

  • Great Job! 30lbs is a lot, and you should be proud. ;)
  • Me too... but I would love a challenge of some kind.
  • I recommend seeing a chiropractor. I have a mild curve in my spine, and when I do not stretch out my back enough I get sciatic nerve pain in my right leg. I did not discover that the curve was there until I went to a ciro and he did an xray of my back. Stretch daily. Stretching daily will help relieve the muscles around…
  • brussel sprouts, liver, cooked spinach, beets, okra, arugula,cottage cheese, most seafood, anything fried (except chicken). Oh and spam, canned meat of any kind really! Eww
  • I try not to look at pictures of skinny folks! LOL I don't really have a choice though since my sister is my polar opposite, works out for hours everyday, and loves to post pictures of her toned tummy. She works hard and it pays off. She motivates me and makes me SICK all at the same time! So yes I do get a little peeved.…
  • It's all about committing to yourself, also have an accountability partner that you trust! If you mess up once don't keep messing up, log your food everyday no matter what. Overall just don't give up! I am on the same journey, and I know how hard it is. We can do this!
  • I am so going to do this. Thanks for the great idea. I wear 28/30 now, and I can't wait to get down a little more. I have a hard time finding bottoms that fit at LB. I don't know about you, but I am more pear shaped and wear smaller tops that bottoms. I have so many clothing items from sizes 22-24, I want to get back into…
  • Hello there! I am Cheryl, I am 28, and currently at the highest weight of my life 370, well until I weigh on Monday! I only let myself weigh once a week, as I will go overboard and start weighing every day. I am very motivated, this is something that I have been getting ready for, for a while, now I am ready to hit it full…
  • I just joined the group today, and the tips an motivation are helpful. I am game for making it active. Anyone that wants to add me as a friend please feel free!
  • Everything you all have mentioned, plus, I want to be able to walk into any store and be able to buy an outfit! I want to wear cute high heels when I want to, without extreme paid. I want to lose my junk in the trunk so I can lay on my back comfortably I really want to go scuba diving I want to ride roller-coasters again I…