Accountability - work out log



  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Today was chest, back and triceps. Had a long weekend (was out of town), so I really did not feel like getting up but I did it, considering that this is one of my least favorite work outs. Anyway got up @ 5:30 and pushed play. :sad: Hopefylly the rest of the week is easier.
    P.S. Dude - don't beat up your self about your cheat day. Just get up the next morning and start all over again. I do hear you on feeling awfull though. Funny how you get use to eating healthy and then when you eat bad your stomach can't take it anymore. I just take that as a sign of a good change.

    Everyone, keep up the good work and have a great week. :flowerforyou:

    Good job pressing play and thanks for the encouragement. I was up almost 2.5 lbs over the weekend but have dropped 0.8 of them already as of this morning which is nice.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Today was week 6 day 2 Plyo. Man that was a hard but good workout. I still need to get my eating under control since yesterday I reallly didn't plan for a lunch so I was starving by dinner time and that's not good. Otherwise all is good.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished PlyoX tonight. Week 7 Day 2 - That's day 44.

    Yesterday and today were harder then last week. Not sure why, but I think doing the Insanity Fit Test on Sunday instead of just resting wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X Day 30 Check In!

    Well I already gave a hint in the earlier post that I had a great plyo this morning after a bit of a slow start. My best plyo workout to date.

    Food today was great. My goal is to stay at or under the carb and fat targets which now that I'm in phase two my macros are 40/40/20. Today's macros were 48/37/15 and week to date are 46/39/15.

    Got in more water consumption today too. So far I'm at 114 oz and counting.

    Tomorrow morning I'm taking my 30 day measurements and pics. I can't wait!!!!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Week 7 day 3 Back, Bicep & Abs.

    It's day 45 for me HALF WAY TO 90!!!!!

    Workouts left to complete
    Yoga - 9
    Legs & Back - 5
    Kenpo - 7
    Stretch - 9
    Core Synergistics - 4
    Chest & Back - 2
    Plyometrics - 4
    Shoulder & Arms - 2
    Chest, Shoulder & Triceps - 2
    Back & Biceps - 2

    That's 46 days left. If you do a stretch on the last day of week 13 it works out to 91 days. I guess P90X sounds better than P91X
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Finished Week 7 day 3 Back, Bicep & Abs.

    It's day 45 for me HALF WAY TO 90!!!!!

    Workouts left to complete
    Yoga - 9
    Legs & Back - 5
    Kenpo - 7
    Stretch - 9
    Core Synergistics - 4
    Chest & Back - 2
    Plyometrics - 4
    Shoulder & Arms - 2
    Chest, Shoulder & Triceps - 2
    Back & Biceps - 2

    That's 46 days left. If you do a stretch on the last day of week 13 it works out to 91 days. I guess P90X sounds better than P91X

    That's awesome!! Congratz on making it to the half way mark. Very cool. Only 4 plyometrics left? Sweeeeeet lol
  • fitQueenbeast
    Sooooo....somebody should have warned me that the Chest, Shoulders, & Arms set would include a lot more push ups of all kinds....AND one-arm push ups. Really though? smh I did the best I could but CLEARLY I have more work to do with this workout.

    I do love the arms workout though. Big arms run on my mother's side of the family so toning these up real good is very important to me for my goals. :-)

  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Sooooo....somebody should have warned me that the Chest, Shoulders, & Arms set would include a lot more push ups of all kinds....AND one-arm push ups. Really though? smh I did the best I could but CLEARLY I have more work to do with this workout.

    I do love the arms workout though. Big arms run on my mother's side of the family so toning these up real good is very important to me for my goals. :-)


    LoL. My triceps were DEAD after my first chest, shoulders & arms. In a good way though. Can't wait to do that workout again!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X Day 31 Check In

    Today was a great workout! Did biceps & back. Got back on the pull up bar after doing bands most of phase one due to aggravating my back. It was great to push hard on the bar. It's hard to believe I might ever be able to do 10 plus pull ups. We will see. For Ab Ripper X I did the all 339 reps in the 16 minutes without pause. I've been keeping my hands up for the first 3 moves but am now also adding other tweaks. On V up Roll up I'm getting my back fully off the ground on most roll ups instead of just the shoulder blades. On leg climbs I've always had my heel close to my but and am now only doing 1 grab on the first 8 reps and the last 4 I did no grabs each side.

    Food was great. Getting lots of calories now and macros today were 47/32/21 and week to date are: 46/37/17

    Water today is over 100 oz so good there.

    Yoga X tomorrow morning should be good times.

    30 day progress report

    Since some folks may only check the accountability thread I figured I'd post this here too.

    So this morning I took my day 30 measurements and pics!! I'm happy with the results so far though I sure hope the body fat % loss accelerates. Keep in mind that thanks to MFP I was within 2 lbs of my goal weight when I started P90X so this is more about body sculpting than weight loss. I've completed all 30 workouts including optional stretch X on "rest" days. I've stuck to the nutrition guidelines all 30 days except this past weekend when I ate over 5K calories for my bday dinner.

    Body fat % - down 1.8% (8.5% decrease)
    Weight - down 3.2 lbs or 1.6%
    Chest - down 0.88" or 2.2% (hope this goes up at some point)
    Waist - down 1.5" or 4.2%
    Navel - down 1.13" or 3% (hope this continues to drop a lot)
    Hips - down 0.75" or 1.9%
    Butt - down 1.5" or 3.6"
    Thighs - no change
    Biceps - both up 0.25" (yay that is the right direction here)
    Calves - both down 1/8"
    Neck - no change

    Pics from this morning came out crappy due to low light.

    Front shot:
    Day 1:

    After 30 days:

    Side shot:
    Day 1:

    After 30 days:

    So when I saw my day 1 back pics I was grossed out by that "saggy old man back" staring back at me. It shocked me a bit so I'm very pleased with the 30 day results.

    Day 1:

    After 30 days:

    This was enough progress to keep the motivation high!! Who else has 30 day results to share?

    Bring it everyone!

    Disclaimer: These pics remain my property and may not be used without my written consent.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did YogaX tonight.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 32 Check In

    Kicked some Yoga X *kitten* this morning!! My best Yoga X workout to date by far Yoga X is a challenging workout but since I value flexibility I value Yoga X too. I've been looking forward to making this post all day today because today I had a number of "Firsts."

    - First time doing all upward dogs with no cobra substitutions
    - First time doing a pushup before EVERY single downward dog
    - First time making ti through warrior 3 and half moon poses without touching the floor with my back leg on one side. I made it all the way through on my left and about 75% of the way through on my right leg. It may have been drooping low at the end but I fricken did it!
    - First time doing crane for all 60 seconds
    - First time I was able to move from plow to having my knees on each side of my head with my feet touching the floor

    Yeah I brought it today!

    Food was great. Been experimenting with carb items to ease my way to the 40/40/20 macros but not losing sleep if I don't hit 40 on carbs. Today was 43/39/18 and week to date is: 45/38/17

    Over 100 oz on water today too. I actually planned to try cutting back on water today because I'm tired of peeing so much, especially at night but I was thirsty today!

    Looking forward to legs & back tomorrow :) I am pumped!!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    TGIF Everyone!

    Today was legs and back for me. It was a good workout and almost done with week 6. Yeah! I could definetely feel my legs geting more toned. Have a great weekend everyone and keep pushing play!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Back Legs and Abs tonight. Tough week for me getting through it, so I'm looking forward to the "rest" week I have next week.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Looks like there are still 3 of us active here. Glad to see others still bringing it!

    P90X day 33 check in

    Was really looking forward to legs & back w/ ARX today as I was ready to bring it hard on pull ups. I decided a few days ago to focus on pull ups more as I want that lovely v shape and back muscle. Sadly, this backfired today as the disc problem between my shoulder blades reared its head and I'm now injured. My back may never be but certainly right now is not ready for pull up level intensity. I finished the workout using bands and plan to continue on bands for the rest of phase 2 and maybe the rest of this round of P90X. I don't get nearly as good of a workout but I also want to stay injury free. I'm hoping I'm recovered by Monday to do resistance training again. As I had a milder flare up in phase 1 and was able to still do Kenpo I'm counting on doing it tomorrow.

    Food was good today. I don't know if its the different pure protein bars I got or adding carbs but I'm getting MUCH hungrier this week than in phase 1. Today's macros were 43/36/21 and week to date are: 45/37/18.

