Accountability - work out log



  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished week 5 Day 2 Plyometrics. This was day 30 so I'm a third of the way there.

    Great job on hitting 30 days!! That is a great milestone on the p90x journey. How are you liking your results?

    The results are there. More reps, and new pants.

    Last fall when I did P90X I lost 27 pounds and 4 pants sizes. I could play basketball again with my teenage sons, and my back pain went away. I gained almost a foot in my vertical jump and could do things that I hadn't been able to do in 20 years.

    I gained back 15 of those pounds mainly due to a broken arm and some very good eating during vacations this summer. Came back from vacation and started P90X on August 27th. So in the 30 days I've lost 12 of those summer pounds. In spite of still being a few pounds over my P90X final weight last year, my waist is smaller so those extra pounds must be muscle. I still have a few more pounds to reach my goal, but I suspect I'll have the same problem I had last year with the final pounds. As muscle grows and replaces fat, it gets harder to lose pounds, but I'll still lose inches and the love handles.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member

    10 days off between Ab Rippers took its toll. You don't do Ab Ripper during the 4th week and the 2 Yoga belly workouts didn't cut it.

    I haven't really gotten this far ever in all the time I've owned the program.. thanks for the heads up!

    Week 4 is supposed to be a rest week, but its made up of
    2 Yoga workouts
    2 Core Synergistics
    1 Kenpo workout
    1 Stretch workout

    The Kenpo and Stretch workouts are a nice break, but I sweat more in Yoga then all the other workouts and Core Synergists is the hardest for me since I need to strengthen my core.

    When I get to my next break at week 8, I'm going to add Ab Ripper to the Kenpo and Stretch workouts.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning,

    Started week 4 today. That is an awesome feeling. Did Kempo today. Man that was a workout. I was in the zone the whole time. Hope everyone has a great week! :happy:
    Dude, I hear you on the back pain. I sit at a desk 8 hrs a day 5 days a week and my back pain was getting unbearable. I get up and walk and was pretty active at home but it wasn't enough. That's the main reason I started working out again. I stated with Insanity and within the first week my back pain was gone. I guess I had a weak back and core wich exersice defenitely helped me with.

    When my back was really bad (2010-2011) I would sit on a big red exercise ball at my desk. Helped with my balance and posture enough to relieve some of the pain from sitting 8 hours a day. I don't use the ball anymore, but everyone who comes into my office, uses it instead of the guest chairs
    Thanks, I'll see if they let me do that in my office.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Way to go mets86champs!!

    P90X day 17 check in

    Did Arms & Shoulders with ab ripper X today. It was a great workout. Increased weight and reps in most moves. Pushed hard to failure on a number of moves too.

    Stepped it up as planned on ab ripper X today too. Did all 339 reps without hitting pause once. That part wasn't new. This time I kept my hands above my head during the beginning parts (in n outs and bicycles). I've tried that in the past and it was too hard but this time it went pretty easily. However, as the workout progressed my abs were burning much more than before. I had to push harder than maybe ever before in P90X to keep up and not need to hit pause. Needless to say I was PUMPED this morning.

    Food was ok. Macros 44/32/24. Fat was a little high today with the pistachis and a little cheese in the mushroom omelet.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Today was Core Synergistics. I was toast halfway through the workout. One more workout for this week and I'm taking Saturday of. Not doing the stretch but will start week 5 on Sunday.

    Everyone have a good day!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Week 5 day 4 YogaX

    Hit some milestones for me today. Finally able to touch my forehead to my knee during the one leg hamstring stretches.
    First time I was able to do crane since I broke my wrist in April. Just a few seconds at a time, but I'll take it.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Finished Week 5 day 4 YogaX

    Hit some milestones for me today. Finally able to touch my forehead to my knee during the one leg hamstring stretches.
    First time I was able to do crane since I broke my wrist in April. Just a few seconds at a time, but I'll take it.

    That's awesome!! The only time in my adult life I was able to touch my forehead to my knee was my first attempt at P90X. I'm looking forward to reaching that milestone.... maybe in another month or so if I'm lucky lol.

    Ouch on the broken wrist. I tired crane for the first time today. First two weeks I just wasn't strong enough to handle all the workouts being thrown at my body. Crane puts some serious stress on your wrists so it is really impressive you are doing it after breaking your wrist 6 months ago.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X Day 18 Check in

    Yoga X day today. I continued my theme of week three of really stepping up my workouts. This week for the first time I did most of the ~45 min mark moves that start with warrior III even though it kicked my butt. I also did some crane and shoulder stand. I tired plow but my lower back isn't ready for that one yet.

    I'd also like to say that Yoga Belly 7 is a monster!!! I have a harder time doing that short section without pausing than I do doing ab ripper now lol.

    Next week during recovery I will not be doing the warrior III based poses so as to avoid aggravating my hamstrings and glutes which those moves do. I will also try doing the yoga belly 7 moves before the hamstring stretches so as not to undo all the good work those stretches do.

    Food was good today. I made a new lunch concoction inspired by my love of chipotle. 8 oz of chicken, 1/2 cup of pinto beans, 1 oz of fat free shredded cheese and a serving of salsa all mixed up. I planned to add some grilled veggies from the cafe but had to eat at my desk. Sodium is high in this meal because I don't have a working grill yet and am using precooked chicken breats from trader joes. After that sodium will be more manageable.

