have similar issues. I was saving like 400-500 calories every night for dessert. I did a couple "7 day no dessert" challenges for myself. That helped a little. I am still eating cookies, but it is at least less than 200 calories every other night instead of 2 or 3 times that every single night. So maybe baby steps will get us a little better.

    mcbellnz - I'm about to start stage 2. Thinking I probably won't do the interval thing? But then I already run 4-5 days a week. Not sure what I want to add on top of that. I know the author doesn't really support doing a lot of steady state cardio, but I think my heart rate gets high enough even on my "easy" runs, and running is something I enjoy (sort of) and plan to keep doing so it is what it is. I'd b interested to know if anyone did intervals on top of some other kind of cardio while doing the program.
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    Did 1A and about 30 minutes cardio today... I am still second guessing myself on what to do to reach my goal. I want to tone up and slim down - I know I don't need to lose a lot... I am just getting thick in the middle :) and so I am struggling with weights vs cardio vs combination of the two.... pretty confused :(

    But good news... I lost the 5 pounds I gained last week!!! Yay!!! Even though I didn't really "believe" that was a "true" gain it still worried me!!!

    Now what shall I do tomorrow since I don't work? Hmmmm

  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    Beeps... what is New Rules for Life?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    hey folks, just a quick check in. Mike's surgery was today. It went well, the doctor said it went exactly as he expected it to go and Mike came directly back to his room instead of going to ICU for the night. Spent the day with him, his vitals were ok, but his heart rate was high and I've just had a call from the hospital. They are moving to CCU so he can be monitored. I'm waiting to hear from his nurse once he gets there.

    I'm a bit frantic!

    I knew I wouldn't get any workout in today so I am counting it as a rest day. Tomorrow I am going to the gym at 6 am so I can spend the day with Mike. I'll let you know how things are going
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Suelegal, I hope he gets well very soon.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    emgel, I'm in Stage 4 now and doing 3 sets.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Stage 1 B#6 this morning.
    Deadlifts are going great.
    Shoulder press, not so great. I did not up my weight which worked because I finished all sets without breaking form.
    Lunges were hard, I upped my weight. My legs hurt from Zumba last night, but I did them.

    Food - I did ok yesterday. When I got home from Zumba I still had about 400 cals left. Instead of grabbing chocolate, I had a protein shake and a cheese stick.

    Today will be my hungry day after workout last night and this morning, I WILL make good food choices!!!!!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Well, I didn't hit the gym besides yesterday since it had been closed, but I've been shoveling like CRAZY. I am so sore that I am counting it as exercise. I was only one lifting workout behind so I will finish up Stage 1 on Wednesday and Start Stage 2 on Friday.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Ladies -

    Well, I am 11 for 11 on the streak. I went for a 4 mile run last night. It felt great, but I need to push myself to be faster. I am not sure how to get a workout in today since I did not get up this am...gonna be tough! Maybe yoga after the kids go to bed??? I am going to lift tomorrow am!

    LB2LL - shovelling is a great workout! kind of like kettlebells, don't you think?

    Rachie - form is the most important thing, especially when you are lifting things over your head!!! I love that protein bars and powder are chocolate flavor...kills two birds (chocolate craving and protein consumption) with one stone.

    sue - glad to hear surgery went well. Keep us posted on his recovery!

    blues - I don't pay attention to the NROL4W's admonitions against steady state cardio. Being able to run 5 (or, hopefully by the end of summer, 10) miles is important to me and I enjoy it. However, intervals/body weight matrix are different types of cardio. The interval training should support running faster, so you might consider a combination. It absolutely might be too much to do the program AND 4-5 runs per week.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Still a little congested and stuffy, but I am determined to make it to the gym today!!

    Found out our church is sponsoring a 1/2 marathon in May. I never considered doing a 1/2, but may go to the meeting next week to listen. Thoughts? Maybe it's too much doing this program and training for a 1/2?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Did 1A and about 30 minutes cardio today... I am still second guessing myself on what to do to reach my goal. I want to tone up and slim down - I know I don't need to lose a lot... I am just getting thick in the middle :) and so I am struggling with weights vs cardio vs combination of the two.... pretty confused :(

    But good news... I lost the 5 pounds I gained last week!!! Yay!!! Even though I didn't really "believe" that was a "true" gain it still worried me!!!

    Now what shall I do tomorrow since I don't work? Hmmmm


    IMO a combination of cardio and lifting is best. That is because 1) cardio helps you stay at a deficit and 2) it is important for your cardiovascular fitness.

    So glad that 5 pounds disappeared: good riddens!!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Still a little congested and stuffy, but I am determined to make it to the gym today!!

    Found out our church is sponsoring a 1/2 marathon in May. I never considered doing a 1/2, but may go to the meeting next week to listen. Thoughts? Maybe it's too much doing this program and training for a 1/2?

    How much do you run now? they say that you can add 10% mileage per week, so if you have a starting point around 5, you should be able to do it easily. I think you can find a program that you run 3x/week to fit around NROL4W.

    good luck getting to the gym today!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did Stage 1 B#2 last night. I still had killer DOMS in my legs from Saturday's squats. So, I did the lunges but with no weights. Today the DOMS is gone. That's a happy thing.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Still a little congested and stuffy, but I am determined to make it to the gym today!!

    Found out our church is sponsoring a 1/2 marathon in May. I never considered doing a 1/2, but may go to the meeting next week to listen. Thoughts? Maybe it's too much doing this program and training for a 1/2?

    How much do you run now? they say that you can add 10% mileage per week, so if you have a starting point around 5, you should be able to do it easily. I think you can find a program that you run 3x/week to fit around NROL4W.

    good luck getting to the gym today!!

    Thank you! I miss the gym!! If I heard myself say that 2 years ago, I would think I was losing my mind! LOL!

    I've only been running a couple of miles a few days a week since it has gotten so cold and dark (mainly because I find the treadmill is pure torture), but I was running about 5 miles a few times a week in the fall. I have a friend who runs marathons and he said he would run with me. I think I'll attend to see what they say...

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    sue - am thinking of you today! I hope things continue to get better and better.

    Vicki - Lou Schuler has about 5 books in his "NROL" series....New Rules of Lifting for Life came out about 2 years ago...
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Today is the day in Stage 1 where you drop from 15 to 12 rep. I already thought the workouts were a little short, so I decided it was a good idea to do BOTH A and B workouts. I also went up on all of my weights. Has anyone else done this? Good idea or not?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Increase weight with the lower reps. And you need a rest day in between the two workouts. The important part is your rest & repair days. Chapter 12 has extra things to do if you want to do more, but warns of over training.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Today is the day in Stage 1 where you drop from 15 to 12 rep. I already thought the workouts were a little short, so I decided it was a good idea to do BOTH A and B workouts. I also went up on all of my weights. Has anyone else done this? Good idea or not?

    I found that each workout was only around 30 min (until you hit 3 sets) but that it was such a hard workout (upping weights at least every two workouts, if not every workout on some exercises) that I was glad that it was only 30min long. In the beginning, when my weights probably were not quite heavy enough, I wasn't resting for the full minute in between either. Now with three sets (although I have just hit the 8rep workouts) it takes between 40-45min per workout.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I agree that if you can do both "A" and "B" work-outs, that is either:

    a) going to change as soon as you get to Stage 2; or
    b) you really aren't using sufficient weight to "wipe you out" during one of those work-outs.

    I really do miss the SUPER-SHORT work-outs from Stage 1 NROL4W, lol.