

  • I just went through this same process after eating Clif Builder bars for the first three weeks of the program. I went online and I found a great choice called The Simply Bar They are vegan, gluten free, and only have a few ingredients. 16 grams protein, 150…
  • Week 2: Definitely not my finest hour. Ended up skipping out on Legs and back and Kenpo. Also, nutrition was sub-par over the weekend. I hit day 1 of week three thinking I have already failed so might as well give up and start over again from the beginning next week. But then I had a little breakthrough! I decided, what if…
  • The yoga thing is hard. Your brain goes into it thinking its a more relaxed workout but for most of us that's just not the case. Congrats on getting up and getting it done though! Check out this great article on continued motivation to get up and get that workout done first thing!…
  • Hello All! I am new to the group, but I started P90X Classic on 09/10/12. So far I am loving it and feeling like I am already seeing results. I am having a hard time fitting in 225 g of protein a day (1800 calorie diet)..... I use the vegan shakeology with almond milk and a banana in the mornings and a protein bar for…
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