

  • Hi There, It is nice to see that you know what is happening and are seeking help and to get healthier, :) Have you been to see a doctor about this at all? If not this maybe something I would do in your case just to make sure everything is ok and they should be able to help you out with introducing back in food to the right…
  • Amazing!! I really dont know what to stay. It is inspiring. I hope the surgery and recovery goes well :)
  • Hi there, IBS is a pain and it's not nice (I'm having an IBS day or actually 2). I was told this is what I had only about 2 months ago after sufferring for a year with no idea and doctors not really caring. I was sent to a dietrian and after some tests and food eliminations we came to an answer, Dairy, too much…
  • I have a to be mother and law and sister and law that are like that. They have never said it to my face but have told my partner that I am fat, i should lose weight....I couldnt eat much around them even if I was starving because i would get these looks from across the table, would end up going home and having some vegies…
  • Hey, Maybe you could help me here. Just signed up last week and ready to go. A few months ago I took up a challange to get fit. I got a gym membership for 12 months so that I would continue to go and I love it. I am fitter than ever have been. So now I am looking at food to help with my weight loss to help my change to a…
  • FODMAPs google them have a look at them it is all to do with sugars in food (lactose, gluten etc...). I have IBS and I am required (my choice) to follow a low FODMAP diet (where i can it does slip...) I went from bloating, feeling sick, gas and all the rest to near symtom free in 2 weeks following this. Please be advised…
  • Your not eating enough... and I know it sounds ood. If you dont eat enough espically when exercising your body will go into survival mode... and that isn't good for your efforts. It tells your body to store fat to survive and can lead to muscle loss to support the buring on energy. If you do lose weright it is likely to be…
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