

  • I have a lot of random music too - Eminem, Staind, Incubus, Usher, Sean Paul, Rhianna, Hinder, etc - if you go onto or you can find playlists by genre or workout type. Hope that helps!
  • I have shin pain as well; I'm not sure there is a way to totally get rid of it, but what helps is to stretch, drink lots of water, and ice them after! Stretching is probably the best way to help though.
  • True - I DO need to pull out the ol' measuring tape! I forget to focus on other things because "the scale" is what I associate weight loss results with! Thank you all for your help/tips! Hope everyone is having a good Weds! My next post will be positive....I just know it! :wink: Nicole :happy:
  • I agree! Sometimes it's hard to remember that you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others! But I know that's hard especially with kids! I need to refocus as well. Good luck with all of your goals! :happy: