Accountability - work out log



  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Well....hell-o legs and back!! Yowza!! What a workout....
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Quick check in for me today.

    Day 13 Kenpo X done.

    I am actually out of town but I packed myself some p90x food and supplements and my DVDs. Still trying to recover from aggravating my back on legs and back yesterday. I've got a grumpy disc in my upper back which is actually what halted my previous best p90x effort at day 71. This time was a mild one so I'm hoping it heals up.

    Gunning for stretch x tomorrow.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Yoga X this morning to complete week 4. I hate working out in the morning. I don't think I ever get as good a workout. Not as loose as I am at night, and my mind always wanders to what I have to do during the day.

    I missed 2 straight days of workouts for some good if not odd reasons.

    Friday night we saw Bruce Springsteen for my birthday. Great show. He turns 63 today. The energy he had Friday was the same as when I saw him many times in the early 80s. Bruce had Tony Horton as a personal trainer at one time in his life.

    Saturday - Went to my sons 3 baseball games and planned to do Yoga when I came home. That's a usual Saturday, but I came home to a 500 pound BLACK BEAR ripping apart my garage door to get to my garbage cans. Spend the rest of the night cleaning up, talking to the police, Fish and Game, Insurance Company and Home Depot.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Did Yoga X this morning to complete week 4. I hate working out in the morning. I don't think I ever get as good a workout. Not as loose as I am at night, and my mind always wanders to what I have to do during the day.

    I missed 2 straight days of workouts for some good if not odd reasons.

    Friday night we saw Bruce Springsteen for my birthday. Great show. He turns 63 today. The energy he had Friday was the same as when I saw him many times in the early 80s. Bruce had Tony Horton as a personal trainer at one time in his life.

    Saturday - Went to my sons 3 baseball games and planned to do Yoga when I came home. That's a usual Saturday, but I came home to a 500 pound BLACK BEAR ripping apart my garage door to get to my garbage cans. Spend the rest of the night cleaning up, talking to the police, Fish and Game, Insurance Company and Home Depot.

    Wow ok those are some good excuses. Black bear even more so. That is why I'm actually really enjoying working out in the morning. Less chance of the rest of the day and life getting in the way :)
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 14 & 15 checking in.

    Ok so yesterday was day 14 for me. Busted out another round of stretch X which was good. I have super tight hamstrings which contribute to my lower back pain so I'm happy with how much stretching they get in stretch X. That is two weeks and 14 times pushing "play."

    This morning was chest & back + ab ripper. This is the 11th workout in the morning before work and the 11th time of the alarm going off without hitting snooze. I did lay in bed a minute or two before getting up but I kept my eyes open as I didn't want to fall back asleep. Needless to say until a few minutes into the warm up I was dragging. Today's workout was great for two reasons. First of all, the upper back pain I had from my disc/nerve issues on Friday was recovered so my big fear of breaking the streak was over. Second of all today I was able to really push hard and start going to fatigue on a lot of the moves. The first two weeks I did more pacing myself and not overdoing it since I wasn't working out before and did not want to injure myself. Today as I was striving to try and increase every move at least one rep (some I went up 5 reps!) I started running into failure which was great!

    Ab ripper X was the 3rd time in a row now that I was able to do all 339 reps without hitting pause. I felt much better about today's effort as well. Last Friday Ab ripper X started to get a little sloppy with probably overpushing myself to avoid having to hit pause but today while still a tough challenge I was keeping much better form and felt stronger over all.

    My core is still very week but I am starting to see a decrease in the levels of constant back pain I've had for the past 1.5 years and I bend over now more naturally when picking things up off the ground. Its exciting :)
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Did Yoga X this morning to complete week 4. I hate working out in the morning. I don't think I ever get as good a workout. Not as loose as I am at night, and my mind always wanders to what I have to do during the day.

    I missed 2 straight days of workouts for some good if not odd reasons.

