Accountability - work out log



  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did week 4 day 3 Kenpo today.

    Dude, I have those back issues with the banana, and bow exercises in Core synergistics, and in the V Roll Up during ab ripper. I can only do 1 or 2 of the roll ups before the pain kicks in and I give up on that exercise.

    For everyone waiting for a monday to start...... do something yoga, kenpo, plyo, or stretch for these few days to get into the groove. Starting is the hardest part. Once you do, and can go a week or 2 you will become addicted.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Just realized I never posted a check in for myself for yesterday!

    So yeah yesterday did Chest & Back + Ab ripper and tied my Friday ab ripper time of 19 minutes. Was a good feeling because I thought I was going to end up slower as it felt slower so I was pleasantly surprised by the tie.

    Today busted out Plyometrics first thing in the morning! Feeling good about this one too because I upped my game over last week. I made it farther into the workout before having to modify and modified less moves overall. Also, made it about 5 mins longer before having to pause and go suck down some recovery drink. I do all my workouts first thing in the morning so I can't eat before hand and don't want to start off with a recovery drink in my water until my body tells me it needs it.

    Can't wait for tomorrow's workout!! Bring it everyone!
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    I am gonna do plyo for the first time tomorow... Probably gonna drink some chocolate milk berqfore have and have Scavation Extend for during.
  • What is everyone using for pull up's. I have a big pull up stand in my living room but my hubby hates it sitting in there. Dont have anywhere else to put it so I want semething more convenient but at the same time sturdy. Any suggestions? Mine was that we move the pull up bar outside along with the TV but I don't think he's going for that, LOL!

    I have a pull up bar.. not that thing has ever seen a pull up out of me the entire summer!! lol Sadly it doesn't fit on any of the door ways on my main floor - I work out in my living room - so I have to go up to the second floor where it fits on a bedroom doorway. I pause my DVD when a pullup comes up, go upstairs, do a few with proper hand positions using a chair, come down record and skip to the next move. I hope to have a dedicated area next spring with everything together..
  • Ab ripper and tied my Friday ab ripper time of 19 minutes. Was a good feeling because I thought I was going to end up slower as it felt slower so I was pleasantly surprised by the tie.

    Today busted out Plyometrics first thing in the morning! Feeling good about this one too because I upped my game over last week. I made it farther into the workout before having to modify and modified less moves overall. Also, made it about 5 mins longer before having to pause and go suck down some recovery drink.

    Great job on the progress!! I don't time how long it takes me to get Arx done with the pausing. I'm just happy that it's SO MUCH EASIER than it was at the beginning of the year.. but still SO hard! lol

    Dude how do you reply with quotes all in the same post??
  • I am gonna do plyo for the first time tomorow... Probably gonna drink some chocolate milk berqfore have and have Scavation Extend for during.

    Good luck! I don't use anything specific before or during... how did that work out for you??

  • For everyone waiting for a monday to start...... do something yoga, kenpo, plyo, or stretch for these few days to get into the groove. Starting is the hardest part. Once you do, and can go a week or 2 you will become addicted.

    I can't wait for that "addicted" part to kick in for me.. lol I have a feeling I'm going to be unimpressed with this weeks performances... especially when you factor in the sleep quality.. which for me is very poor right now.. I know how important it is and this may turn into a 13.5 week program! lol
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Today was shoulders and arms for me. For some reason that's my favorite workout. Halfway done with week 3 and it doesn't seem as hard to get up in the A.M. anymore. I do have to work on getting to bed earlier to get more zzzzzz!:huh:
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Today was shoulders and arms for me. For some reason that's my favorite workout. Halfway done with week 3 and it doesn't seem as hard to get up in the A.M. anymore. I do have to work on getting to bed earlier to get more zzzzzz!:huh:

    haha. I know the feeling. Last night I was thinking "man it's 9:50 ALREADY??? I have to fall asleep now to get my 8 hours" I rushed off to bed even though I didn't want to and it did take me a while to get to sleep. It was WORTH it this morning though when I had to get up at 5:50am.

    I like arms & shoulders because for me its the lowest intensity workout of the week lol. Its nice to get some exercise and feel like I'm getting a bit of a break. Killed ab ripper today so I'm stoked.

    Gratz to everyone who completed their 10th day and are now into the double digits :)
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Dude how do you reply with quotes all in the same post??