    Macros were 52/32/16 protein/carb/fat.

    I have to get up at 5:00 am if I want to complete my workout on time so good night!
  • tawnierose
    Crane puts some serious stress on your wrists so it is really impressive you are doing it after breaking your wrist 6 months ago.

    That could be part of the reason why I'm afraid to REALLY attempt it.. I use to at least try.. but haven't in months.. I have wrist issues.. never broke either but few years back the job I was working at gave me HUGE problems and I was so scared because it was my left and I'm lefthanded and for a few weeks I had a "half cast" type thing on after I finally went to urgent care. Not using my left hand for WEEKS was hard!

    Side story - when my younger brother was a kid he was climbing a fence, fell off and broke his right wrist pretty bad.. the next summer he was riding his bike and was going down a very short hill and wiped out and in order to protect his right wrist he used his left hand to "catch" himself and ended up breaking that one.. but even worse! The two bones - no idea what they are called at this point but the two main ones between your wrist and elbow - were literally sticking out of his arm! When I first "attempted" crane that popped into my head and I still think about it during yoga sometimes! It's an ugly scar.. but he seems to be ok now.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished week 5 day 5 Legs, Back, Ab Ripper.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 19 check in

    Legs & Back day today. I had an early work meeting (who does that on a Friday??) so I had to get up at 5:00am this morning to ensure I had enough time to do the workout including ab ripper. Legs & back went well. Was harder to compare the pull up progress because I switched from the pull up bar to bands to avoid aggravating my disc problem in upper/mid back. I have a black beachbody band though and put some distance between me and the mounting point so I was still getting a good workout in. Today one legged wall squats were brutal.

    I thought for sure I was going to have to pause ab ripper so I could catch up today but somehow I managed to power through and do my second ab ripper in a row without pause but also raising my hands for the first 75 reps as well as doing a better job of keeping my arms relaxed during fifer scissors, wide leg things, and pulse ups. I also sitched to two grabs on the leg climbers from three grabs. However, these have always been easy for me. I've also always done it with the relaxed leg bent which for me is way easier than laying it straight.

    Another great workout!!

    Food was pretty good. Seems like i can never get it perfect. Today macros were 45/35/20 but the carbs was misleading today as I tried the new Quest protein bar (without sugar alcohol) which have 22g of carbs but 18g of them are fiber so they really only have 4 "active" carbs whatever that means. If I take the 18 carbs out of fiber then I'm a lot closer to 30 for my carb macro.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Kenpo for week 5

    Biceps are still sore from Wednesday's Back and Bicep workout.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Finished Kenpo for week 5

    Biceps are still sore from Wednesday's Back and Bicep workout.

    Nice job on 5 weeks in! Today was Kenpo X for myself as well ( day 20!!) and my shoulders were feeling it from earlier workouts. It makes such a huge difference in Kenpo for me if I act like I'm actually trying to hit someone with power in the punch or kick rather than make the motion quickly. Way harder workout that way and you have to be a lot more careful about your joints. But I finished the workout today sweating like crazy with it literally dripping off of me all over and my wife was barely "glistening" as she just tries to do the motions quickly rather than powerfully.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Super excited to report that today I finally found a new for me BBQ!!! Been wanting to get a weber but they are to pricey new and I found one on craiglist today. Bought some new cooking grates at home depot and grilled me up over 2 lbs of chicken tonight!

    I was previously using pre grilled chicken from trader joes which was amazingly unhealthy now that I've done a comparison to grilling my own.

    TJ chicken highlights for 2 breasts:

    total fat 9g
    sat fat 3g
    Cholesterol 170
    sodium 1260mg
    protein 54g
    calories 300

    Cooking up my own (9.1 oz) using foster farms and some lowry marinade
    total fat 3.4g
    saturated fat 0
    Cholesterol 150
    sodium 270
    protein 59.8
    Calories 277

    Today I also NAILED my macros 51/30/19 protein/carbs/fat. Though I got lazy and didn't eat my broccoli so still not a perfect food day.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Started week 6 today instead of waiting for Monday. Too many after work conflicts this week. Hopefully, It will all work itself out.

    So I did Chest, Shoulder Tricep, Ab Ripper today Week 6 Day 1

    Reps are way up over last weeks workout.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 21 check in.

    Stretch X done. I've pushed play 21 days in a row now non stop. 3 weeks down!!!

    Got in a nice 3.8 mph paced 50 min walk today too. Otherwise a very lazy rest day lol.

    Food cama were low. Macros were 51/35/14.

    Good luck next week everyone!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished week 6 day 2 Plyo.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good evening everyone, got up at 5:30 this morning and started week 5 chest, shoulders and triceps. I was tired from a bussy weekend but somehow managed to get through it. Tomorrow is Plyo. Congrats to everyone on keeping up with the program!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    I agree. Good job to you and everyone else sticking to it!!

    Day 22 check in

    Today marked the start of "recovery week." I did Yoga bright and early. switching the yoga belly 7 and hamstring portion really helped today and I needed the help as my lower back was complaining big time :)

    Food macros today 51/31/18. Lot easier to hit those without the carb shot from the recovery drink ha ha.

    Keep bringing it everyone!
  • smjensen316
    Today was day 1 of week 2 for me.. I'm so proud I've already stuck it out this long! I gained three pounds and today my belly was bloated after ab ripper. I hate it... But I love it.