    Water today I didn't track very well so I either got 90+ oz or 100+ but I'm not sure. I hate the fact that mfp doesn't allow you to just plug oz in instead of cups. Would be much easier to do since I don't drink in round cup increments.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Kenpo today. First really good workout of the week. No idea why but the energy was back, not just in the workout but all day so far. Maybe the 11 hours of sleep I got last night instead of my normal 6 had something to do with that. :-)
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    The Dude can't go on the DL - we need our leader
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Did Kenpo today. First really good workout of the week. No idea why but the energy was back, not just in the workout but all day so far. Maybe the 11 hours of sleep I got last night instead of my normal 6 had something to do with that. :-)

    The Dude can't go on the DL - we need our leader

    Nice. Funny how some workouts you are just energized and kick *kitten*. That was my Yoga workout on Thursday.

    I'm down but not out! Did my Kenpo X this morning already. Woke up super stiff but through the workout my shoulder slowly loosened up. I didn't bring it hard in Kenpo but I didn't slack off either. I was still sweating up a storm. The pain is still there but so far so good. I'm going to try and sub Yoga X tomorrow for Stretch X. Think it might be a good move but we will see.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X Day 34 Check in

    Kenpo X today. Despite the upper back/shoulder blade problem the workout went pretty good. Still worked up a great sweat and loosened up my back a bit.

    Food was great. Today we had a dinner party and made fajitas for everyone but I got special low carb low fat tortillas and of course ate my grilled chicken. Was delicious and right in line with my diet. Macros today were 45/35/20. Week to date are: 45/37/19.

    Water was low today. at about 80 oz.

    Week 5 is almost over!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 35 check in!!

    Today I carried through with the plan to substitute Yoga X in place of Stretch X. My back/shoulder loosened up quite a bit *during* Yoga but it was only temporary relief. As soon as I cooled down it started to stiffen up again. Still, it was cool getting in two rounds of Yoga X on a non recovery week. I was able to repeat many of my firsts from earlier in the week though I didn't even try to do the pushups as I didn't want to inflame my shoulder/back. Fingers crossed for C/S/T tomorrow!!

    Food was good today. Enjoyed some of the left over healthy fajitas we made last night. Macros were a phase 1 friendly 49/31/20. For the week I ended at 45/36/19. Week 5 was my first week ending under 20% fat for the entire week.

    Speaking of which, week 5 is in the history books. I'm halfway to day 70 the farthest I've made it in P90X before (3 years ago). I don't think I posted before but I dug up my old day 60 results and was comparing my recent day 30 results to back then. All of the numbers you want to be lower are lower at day 30 this time than last time and my arms are tied for last time (I hope they get bigger). This round of P90X I started off just over 15 lbs lighter than I did last time which made a big difference. I feel like I am sculpting my body rather than just trying to loose weight. I also think MFP has been a tremendous help zeroing in on food. I now know that the last time I wasn't eating enough calories.

    Water was ok today at between 80 and 90 oz.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 36 Check In

    Well today was the big "test" to find out if my injury from Friday recovered or not. The good news is that I was able to do all the moves in C/S/T and except for 2 or 3 of them I either did as many reps as last week or improved. 2 or 3 I did worse. But I wasn't pushing at 100%. Several of the moves I could of gone farther if I was healthy enough to push to failure. The bad news is that after the workout the pain and stiffness began to increase throughout the day. I ended up going to the Chiropractor and felt about 5% better afterwards. I go back again on Wednesday and get a 1 hour massage on Friday. Assuming I don't have a miraculous recovery by Wednesday I may have to skip a lot of the back part of back & biceps. Fingers crossed.

    Now for some great news. I brought it hard on ab ripper x!! Not only did I continue to do all 339 reps in the 16 minutes without pausing as well as doing the first 3 moves with my hands in the air but I made some great improvements elsewhere. I did half my leg climbs with only 1 grab and the other half with zero grabs. Also, on mason twist while Tony was blabbing about "taking in the fact you just did that..." I kept going and did another 20 reps for a total of 70 non stop mason twists. That was a great feeling.

    Food was good today. Macros are on track to be 41/39/20 P/C/F.

    Water is also good today. Over 100 oz's.