    I was feeling ambitious so I cut and pasted them all and did it manually. No multi quote feature here like on other forums :( Also annoying that it doesn't automatically apply the name of the person you are quoting like other forums. Oh well.
  • Hello All! I am new to the group, but I started P90X Classic on 09/10/12. So far I am loving it and feeling like I am already seeing results. I am having a hard time fitting in 225 g of protein a day (1800 calorie diet)..... I use the vegan shakeology with almond milk and a banana in the mornings and a protein bar for snack, but other than that I am just desperately trying to find ways to add in more protein. Also, I am lactose intolerant and allergic to whey, so dairy and whey protein powders are not an option. Any ideas all you motivated Xers have would be fantastic! Woke up at 5:00 this morning and got my arms and shoulders and ab ripper X done for the day! I'm thinking this is the best way to go.... its too easy to talk myself out of my workouts after a long day at work.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Week 4 day 3 Stretch - Nice to get that scheduled "day off" my body really needed it.

    Went to Chiropractor today, and told him of the back pain I had yesterday doing bow and banana in core synergistics. He did a different adjustment then usual and when I had to do bow in stretch tonight, it was not a problem.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I am sorry to say that I did't get my workout in this morning. I slept in a little later but those 2 hours of extra sleep were very needed. I will try to do a 5 mile jog tonight, otherwise tomorrow is legs and back. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Hello All! I am new to the group, but I started P90X Classic on 09/10/12. So far I am loving it and feeling like I am already seeing results. I am having a hard time fitting in 225 g of protein a day (1800 calorie diet)..... I use the vegan shakeology with almond milk and a banana in the mornings and a protein bar for snack, but other than that I am just desperately trying to find ways to add in more protein. Also, I am lactose intolerant and allergic to whey, so dairy and whey protein powders are not an option. Any ideas all you motivated Xers have would be fantastic! Woke up at 5:00 this morning and got my arms and shoulders and ab ripper X done for the day! I'm thinking this is the best way to go.... its too easy to talk myself out of my workouts after a long day at work.

    Welcome. Results are extra motivating IMO so congratz on seeing some so quickly!

    Have you tried casein based protein supplements or did you automatically rule it out because it is dairy derived? My understanding is that a lot of lactose intolerant folks can use diary derived protein while a lot of others still experience that lactose intolerance symptoms. You might try a casein protein supplement to rule it out if you haven't.

    I'd see about working in vegetarian protein sources as well (tofu and other soy based products). Quinoa is considered a very good plant based protein because it is one of the few plant based sources of "complete" proteins. Meaning that Quinoa contains an appropriate proportion of all nine amino acids (I just learned this earlier this week actually).

    Good luck!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I am sorry to say that I did't get my workout in this morning. I slept in a little later but those 2 hours of extra sleep were very needed. I will try to do a 5 mile jog tonight, otherwise tomorrow is legs and back. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Sleep is good!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 11 workout - Yoga X checkin.

    Got up 5:40am and busted out Yoga X this morning. Last night I had selective thinking asI was looking forward to getting some of my sore muscles stretched out but somehow ignoring that Yoga X is intense! I worked hard on this week and made improvements over last week but the cost of that was ending the workout feeling less stretched and relaxed and more like I just did resistance training. A big part of that is that for week 1 I didn't push myself at all on the long segment of the one leg moving poses that start with warrior III where today I tried my best on those. Sure enough just like my first time doing P90X those moves really caused my glutes and hamstrings to tighten up big time.

    Maybe because I pushed so hard in ab ripper yesterday but WOW Yoga Belly 7 kicked my butt soooo hard! I had to pause multiple times in that routine and was really feeling the burn.

    Nutrition is pretty on track today. I'm a bit light on calories with what I've eaten and planned to eat the rest of the day so I may do some extra protein powder. Macros are looking like they wil be 43/30/27 protein carbs fat. Yesterday I hit 49/35/16. Hitting 50/30/20 perfectly while still eating as much as I should is tough!
  • The yoga thing is hard. Your brain goes into it thinking its a more relaxed workout but for most of us that's just not the case. Congrats on getting up and getting it done though! Check out this great article on continued motivation to get up and get that workout done first thing!
    I love this website and read it everyday. Its a great little pick me up when I'm sitting staring at a computer screen for 8 hours a day.
    I am about to conquer Yoga X after work. Good work on nutrition! day 11 here we go!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 48 today and just finished core synergistics for week 4 day 5

    Did much better today then I did on Monday. Chiropractor visit on Wednesday really helped.
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    I haven't been on here regularly, but I've done all week 1 workouts up to Shoulders and Arms tonight. Ab Ripper-X followed. Oh, how I hate Pfifer (sp) scissors...
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Got up at 5:15 a.m. and did legs and back. Almost done with week 3 and onto week 4 next week. Happy my sister and I have stuck it out. :happy: