sunshine1992 Member


  • I only use mine when I am actively exercising. If I am running outdoors from when I step out the door until I step back in.. At the gym when I walk in until I walk out. At the gym I count my stretch but running I don't. Mainly because I don't want to drag down my av. HR and my stretch is a substantial drop in HR when I am…
  • I am 161cm and started at 78kg, now down to 72kg. We will get there :) Feel free to add me as a friend. I am more active there then on the forums.
  • Pretty sure the person who said 'sounds like you need a life' was actually replying to the poster above her saying 'sounds like you need to plan', it was just poorly directed. However if they did mean it towards the OP, way harsh.. but I don't think that is how it was directed. As for the OP, it's not the end of the world.…
  • I think it would end up being counterproductive because your muscles would have no time to repair. Particularly as it is the exact same routine, you are breaking down the exact same muscle fibers. I often take a 30 minute walk/run after shredding though, to take advantage of my high HR and get in a bit of extra cardio…
  • I have this one bookmarked for later. Looks yum! I love sweet potato :)
  • Just checking in to say I did Day 18 today. Definitely feeling stronger, my heart rate was also much lower today despite basically keeping up. I am ready to move onto week 3 soon and say goodbye to all the planks! I also did Jillian's 6 Week 6 Pack right after today which I really enjoyed, I like how she incorporates…
  • I usually weigh after I cook, mainly because it is rare I cook just for me or just for one meal. I will cook up say 750g of chicken breast, and use it through the week. I know it's not perfect, but I am not going to lose any sleep over an odd 50 calories. What is the worst that can happen? It takes a few more weeks to…
  • You brought a tear to my eye at the end. You write incredibly well.
  • When I realised if I kept going I would soon be shopping in plus size stores. That freaked me out really badly. Just walking around was sometimes an effort, my feet would hurt and I would feel humiliated. I wanted to be able to walk without being in pain! Oh, and I remember my boyfriend coming over earlier then expected…
  • The shred is primarily designed to get weight off, which it doesn't look like you need. I think the reason why a lot of people look a lot stronger after doing the shred is because they have lost fat, allowing their muscles to be more visible. Coupled with the fact it is quite hard to build any significant muscle at a…
  • Hi everyone! Finished Day 16 today. It went well I think, felt stronger and didn't have to take too many breaks. However, does anyone else find the chair squat and V flies in the last cardio circuit REALLY REALLY tough? Even after my 6th go they don't seem to be getting much easier. Absolute killer! On the other end of the…
  • I like and have success with Jillian Michaels DVDs. I am in the process of 30 Day Shred and have tried Ripped in 30 (will move onto this once I am done with shred). I definitely think Insanity & P90X can be the right fit for some, they are an absolute killer workout.. However they are quite advanced, and also quite long at…
  • There is no such thing as toning, all those lean amazing dancer types you see simply just have little fat around their muscles. Keep lifting your weights and doing your cardio. Unless you make a conscious effort to you will not get huge. Also congrats on the weight loss, goodluck with your final 10 :)
  • I wouldn't personally. The purpose of an open diary is for people to recieve feedback on how they can improve, or to give others ideas/inspiration. You say you do not have the capacity to improve currently, so the comments are pointless.. and it doesn't seem like your diary is one that you are even happy with, so it is…
  • This sounds awesome! I try to do this too.. but I sort of just guess/look at weekly calorie numbers. Would be awesome to see your spreadsheet (I too, am a tiny bit geeky!) That is generous of you =) They say it is good to have some days a bit higher too, keeps your body guessing and fights against plateaus. All the best in…
  • Is your hubby overweight himself? Maybe it is coming from a place of insecurity not of malice. My partner is really supportive, but not in a way that makes me feel like there was anything wrong with me before. However he is fit and in great shape, always has been. I think that is the difference.
  • Even more reason to eat your fibre ;) and I had always wondered why folks ate so many eggs. Now I know! Hehe.
  • I ended up having a rest yesterday and got back to it today.. Lvl 2, Day 3! I felt fab today, felt really strong and pushed myself really hard and it paid off with an excellent calorie burn of 280 in 28 minutes, woo! I try to aim for 100 calories/10 minutes in my workouts. I often just miss it with the shred, so felt great…
  • So I just did lvl 2, day 2... and I went and hurt my quad didn't I! Funnily enough not actually doing a move but getting up from the floor (DOH!) I kept going with the workout but didn't do anything that hurt, so no squats, lunges or jumps.. instead of the cardio I did modified ski jump and some old school grape vines…
  • I have been slowly chipping away at the shred for a month now. I do it about 2-3 a week, mainly with walking (steep inclines mostly, I live in a very hilly area) and some POP pilates on other days. I have finished level one and did my first level two today. I enjoyed it much more then level one but fairly sure that is…
  • I use a HRM and usually burn about 260-270. I am a female who weighs about 167 lbs and I am not particularly fit. I feel pretty out of breath for a lot of the workout. Hope that helps you gauge it a little bit :)
  • I made this tonight with a few slight changes - I put garlic, seeded mustard, a little chicken stock powder, sprinkle of basil and a tiny squirt of BBQ sauce and left out the cajun seasonings etc. (didn't have any). It was very yummy and moist, although I don't think I seasoned well enough because I could still taste the…