Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Taraane, what stage are you in the program? Stage one is easy. It's more like a "prep stage".
    1. must learn proper form
    2. increase weights because most women underestimate how much they can lift.

    Plus, as each stage progresses the longer the workout becomes and difficult.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Completed B#5 this morning.
    I used husbands big boy weights for deadlift, felt good. Harder than the silly little bar they have at the gym.
    The shoulder press - still so hard but I made it.
    Lunges - what can I say about these? I better get a rocking bum after all these lunges!!!!!

    I hope I enjoy Stage 2 as much as Stage 1, but I have my doubts. Stage 2 looks scary and intense. But I made a commitment to see this trough and I will.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hello! I am new to focusing on strength training (it was all body pump previously). My gym has activtrax and it seems like the workouts are short and too easy. I know the book makes it seem like it should be "less is more" but can that be right??

    taraane - what is activtrax? I agree with manic on the "why" of stage one. The workouts are pretty quick, but they are by no means easy if you are lifting the appropriate amount of weight. when you are lifting something heavy 15 times, you should be spent at the end!

    rachie - sounds like you are progressing!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm really excited because my man went looking for what he thought was his one remaining piece of weight lifting equipment from the 90's and he found he still had...... his bench with the leg extension thing, and a stand for the barbell. And he still has the bar and pulley thing for lat pull downs that he is going to set up for me too. So, I'm over the moon. I thought I was just going to have to just make do and do modified exercises when necessary, but now I should be able to do everything at home. Now all I need is a swiss ball. And as a bonus, he says he is going to start using it again too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Vicki - you want a bench (even at home) that, when your working leg is raised onto the bench, you have a right angle in that leg. So, the height will be dependent on YOUR height and YOUR calf length. You can try starting on a regular stair in your house, or perhaps an actual "stepping stool" style of bench (probably this is an 8" step). But, eventually, you are going to want to be at a 16" or 18" or 20" or 22" bench - whatever is going to work for you. Don't go up in ANY weights, until you are on the bench that puts your leg at a right angle. FORM FIRST!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Rachie, nice work!!!

    Last night I did S1B7! Gah, I'm close to being done! With that said, I had made it my goal over this month to DL #100. For those of you who I am friends with on here ... you already know this ... but .... I met my goal! Last week my husband was doing them with me and just said "lift this." I did and it was SO heavy to me. It was #125 so I only did it once. Last night I just told myself if I did #125 once I could do 100# 8x and I did, for 3 reps. Also, I FINALLY broke through my shoulder press plateau. I did not think I would ever be able to press more than 20#. I think I was on a high from the DLs, but I was able to use 25# dumbbells for the shoulder press.

    All I can really say is that I am so pumped to see what these other stages have in store! Also, I will call myself 6.5/7 for the streak. I don't feel comfortable saying my walk day was an exercise day but it wasn't completely a rest day so I'm giving it a 0.5 ;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    samntha - I didn't make it through NROL4Abs. I finished the first 2 stages, but stage 3 just had WAY too many "finicky" moves, for my taste. I mean, turkish get-ups?? What's the point?? If you make ONE form error, you've ruined the WHOLE THING. Give me something simple, in a compound move, and I'll do it. But make me do this, then that, then something else, all to get at, what, my abs?? Not when simple plank progression will do, thank you very much.

    But, I am about to launch into NROL4Life....the moves look "simple" - and yet, I'm advanced enough to actually do the Level 3 or Level 4 moves, right from the start!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member

    Beeps2011 daily work-outs
    samntha14 <daily cals + daily work-outs
    suelegal daily work-outs
    manic4titans <daily cals of 1400
    LB2LL daily work-outs
    emgel stick to slow carb diet
    jenniet04 daily work-outs
    chubbycowgirl NO weighing on scale
    mcbellnz 1-per-week cheat meals ONLY
    sara4159 <1,800 calories per day
    katwhelton daily macros
    gadenni daily protein of 110g
    tennesseeleig 4 work-outs per week (3 weights)
    blacknivory 3 NROL4W work-outs per week
    lcuconley daily work-outs

    Alright, ladies, its time to give me your WEEK 1 RESULTS.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    For me, I do not think I will get a work-out in today - I have to leave work early to get my kids (and myself) to the dentist. So, no time to squeeze in a work-out!

    That means my first week results are: 6
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    rachie - you'll love Stage 2. I PROMISE.

    deks - GREAT NEWS! yahoo!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    LB2LL - Well done on the DL. Wow, thats great.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I don't feel like counting my walking day so my first week results are 6/7.

    (Thanks rachie!)
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    LB2LL - GREAT job on the DL!!

    My feb streak is not at all going well right now, i get a 2 for the first week. BUT i opened my diary up today to friends (1) for more accountability and (2) so ppl can see what I eat when I eat slow carb. So if you look at it just start from today moving forward lol.

    I will finish Stage 3 tomorrow and start Stage 4 on Monday (I never take the break in between) and I need to ramp up the running next week as my first 10 miler of the year is in April.

    way to go everyone!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Beeps2011 daily work-outs
    samntha14 <daily cals + daily work-outs
    suelegal daily work-outs
    manic4titans <daily cals of 1400
    LB2LL daily work-outs
    emgel stick to slow carb diet
    jenniet04 daily work-outs
    chubbycowgirl NO weighing on scale
    mcbellnz 1-per-week cheat meals ONLY
    sara4159 <1,800 calories per day
    katwhelton daily macros
    gadenni daily protein of 110g
    tennesseeleig 4 work-outs per week (3 weights)
    blacknivory 3 NROL4W work-outs per week
    lcuconley daily work-outs

    Alright, ladies, its time to give me your WEEK 1 RESULTS.

    Today isn't over yet BUT I have my meals planned out . 7 out 7
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    Beeps2011 daily work-outs
    samntha14 <daily cals + daily work-outs
    suelegal daily work-outs
    manic4titans <daily cals of 1400
    LB2LL daily work-outs
    emgel stick to slow carb diet
    jenniet04 daily work-outs
    chubbycowgirl NO weighing on scale
    mcbellnz 1-per-week cheat meals ONLY
    sara4159 <1,800 calories per day
    katwhelton daily macros
    gadenni daily protein of 110g
    tennesseeleig 4 work-outs per week (3 weights)
    blacknivory 3 NROL4W work-outs per week
    lcuconley daily work-outs

    Alright, ladies, its time to give me your WEEK 1 RESULTS.

    Today isn't over yet BUT I have my meals planned out . 7 out 7

    Great job Titans!
    I'm on day 4 in a row, total of 5 for 7.
  • kr381806
    kr381806 Posts: 55 Member
    Are you ladies doing any HIIT cardio on your non-lifting days? I have to admit..I TRY to be consistent with going on the off days, but sometimes I just dismiss it altogether. Haha. And this is coming from a former cardio junkie!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Are you ladies doing any HIIT cardio on your non-lifting days? I have to admit..I TRY to be consistent with going on the off days, but sometimes I just dismiss it altogether. Haha. And this is coming from a former cardio junkie!


    The first time around I didn't add cardio. (well, some but not enough to make a difference. ) I became stronger but I didn't lose fat. This time around , I am focusing on form, fat loss, and strength.

    If you are looking to lose fat, I highly recommend adding cardio or it's possible you won't see the results you want.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Are you ladies doing any HIIT cardio on your non-lifting days? I have to admit..I TRY to be consistent with going on the off days, but sometimes I just dismiss it altogether. Haha. And this is coming from a former cardio junkie!


    It's funny that you said this because my interval sprint days used to be my favorite. Now, my lifting days are my favorite and cardio is like "meh" to me.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    My prgram is a little different than NR. I like to go 6 days a week to stay focused on the nutrition aspect. For some reason when I don't go, it's easier to eat crap.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    kr38 - well, I *did* do the HIIT on my "off-days" when doing NROL4W.

    But, since October, 2012, I went down to only ONE day of cardio, per week! YIKOS!! (and, yes, I was a 25+ year cardio-gym-rat!).

    The results? For me, my scale weight dropped and dropped and dropped when I laid off the cardio.

    For this February streak challenge - I'm back up to 3 x weekly cardio (+ 3 x weekly weights), and aim for 4 x weekly cardio....but, I swear, if my scale weight goes UP, at ALL, I'm dumping the cardio faster than you can say, "wtf"?!?!?!?

    for me, as it turns out, cardio makes me HUNGRY - so, no wonder, for 25+ years, I did ALL THAT CARDIO and, yep, I just ATE MORE THAN I SHOULD HAVE.

    This is just me. But, it is a different viewpoint than some of the other posts, re: cardio.

    If your scale-weight is NOT budging, and you WANT it to budge, I would suggest laying OFF the cardio, permitting your body the rest/recovery time (48 hours) that it needs, and keep your 3 x weekly weight-training!

    Report back.