

  • thank you for sharing your story - you are truly amazing!
  • 176 is my goal weight for September. My final goal is to be at 150. Whoops.
  • This is my first post since re-joining mfp after a looooong plateau. SW: 223 CW: 182.6 GW: 176 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 184.6 9/06 Sat: 182.6 9/13 Sat: 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost:
  • I use e-meals (a recipe/shopping list subscription service) originally as part of our family's financial diet/debt snowball, but it has also helped us improve our physical health. I'm in and out of the store in 20 minutes, I only have to go once a week, and I can run our household on around $100 per week - (me, DH and an…
  • checking in for week 2 (with a week 1 update). This challenge has pointed out to me quite a few things I need to be working on as well as a few mini-victories: 1 - I definitely am not getting enough water, probably because I hardly ever feel thirsty. So I set alarms on my phone to remind me to drink. So far, it seems to be…
  • I'm ashamed to admit it, but I had to go to youtube and look up how to do a burpee :blushing: , but I did and I finished last night's challenge and my calves are all tight. It was tough, but I got through it. I also am challenging myself at work to take 4 flights of stairs every hour and that might be what's up with my…
  • I was watching TV the other night in shorts and had my feet up on the coffee table (knees bent, but touching each other) and I saw the TV through a gap in my thighs! Never has that happened before! Also, I am only 10 pounds or so away from my goal and I started last November.
  • hey :) Monday already! My lunchbox is already packed and, I must admit, there is some sugar in my cereal and coffee that I already downed this morning. I don't have any for lunch, though and will definitely be avoiding for dinner and snacks! Have a great week!
  • Being honest here - I didn't get to the arms :( I just (like 2 days ago) had my mom & stepdad move in to our house with us and the baby and it is a crazy train right now. Hoping my mom can take over some of the baby watching so I can get in the challenges this week coming up. Scheduling to make that happen is my top…
  • Hi! I'm an (almost) 40-year old momma to a sweet 17-month old boy. I also work full time and have a hella commute to and fro each and every day. Finding it REALLY really hard to find time to fit in exercise: I leave home at 6:30 a.m. and get home around 6:00 p.m. and after being cook, wife, momma, cleaner, etc. I literally…
  • making my day! bump.
  • I'm a dental hygienist and if people were shown pictures of the long-term and painful damage that results - nobody would get them.
  • check out the skincare routine on I have been following it for a few months with cheap benzoyl peroxide from the pharmacy and for the moisturizer, I use oil of olay at night and garnier's bb cream for daytime (it's tinted and takes the ploace of foundation). Really inexpensive prodicts and my skin has never…
  • Ihad some issues with cortisol from stress and postpartum depression. My doc put me on a very very low dose of lexapro as an antidepressant for 4 months and it helped me get over the "hump". I slept better, therefore felt better so I was more motivated to take better care of myself. My heart goes out to you because you…
  • My LO is 10 months old - I got to my prepregnancy weight by 9 months, but I was 40 lbs overweight when I got pregnant - Still have 40 to go. Didn't loose a single ounce breastfeeding for 7 months :( and I think postpartum depression kept a lot of those pounds on... Feeling much better now and would LOVE to hear how any…
  • I'm loving the fitbit. Got mine from amazon.
  • I had to buy smaller underwear! :blushing: They were falling off Having people notice at work and tell me they notice I've lost a "lot" of weight. I don't even want that cup of coffee on the morning where, before, I NEEDED it or couldn't get going for the day. Noticing that I feel fuller with less food than I used to.…
  • hw 223 cw 207 goal 165 lightest 170 (1999)
  • 08/17/12 SW 223 08/28/12 CW 215.2 -7.8 total -7.8 09/03/12 CW 215.4 +0.2 -7.6 09/10/12 CW 212.6 -2.8 -10.4 09/17/13 CW 214.8 +2.2 -8.2 09/24/12 CW 212.6 -2.2 -10.4 10/01/12 CW 211.0 -1.6 - 12.0 10/08/12 CW 210.4 -0.6 -12.6 Hey, y'all I think I may have set my Halloween goal too high :( I wanted to be 199, but the scale…
  • Hi everybody! My challenge to myself is to make sure I get more sleep. It's been hard because, even at 9 months, the baby still isn't sleeping through the night. Hopefully, I'll get time to do some sort of exercise this week, too. Maybe?
  • Hey, everybody - Sorry for being M.I.A. - baby with ear infection and nobody getting any sleep for a week! Yikes. Hope you all are doing well. I've got no music inspiration today :( But I heard fitradio is a good app for workout m usic. I'm getting ready to see if they have it for my android.
  • Hi, guys - late posting for me, too. My downfall was on Saturday when we went to a Mexican independance day celebration and I got my taco on. Then I started getting a cold and feeling lousy. I was up a pound and a half on today's weigh in. I'm just going to chalk it up to a bad day and try to do better from now on. It is…
  • I had a really bad food-choice day yesterday - I was like a bottomless pit. But I'm smiling today because I made much better choices and I can forgive myself :) Also... the weekend is right around the corner and my baby has slept the night through for the past TWO nights! WooHoo!
  • Hey everyone - I totally agree with the needing to plan. I have to make sure I pack a healthy lunch & breakfast for work or I'll eat whatever the school cafeteria has (yuck). I pack it up as soon as the baby gets asleep and before I settle in for a little relaxation before my owm bedtime. I can't let it go until morning…
  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) And when things get tough for me (I'm also battling post-partum depression) I remember that He has already conquered the world so I don't have to rely on my strength at all, really. We are never alone and we are deeply loved. We can do this, too :)
  • Truly impressive! Thanks for the inspiration.
  • I'm smiling because, even though I STILL can't find a spare 30 minutes in a day to exercise, I have managed to stick pretty well to "good" food. Evan today, if I wanted to indulge in free work cookies, I just took 2 and walked away from the rest :) I'm also smiling because my legs hurt. I took advantage of a spare 10…
  • I'm still not sleeping as well as I'd like, but I guess it can't be helped with the baby and all. Did not log in this weekend which is BAD, but I didn't misbehave with food. I'm just feeling a little rotten this week because of the TOM (affectionately known as "shark week" in our house) so I'm not anticipating a loss this…
  • airstream driver by gomez - just the right pace for the stairmaster :)
  • I use emealz menu planner/shopping list for budgeting purposes (any other Dave Ramsey fans out there?) and "tweak" the recipes a bit to make them healthier. This week there was one for zucchini fritters and I baked them instead: 4-5 zucchini shredded. salt w/ 1 tsp salt and leave to drain in collander 15 minutes. A LOT of…