    Friday night we saw Bruce Springsteen for my birthday. Great show. He turns 63 today. The energy he had Friday was the same as when I saw him many times in the early 80s. Bruce had Tony Horton as a personal trainer at one time in his life.

    Saturday - Went to my sons 3 baseball games and planned to do Yoga when I came home. That's a usual Saturday, but I came home to a 500 pound BLACK BEAR ripping apart my garage door to get to my garbage cans. Spend the rest of the night cleaning up, talking to the police, Fish and Game, Insurance Company and Home Depot.
    Well I think that black bear Incident was a workout on it's own, LOL!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Ok recap for the week beginning 9/17!

    Insanity2bSane – Checked in with us 5 times! Are you still getting more sleep or was that a one time occurrence? Did you finish week 3 strong?

    tawnierose – Ok you asked for it, here is the weekly recap. How did you do? Was the week 1 restart successful? Are you over being sick? Inquiring workout buddies want to know :)

    mfp1 - No check ins. I think we lost ya :(

    Tricia82 - You only checked in once but I won't hold it against ya if you kept pushing play. Let us know

    mzedavis – Ok Mzedavis I know the reason you haven't checked in much is that I see from my friend updates that you must spend every free second exercising! You are tough.

    mets86champs – Check in champ here. So you are on what week now? I thought I saw a post mention week 4 as well as day 48 or was that a bday? Either way keep it up! You are too far along to stop now!

    blueeyeddragon2115 - <crickets>

    Marquettedominos – Keeps bringing it in his hybrid thread. So you gonna do Plyo again lol?

    Tcemt – New member to the group this week. Rough start but you had plans to overcome? Did you keep pushing play?

    Javalicious – Another new member to the group this week. I see you bringing it on my friends updates.

    HLeAnn – Another new member. Nice job checking in and even better nice job finishing week 1 strong. How did week 2 go?

    luluwiki13 – New member. Checked in with us a few times. We started at the same time 9/10. How did week 2 go?

    Bring it everyone!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning,

    Started week 4 today. That is an awesome feeling. Did Kempo today. Man that was a workout. I was in the zone the whole time. Hope everyone has a great week! :happy:
    Dude, I hear you on the back pain. I sit at a desk 8 hrs a day 5 days a week and my back pain was getting unbearable. I get up and walk and was pretty active at home but it wasn't enough. That's the main reason I started working out again. I stated with Insanity and within the first week my back pain was gone. I guess I had a weak back and core wich exersice defenitely helped me with.
  • Ok recap for the week beginning 9/10!

    tawnierose – Ok you asked for it, here is the weekly recap. How did you do? Was the week 1 restart successful? Are you over being sick? Inquiring workout buddies want to know :)

    I'm pretty much over that cold finally! Sleeping and breathing are back to normal.. just a few sneezes - when I get chilled.. we don't have the furnace on and the house is getting a bit chilly already! - and bit of coughing.... but it's definitely the tail end! I'm excited because today starts my day 1 and there is 90 days until Christmas! So I can get this full round in.. week off program for holidays and we are possibly going up north for afew days.. then start again first week of January!

    Dude... thanks for the continued support!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did week 5 day 1 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper. It's day 29 for me.

    10 days off between Ab Rippers took its toll. You don't do Ab Ripper during the 4th week and the 2 Yoga belly workouts didn't cut it.

    Dude, I turned 48 last week.
  • Week 2: Definitely not my finest hour. Ended up skipping out on Legs and back and Kenpo. Also, nutrition was sub-par over the weekend. I hit day 1 of week three thinking I have already failed so might as well give up and start over again from the beginning next week.
    But then I had a little breakthrough! I decided, what if I didn't give up just because I wasn't perfect? What if I just kept pressing play anyway, and did my best to get back on track? And so I did! I hit play last night and this morning and have been spot on with nutrition. I end up quitting things like this a lot because I am such a perfectionist that if everything doesn't go perfectly I consider it a failure. I am so so proud of myself for acknowledging that habit and attempting to break on through to the other side!
    So week two: wasn't my best
    week three? I'm comin for ya!
    : )
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished week 5 Day 2 Plyometrics. This was day 30 so I'm a third of the way there.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Week 2: Definitely not my finest hour. Ended up skipping out on Legs and back and Kenpo. Also, nutrition was sub-par over the weekend. I hit day 1 of week three thinking I have already failed so might as well give up and start over again from the beginning next week.
    But then I had a little breakthrough! I decided, what if I didn't give up just because I wasn't perfect? What if I just kept pressing play anyway, and did my best to get back on track? And so I did! I hit play last night and this morning and have been spot on with nutrition. I end up quitting things like this a lot because I am such a perfectionist that if everything doesn't go perfectly I consider it a failure. I am so so proud of myself for acknowledging that habit and attempting to break on through to the other side!
    So week two: wasn't my best
    week three? I'm comin for ya!
    : )

    Great attitude!! Good job of overcoming the perfectionist tendencies. I'm the same way. It's great at keeping me motivated right up until that first slip up lol.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Finished week 5 Day 2 Plyometrics. This was day 30 so I'm a third of the way there.

    Great job on hitting 30 days!! That is a great milestone on the p90x journey. How are you liking your results?
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90x day 16 plyometrics check in.

    Had a great workout today. First time on Plyo that I was able to both. OT use any recovery drink mid workout as well as finish the whole plyometrics without hitting pause even once!! Only downer is a small tweak to my left knee on the last move (football hero) seems to. E bothering me still tonight. Sad thing it was so minor that I didn't even think twice about it this morning.

    I had a great thought right as I finished plyo this morning. I don't have to do it again for 2 weeks!! :)

    Nutrition macros were 44/34/22 today so pretty good.

    Going to try and push had again tomorrow. Ab ripper I will try holding my torso off the ground with my arms up for in n outs and bicycle. Might jeopardize my ability to finish without hitting pause but it's the right next step to really work the abs. Leaving my arms on the floor makes the focus all on the hip flexors and not the abs.


  • 10 days off between Ab Rippers took its toll. You don't do Ab Ripper during the 4th week and the 2 Yoga belly workouts didn't cut it.

    I haven't really gotten this far ever in all the time I've owned the program.. thanks for the heads up!
  • Finished week 5 Day 2 Plyometrics. This was day 30 so I'm a third of the way there.

    Great job on hitting 30 days!! That is a great milestone on the p90x journey. How are you liking your results?

    I second this! Congrats to your dedication!!

  • Going to try and push had again tomorrow. Ab ripper I will try holding my torso off the ground with my arms up for in n outs and bicycle. Might jeopardize my ability to finish without hitting pause but it's the right next step to really work the abs. Leaving my arms on the floor makes the focus all on the hip flexors and not the abs.


    I may start incorporating this a little more too.. tho this will result in pausing for sure! Maybe by the third month I'll be able to put hands in the air and have no need to pause!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I'm on week 4 which is supposed to be a recovery week but it sure doesn't feel like it. Instead of doing the stretch I went for a 4 mile jog this morning. Felt great since the weather is starting to cool down just a bit. Now for tomorrow is core sinergistics. Everyone keep up the good work and don't give up!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning,

    Started week 4 today. That is an awesome feeling. Did Kempo today. Man that was a workout. I was in the zone the whole time. Hope everyone has a great week! :happy:
    Dude, I hear you on the back pain. I sit at a desk 8 hrs a day 5 days a week and my back pain was getting unbearable. I get up and walk and was pretty active at home but it wasn't enough. That's the main reason I started working out again. I stated with Insanity and within the first week my back pain was gone. I guess I had a weak back and core wich exersice defenitely helped me with.

    When my back was really bad (2010-2011) I would sit on a big red exercise ball at my desk. Helped with my balance and posture enough to relieve some of the pain from sitting 8 hours a day. I don't use the ball anymore, but everyone who comes into my office, uses it instead of the guest chairs